Transfer of Amer Sports' own shares

Amer Sports Corporation's Board of Directors has decided to transfer
104,100 shares held by the company gratuitously to the Group's key
personnel belonging to its share-based incentive plan. The transfer
date of the shares is September 1, 2008.

The Amer Sports Corporation Board of Directors agreed on January 14,
2007 to establish a new share-based incentive plan for the Group's
key personnel. The Plan's reward will be paid in 2008, in part as
Company shares and partially in cash. The cash payment will cover
taxes and tax-related costs arising from the reward. Of the shares,
25% will be transferable as of April 2010, 25% as of April 2011, and
50% as of April 2012. The rewards to be paid based on this plan will
correspond to a maximum value of approximately 400,000 Amer Sports
Corporation shares. At the end of 2007 the plan covered 30 people.

Subsequent to the above transfer, the company holds 340,900 of its
own shares.

For further information, please contact:
Ms Kristiina Huttunen, Vice President, Legal Affairs, tel. +358 9
7257 8217


Ms Maarit Mikkonen
Communications Manager
Tel. +358 9 7257 8306, e-mail:

OMX Helsinki Stock Exchange
Major media

Amer Sports ( is the world's leading sports
equipment company with internationally recognized brands including
Salomon, Wilson, Precor, Atomic and Suunto. All Amer Sports companies
develop and manufacture technically advanced products that improve
the performance of active sports participants. The Group's business
is balanced by its broad portfolio of sports and presence in all
major markets.


Transfer of Amer Sports own shares.pdf