The Listing and Surveillance Committee (the Committee) of the Tallinn Stock
Exchange (TSE) reviewed the application and appertaining documents by AS
Viisnurk, filed with the Committee for listing of the shares of AS Merko Ehitus
in the Main List of TSE. 

AS Merko Ehitus filed the listing application on July 29, 2008 together with
the draft listing prospectus and other appertaining documents for listing its
shares in the Main List of TSE. 

The Committee decided on August 5, 2008:

1. Proceeding from the fact that AS Merko Ehitus has existed less than three
years but it has been established as a result of division from a listed company
and it has acquired units that have been operating for more than three years,
to count this circumstances significant from the aspect of evaluating the
economic activities and to make an exception from the requirements of the
Listing Rules clause 6.2 on duration of activities. And also to make an
exception from the requirements of the Listing Rules clause 6.3 on submitting
the audited annual reports for the three preceding financial years. 

2. To satisfy the application of AS Merko Ehitus and to list its shares in the
Main List of TSE. 

3. The first listing day of AS Merko Ehitus is the fourth trading day after
making the listing decision, i.e. August 11, 2008. 

Tallinn Stock Exchange
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