On envisaged price increase on natural gas

The JSC Liepājas Metalurgs provides its comments concerning the article “Dāvis:
gāzes cenas var izraisīt bankrotus” [“Dāvis: gas prices may cause bankruptcies”]
published in the newspaper “Dienas Bizness” on August 1, 2008, where Mr. A.     
Dāvis expressed his forecast regarding the JSC Liepājas Metalurgs. Mr. Dāvis    
stated that as the biggest consumer of “Latvijas Gāze” for the technological    
needs, the JSC Liepājas Metalurgs' competitiveness, production costs and profit 
would change, and also that JSC Liepājas Metalurgs informed the envisaged       
October 2008 price increase on natural gas would cause the production cost      
increase by 2.7%.                                                               
As a result, there is a possibility that the Company's profit may decrease.	   
JSC Liepājas Metalurgs adds that due to the steep energy price increase observed
in the past year, the Company was not in a position for a further raise in      
salaries and wages of its employees.

Līga Šenfelde
Assistant of the Chief
t: 63455926; shenfelde@metalurgs.lv