Lappland Goldminers acquires Scan Mining's remaining mines and processing plant for SEK 40 million

Lappland Goldminers AB (publ), listed on First North and the
Norwegian OTC list has made an agreement with the receiver in
bankruptcyfor Scan Mining AB and its subsidiaries, to acquire the
processing plant and the mines in Blaiken and Svärtträsk. The
acquisition sum is SEK 40 million, and will be paid in four segments
for a period of three years.

Lappland Goldminers calcultates that the operations will resume
during 2008, and that the entire purchase sum will be earned back
during 2009. Initially, the operation will focus on mining of the
Ersmarksberget gold deposit.

The acquisition of Blaiken, together with the acquisition of
Pahtavaara earlier this year has transformed Lappland Goldminers from
an exploration company in to a producing mining company, ahead of the
time schedule.  With the transaction that Lappland Goldminers has
acquired assets that previous owner had booked at a value of around
SEK 700 million.

The acquisition has been financed through a directed new share issue
of SEK 26 million to a group of institutions, at a share price of SEK

- Not having to carry the high capital costs of the initial large
investment of around SEK 700 million substantially improves the
possibilities for a profitable mining operation in the area. During
spring we have had major prospecting successes within the northern
section of the Gold Line, with the discovery of two completely new
gold mineralizations at Gubbträsk and Tjålmträsk, as well as a
lead-silver mineralization at Lagbäcken. At the present time, work is
mainly being carried out at the Lagbäcken deposits, with the goal to
apply for an exploitation concession during 2009, says Lappland
Goldminers CEO Karl-Åke Johansson.

For additional information about our exploration methods, the project
and about the Company please visit our web site.

Weavering Capital AB has assisted as advisors in the directed new
share issue.

The receiver in bankruptcy for ScanMining AB is, the attorney at law,
Hans Berglund at Hamilton Advokatbyrå in Karlstad, and the receiver
in bankruptcy for Blaikengruvan AB, is the attorney at law,
Lars-Håkan Lindberg at Kaiding Advokatbyrå in Skellefteå.

For additional information:
Karl-Åke Johansson,
Tomas Björklund, Board Member
Ph. +46 950-275 01, +46 70-625 22
Ph. +46 70-662 35 35

Or see Lappland Goldminers' web site at:
About Mangold Fondkommission:

Lappland Goldminers AB  is an  exploration company  and, through  the
acquisition of  the  gold mine  and  processing plant  Pahtavaara  in
Finland,  also  a  producing   mining  company.  The  operations   in
Pahtavaara are  run  out  of the  wholly  owned  subsidiary  Lappland
Goldminers Oy.  The company  is  listed on  the market  place  "First
North" under the  name GOLD,  with Mangold Fondkommission  AB as  the
Certified Adviser, as  well as  the OTC  list of  the Oslo  exchange.
Lappland Goldminers has secured a  number of gold deposits along  the
so-called Guldlinjen ("The Gold Line") in Västerbotten. The Company's
strategy is to develop  a profitable, producing  gold company with  a
centrally located  processing  plant  in Fäboliden,  Sweden,  in  the
Haveri area in Finland, and Pahtavaara in northern Finland, which  is
supported by  ore  from  one  or several  mines  either  through  the
Company's own  exploration  or  alternatively  through  acquisitions.
Lappland Goldminers is a member of SveMin, the trade association  for
mines, minerals and  metal producers in  Sweden and follows  SveMin's
reporting rules for public mining and exploration companies.


Press Release PDF.pdf