Somerset Hills Bancorp Reports Earnings and a Quarterly Cash Dividend of $0.05 Per Share

BERNARDSVILLE, N.J., July 25, 2008 (PRIME NEWSWIRE) -- Somerset Hills Bancorp (Nasdaq:SOMH) reported net income for the quarter and six months ended June 30, 2008. For the quarter ended June 30, 2008, net income was $367,000, or $0.07 per diluted share compared to $0.10 per diluted share during the second quarter 2007. For the six months ended June 30, 2008, net income was $811,000, or $0.15 per diluted share compared to $0.19 per diluted share for the six months ending June 30, 2007.

The Company's net interest income increased in both the quarterly and six month periods, to $2.7 million in the current quarter and $5.3 million for the first six months of 2008. These increases were offset by declines in non-interest income and increased non-interest expense and an increase in the provision for loan losses. The increase in the provision reflects the increase in our non performing assets.

At June 30, 2008, loans increased $10.0 million, or 5.0% to $209.1 million from $199.1 million when compared to June 30, 2007. At June 30, 2008, deposits decreased $18.4 million, or 7.3% to $234.7 million from $253.1 when compared to June 30, 2007. The decrease in deposits is primarily related to the payout of funds held in accounts at the Bank pending consummation of certain customer transactions that closed during the second quarter and the run off of time deposits originated at promotional rates in connection with the opening of the Bank's Long Valley and Madison branches. The Bank also increased its borrowed funds to $11 million at June 30, 2008, from no borrowed funds at June 30, 2007. The increase reflects a strategic asset liability decision made during the fourth quarter of 2007 and the first quarter of 2008 to utilize borrowings as a cost efficient source of funding. During the same period the net interest margin increased from 3.91% to 4.19%. Core deposits represent 86.2% of total deposits at June 30, 2008.

At June 30, 2008, total assets were $283.5 million, compared to $291.5 million at June 30, 2007. The decline in assets reflects the decline in deposits described above.

Stewart E. McClure, Jr., President and Chief Executive Officer said "During the first half of 2008, the difficult economic conditions continue and this has made for an extremely challenging operating environment for banks. Loan demand remains weak and competition for deposits is fierce. As I mentioned in our first quarter release, this is a time to be cautious, with our focus on credit quality, improving technology and operations and taking a close look at expenses. With that in mind I am pleased that non-performers and OREO were reduced during the second quarter, to $2.4 million from $2.8 million, and our non interest expenses for the quarter grew only 0.8% over the same period last year. Our net interest margin of 4.19% and core deposit ratio of 86% are gratifying in this market. We also introduced our new remote deposit product named EZ SCAN and we're excited about the opportunities this provides to enhance existing relationships and attract new ones. Although no one can predict with certainty when the economy will turn around, we are grateful to face these challenges in a relatively strong geographic area and with a great franchise, from a profitable operation, and with a significant amount of capital."

Somerset Hills Bancorp also declared a cash dividend of $0.05 per share payable August 29, 2008 to shareholders of record as of August 15, 2008.

Somerset Hills Bancorp is a bank holding company for Somerset Hills Bank, a full service commercial bank with offices in Bernardsville, Long Valley, Madison, Mendham, Morristown, and Summit, New Jersey. Somerset Hills Bank focuses its lending activities on small to medium sized businesses, high net worth individuals, professional practices, and consumer and retail customers. The Bank operates a licensed mortgage company subsidiary, Sullivan Financial Services, Inc. and also operates Somerset Hills Wealth Management Services, LLC, a wholly owned subsidiary licensed to provide financial services, including financial planning, insurance (life, health, property and casualty), mutual funds and annuities for individuals and commercial accounts, and Somerset Hills Title Group, LLC, which, with its partner, Property Title Group, provides title services in connection with the closing of real estate transactions. The common stock of the company is traded on NASDAQ Global Market under the symbol SOMH. You can visit our website at

                        SOMERSET HILLS BANCORP
                 Selected Consolidated Financial Data

 ($ in thousands except per share data)    
                                          Six Months Ended
                                               June 30
                                          2008        2007
                                        --------    --------

 Income Statement Data:

      Interest income                   $  7,632    $  8,865
      Interest expense                     2,294       3,710
                                        --------    --------
      Net interest income                  5,338       5,155
      Provision for loan losses              215           0
                                        --------    --------
      Net interest income after prov. 
       for loan losses                     5,123       5,155
      Non-interest income                    987       1,272
      Non-interest expense                 4,976       4,901
                                        --------    --------
      Income before income taxes           1,134       1,526
      Income tax expense                     323         470
                                        --------    --------
      Net income                        $    811    $  1,056
                                        ========    ========

 Balance Sheet Data:

      Total assets                      $283,517    $291,452
      Loans, net                         206,163     196,819
      Loans held for sale                  4,419       9,286
      Allowance for loan losses            3,041       2,170
      Investment securities held
       to maturity                        12,056      13,420
      Investment securities held
       for sale                           25,949      36,726
      Deposits                           234,735     253,079
      Borrowings                          11,000           0
      Shareholders' equity                36,510      37,152

 Performance Ratios:

      Return on average assets              0.59%       0.73%
      Return on average equity              4.39%       5.60%
      Net interest margin                   4.19%       3.91%
      Efficiency ratio                     78.68%       76.3%

 Asset Quality:

      Nonaccrual loans                     2,100         217
      OREO property                          260           0
      Net charge-offs (recoveries)           375           0
      Allowance for loan losses to
       total loans                          1.45%       1.09%
      Nonperforming loans to
       total loans                          1.00%       0.11%

 Per Share Data:

      Earnings per share- Basic         $   0.16    $   0.20
      Earnings per share- Diluted       $   0.15    $   0.19
      Book value per share              $   7.08    $   7.19
      Tangible book value               $   7.08    $   6.95

                        SOMERSET HILLS BANCORP
                       Statement of Operations
                (in thousands, except per share data)

                                     Three    Three     Six      Six 
                                     months   months   months   months
                                     ended    ended    ended    ended
                                    June 30, June 30, June 30, June 30,
                                      2008     2007     2008     2007
                                     ------   ------   ------   ------

   Loans, including fees             $3,168   $3,617   $6,605   $7,162
   Federal funds sold                    51      203       87      347
   Investment securities                457      649      929    1,326
   Cash and due from  banks               5       16       11       30
                                     ------   ------   ------   ------
     Total interest income            3,681    4,485    7,632    8,865

   Deposits                             913    1,874    2,112    3,708
   Federal Home Loan Bank advances       92       --      182        2
                                     ------   ------   ------   ------
     Total interest expense           1,005    1,874    2,294    3,710
                                     ------   ------   ------   ------

     Net Interest Income              2,676    2,611    5,338    5,155

 PROVISION FOR LOAN LOSSES              145       --      215       --
                                     ------   ------   ------   ------

     Net interest income after 
      provision for loan losses       2,531    2,611    5,123    5,155
                                     ------   ------   ------   ------

   Service fees on deposit accounts      76       90      142      169
   Gains on sales of mortgage 
    loans, net                          288      423      545      838
   Other income                         158      161      300      265
                                     ------   ------   ------   ------
     Total Non-Interest Income          522      674      987    1,272
                                     ------   ------   ------   ------

   Salaries and employee benefits     1,310    1,334    2,615    2,594
   Occupancy expense                    474      468      958      922
   Advertising & business 
    promotions                           84      114      144      226
   Printing stationery and supplies      54       69       97      135
   Data processing                      142      127      281      262
   Other operating expense              475      406      881      762
                                     ------   ------   ------   ------
     Total Non-Interest Expense       2,539    2,518    4,976    4,901
                                     ------   ------   ------   ------

     Income before provision 
      for taxes                         514      767    1,134    1,526

 PROVISION FOR INCOME TAX               147      231      323      470
                                     ------   ------   ------   ------

     Net income                      $  367   $  536   $  811   $1,056
                                     ======   ======   ======   ======

 Per share data
   Net income - basic                $ 0.07   $ 0.10   $ 0.16   $ 0.20
                                     ======   ======   ======   ======
   Net income - diluted              $ 0.07   $ 0.10   $ 0.15   $ 0.19
                                     ======   ======   ======   ======

 Per share data reflects a 5% stock 
 dividend which was effective May 31, 2008

                        SOMERSET HILLS BANCORP
                            Balance Sheets
                (in thousands, except for share data)

                                        June 30, December 31,
                                          2008       2007
                                       ---------   ---------
                                      (Unaudited) (Unaudited)


 Cash and due from banks               $  12,463   $  12,009
 Interest bearing deposits                   236          60
 Federal funds sold                        4,100       5,800
                                       ---------   ---------
   Total cash and cash equivalents        16,799      17,869

 Loans held for sale,net                   4,419       3,063
 Investment securities held to
  maturity (Market value $ 11,736
  in 2008 and $ 13,531 in 2007)           12,056      13,646
 Investment securities available-
  for-sale                                25,949      27,954

 Loans receivable                        209,071     208,376
   less allowance for loan losses         (3,041)     (3,201)
   deferred costs                            133          82
                                       ---------   ---------
 Net loans receivable                    206,163     205,257

 Premises and equipment, net               6,253       6,343
 Bank owned life insurance                 8,284       8,111
 Accrued interest receivable               1,203       1,435
 Deferred tax asset                          824         723
 Other assets                              1,567       1,069
                                       ---------   ---------
     Total assets                      $ 283,517   $ 285,470
                                       =========   =========


   Non-interest bearing
    deposits-demand                    $  48,712   $  53,783
   Interest bearing deposits-NOW,
    money market and savings             153,695     159,462
   Certificates of deposit,
    under $100,000                        18,268      19,170
   Certificates of deposit,
    $100,000 and over                     14,060      12,258
                                       ---------   ---------
     Total deposits                      234,735     244,673
                                       ---------   ---------

 Federal Home Loan Bank advances          11,000       3,000
 Accrued interest payable                    429         523
 Taxes Payable                               163          --
 Other liabilities                           680         653
                                       ---------   ---------
      Total liabilities                  247,007     248,849
                                       ---------   ---------
 Commitments and contingencies

 Preferred stock-1,000,000 shares
  authorized; none issued                     --          --
   *Common stock- authorized,
    9,000,000 shares of no par
    value;issued and outstanding,
    5,155,810 shares in 2008 and
    5,176,586 in 2007                     37,245      37,513
   Accumulated deficit                      (565)       (896)
   Accumulated other comprehensive
    (loss) income                           (170)          4
                                       ---------   ---------
 Total stockholders' equity               36,510      36,621
                                       ---------   ---------
      Total liabilities and
      stockholders' equity             $ 283,517   $ 285,470
                                       =========   =========

     *Restated to reflect 5% stock dividend


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