Completion of capital reduction in Alm. Brand A/S

On 24 April 2008, the Annual General Meeting of Alm. Brand A/S resolved to
reduce the company's share capital by a nominal amount of DKK 96,000,000 by
reducing the company's holding of treasury shares. 

The resolution was announced through the electronic information system of the
Danish Commerce and Companies Agency on 13 May 2008, and the statutory notice
period has now expired with no claims received. 

The capital reduction has thus been completed.

Following the capital reduction, the nominal share capital of Alm. Brand A/S
amounts to DKK 1,476,000,000, equivalent to 18,450,000 shares of DKK 80 nominal
value each. Each share gives one vote. 

Pursuant to section 28 of the Danish Securities Trading Act we furthermore
announce that Alm. Brand A/S and its subsidiaries have decreased their holding
of treasury shares to 726,891 equivalent to 3.94 % of the share capital in Alm.
Brand A/S. 

The decreased holding is a consequence of the capital reduction in Alm. Brand
A/S completed this day. 

In the most recent report on treasury shares dated 11 March 2008 Alm. Brand A/S
and its subsidiaries held a total of 992,170 shares, equal to 5.05 % of the
share capital. 

Please direct any questions regarding this announcement to Søren Boe Mortensen,
Chief Executive, on tel. +45 35 47 47 47. 

Yours sincerely,

Alm. Brand A/S

Søren Boe Mortensen	
Chief Executive


as 12 2007 completion of capital reduction.pdf