Interim Report 2008 1 January - 30 June

Financial results for the second quarter
*    The market value of the Group's securities in Major Listed
  Holdings amounted to SEK 43,248 million on 30 June, an increase of
  SEK 3,817* million corresponding to 9%* since 31 March 2008.
*    Korsnäs' revenue amounted to SEK 2,006 million (2,001) and
  operating profit was SEK 184 million (275).
*    The Group's total revenue amounted to SEK 2,068 million (2,037)
  and operating profit was SEK 164 million (272).
*    Profit after financial items, including changes in fair value of
  financial assets, amounted to SEK 3,496 million (3,335).
*    The profit per share was SEK 13.19 (12.46).

Events during the second quarter
*    Kinnevik completed joint public offer with Vostok Nafta for all
  shares in Kontakt East. Consideration was paid in July.
*    Kinnevik increased ownership in Relevant Traffic to 90% of
  shares and votes.

Financial results for the first half of the year
*    The market value of the Group's securities in Major Listed
  Holdings decreased by SEK 5,814* million corresponding to 11%*
  during the first half of the year.
*    Korsnäs' revenue amounted to SEK 3,960 million (3,929) and
  operating profit was SEK 348 million (507).
*    The Group's total revenue amounted to SEK 4,072 million (3,994)
  and operating profit was SEK 367 million (571).
*    Result after financial items , including changes in fair value
  of financial assets, amounted to a loss of SEK 5,782 million
  (profit of 9,614).
*    The loss per share was SEK 22.04 (profit of 36.13).

* Including dividends received.


Interim Report PDF.pdf