Handelsbanken Capital Markets: New head of Corporate Finance appointed

Today, Per-Olov Bergström has been appointed head of Corporate
Finance at Handelsbanken Capital Markets. He replaces Joakim Rubin,
who is leaving Handelsbanken to become a partner of CapMan, a private
equity firm.

Joakim Rubin says, "I feel sad to be leaving one of the best
corporate finance departments in the Nordic region, but I have
received a very attractive offer. After 20 years on the sales side,
it will be exciting for me to work on the buy side."

In addition, Joakim Rubin would like to tone down the significance of
his departure. He notes:"Our work is a team effort and Handelsbanken Corporate Finance has
the top team in the Nordic region. I am convinced that we will
continue to be the leader on the Nordic market. This is especially
due to the very strong commitment from Handelsbanken's central
management, the regional bank heads and the board. In my 13 years at
Handelsbanken, I have not experienced a stronger support for
Corporate Finance than that we have had in the past year."

According to Per Beckman, head of Handelsbanken Capital Markets, the
strategy remains unchanged. He adds:"We have a clearly defined task from group chief executive Pär Boman:
Handelsbanken Capital Markets shall be the leading investment bank in
the Nordic region. The group's very stable finances and the
cooperation that has been developed between the branch offices and
Capital Markets give us a unique position."

For further information, please contact:

Per Beckman, head of Handelsbanken Capital Markets
+46 8 229 220

Per-Olov Bergström, deputy head of Corporate Finance
 +46 8 701 3433

Joakim Rubin, Corporate Finance
+46 8 701 4278

Johan Lagerström, press officer
+46 8 701 1395
mobile: +46 70 265 8014


Press Release PDF.pdf