Stonesoft Corporation Interim Report January-June 2008

Stonesoft Corporation Stock Exchange Release, 15 August 2008
Stonesoft Corporation Interim Report January-June 2008

StoneGate sales grew by 50%, net sales by 32% during the second

The sales of Stonesoft's main product portfolio, the StoneGate
product line, increased by 50% and the company's net sales in
continuing operations increased by 32% during the second quarter
compared to the corresponding period in the previous year. Also the
cash flow developed very favourably and came to EUR -0.1 million,
compared to the corresponding figure EUR -2.0 million in the previous


The comparable figures from the corresponding period in the previous
year are in brackets and refer to the figures of continuing

April-June 2008

- Stonesoft's core business, the sales of the StoneGate product
family, EUR 4.1 (2.7) million, an increase of 50%.
- The net sales for the reporting period totalled EUR 6.4 (4.8)
million, growth 32%.
- The operating result was EUR -0.4 (-1.5) million.
- The operating result as percentage of net sales -6% (-32%)
- Earnings per share were EUR -0.01 (-0.03).
- Shareholder's equity per share was EUR 0.07 (0.15).
- The cash flow was EUR -0.1 (-2.0) million.
- Liquid assets at the end of the reporting period totalled EUR 7.8
(11.0) million.

January-June 2008

- Stonesoft's core business, the sales of the StoneGate product
family, EUR 7.2 (5.0) million, growth 44%
- The net sales for the reporting period totalled EUR 11.6 (9.2)
million, growth 27%
- The operating result was EUR -1.6 (-3.6) million
- The operating result as percentage of net sales -14% (-40%)
- Earnings per share were EUR -0.03 (-0.06)
- Shareholder's equity per share was EUR 0.07 (0.15)
- The cash flow was EUR -1.2 (-3.4) million. The total cash flow,
including the last payment of the selling price of Embe Systems Oy,
EUR 0.8 million, was EUR -0.4 million euros.

CEO Ilkka Hiidenheimo

During the second quarter of 2008, the sales of the StoneGate product
family grew by 50% and net sales by 32% compared to the corresponding
period in the previous year. The sales of StoneGate products were EUR
4.1 million, which is the highest in the company's history at all
times. The positive development has now continued for three
consecutive quarters. Also the cash flow and the operating result
improved significantly.

Through an order delivered to the Algerian Ministry of Healthcare at
the value of more than 700,000 EUR and a co-operation agreement
signed with Algeria Telecom, we significantly strengthened our
position in the North African market.

We strengthened our product portfolio during the quarter by
introducing the new StoneGate Management Center 4.3 management tool
and StoneGate IPS 4.3 intrusion prevention system. The StoneGate
Management Center allows managing virtual appliances in the same way
as physical network security appliances. This means organizations can
immediately protect their fast-growing virtual environments.

The StoneGate Virtual Firewall is already available and StoneGate
Virtual IPS for protecting internal networks will be launched in the
near future.


April-June 2008 (hereinafter 'reporting period')

The group's net sales in the reporting period were EUR 6.4 (4.8)
million. The increase from the previous year's corresponding period
was EUR 1.5 million, or 32%. The operating result (EBIT) was EUR -0.4
(-1.5) million and the result after taxes was EUR -0.3 (-1.5)

The sales of the main product portfolio StoneGate(TM), comprising of
a firewall, VPN, SSL VPN and IPS (Intrusion Prevention System), were
EUR 4.1 (2.7) million, an increase of 50% compared to the
corresponding period in the previous year.

The geographical distribution of net sales was as follows: Europe 61%
(55%), Emerging Markets (Russia, North Africa and Middle East) 15%
(13%), Americas (North and South America) 22% (26%) and APAC
(Asia-Pacific)) 3% (6%).

January-June 2008 (hereinafter 'fiscal period')

Stonesoft group's net sales in January-June were EUR 11.6 (9.2)
million. Compared with the previous year's corresponding period,
there was an increase of EUR 2.5 million, or 27%. The operating loss
was EUR -1.6 (-3.6) million and the loss after taxes was EUR -1.6
(-3.5) million.

The sales of the main product portfolio StoneGate were EUR 7.2 (5.0)
million, an increase of 44% compared to the corresponding period in
the previous year.

The geographical distribution of net sales was as follows: Europe 60%
(60%), Emerging Markets (Russia, North Africa and Middle East) 16%
(13%), Americas (North and South America) 20% (21%) and APAC
(Asia-Pacific)) 4% (6%).

Finance and investments

At the end of the fiscal period, the group's total assets were EUR
16.1 (18.5) million. The equity ratio was 48% (68%) and gearing (the
ratio of net debt to shareholder's equity) was -1.87 (-1.28).
Consolidated liquid assets of the group at the end of the fiscal
period totaled EUR 7.8 (11.0) million. Investments in tangible and
intangible assets totaled EUR 0.35 (0.18) million.


Main business events in the reporting period

- Stonesoft Board of Directors decided on a new option plan.
- Stonesoft extended its co-operation with Magirus, a leading
provider of IT solutions in Europe, into Germany, Austria and
- Stonesoft introduced the new StoneGate Management Center 4.3 for
advanced unified management. The product offers enhanced visibility
and control over network security in both traditional and virtual
network environments.
- Stonesoft's StoneGate IPS was shortlisted for the 2008 Techworld
awards in the category IPS/IDS Product of the Year.
- Stonesoft introduced the new StoneGate IPS 4.3 for protecting
internal networks and operating systems from malicious traffic. The
solution stands out through its scalability: the revolutionary serial
clustering technology of the new StoneGate appliances allows adding
IPS throughput up to 60%. The system also supports the new IPv6
- Stonesoft received a noticeable order from the Algerian Ministry of
Healthcare at the value of more than 700,000 Euros. The delivery took
place during the quarter.


- Stonesoft executed a co-operation agreement with the leading
Algerian telecommunications company Algeria Telecom on a strategic
- StoneGate Firewall VPN and IPS were certified in the VMware Virtual
Appliance Program.


Stonesoft continued its strong investments in R&D. The group's R&D
investments during the fiscal period totaled EUR 2.7 (2.7) million,
which represented 23% (23%) of operating expenses.

R&D employed 66 (66) persons at the end of the fiscal period.


At the end of the fiscal period, Stonesoft's share capital recorded
in the Trade Register totaled EUR 1 146 054.64. The number of shares
was 57 302 732. The share capital remained unchanged.

Stock option programs

The company has two valid stock option programs, the Stock Option
Program 2004-2010, subscription price EUR 0.56, and Stock Option
Program 2008-2014, subscription price EUR 0.30.

During the fiscal period no subscriptions were made on the basis of
the stock option programs for key personnel of the company.


In the beginning of the fiscal period, the price of Stonesoft's share
was EUR 0.29 (0.47). The official closing price was EUR 0.43 (0.48).
The highest share price was EUR 0.47 (0.56) and the lowest EUR 0.24
(0.46). The share price divided by earnings per share (P/E) at the
end of the fiscal period was -15.6 (-7.8). During the fiscal period
the total turnover of Stonesoft shares amounted to EUR 2.8 (4.1)
million. Based on the share price on 30 June 2008, Stonesoft's market
value was EUR 24.6 (26.9) million.

During January - June 2008 the trading volume of the Stonesoft share
on the OMX Nordic Exchange Helsinki was 8 733 556 (7 995 459) shares,
corresponding to 15.2 (14.0) percent of the share capital.


During the fiscal period, the company received no notices of changes
in ownership.


No acquisitions were made and no other changes in the group structure
were implemented during the fiscal period.


At the end of the fiscal period, Stonesoft's personnel totalled 180
In the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders held on 23 April 2008,
it was decided to grant the Board of Directors a new authorization
and to cancel the authorization granted by the AGM in 2007.

According to the new authorization, the Board of Directors is
authorized to issue new shares and to grant option and other special
rights to the extent that the total number of shares or rights to the
shares issued may be 11.450.000 at the maximum.

The new shares to be issued in a new issue and/or the option or
special rights may be offered for subscription either according to
the shareholders' pre-emptive subscription rights or in deviation
from the shareholders' pre-emptive subscription right, in case the
deviation is justified by a weighty financial reason for the company,
such as financing of an acquisition, enabling of a joint venture
transaction, providing of additional financial alternatives, and/or
an arrangement for incentive program directed to the company's

The issue may be directed partly or in full to the main shareholders,
Ilkka Hiidenheimo and Hannu Turunen, who have reconfirmed to be ready
to invest at least three (3) million Euros in the company in form of
convertible bond in order to strengthen the company's capital
structure with an additional cash reserve and to ensure the
continuance of the positive development in the future in line with
the company's strategy and growth plan. The commitment given by the
main shareholders is in force until the end of the AGM in 2009.

The Board of Directors was authorized to decide on other terms and
conditions related to the share issues and to the issuance of option
or other special rights. The authorization is in force until the end
of the 2009 AGM.

Based on the authorization given, the Board of Directors of Stonesoft
Corporation decided in its meeting on 6 May 2008 to approve the Stock
Option Plan 2008, according to which new option rights can be granted
to the members of the Board of Directors, other management and key
persons in the personnel of Stonesoft Corporation. The total amount
of option rights that can be granted was 3.000.000 and they entitle
to subscribe, in total, 3.000.000 shares in Stonesoft Corporation.
The option rights of the Option Plan 2008 are divided into four
series, each having an own subscription period as follows:

Series A on March 1, 2010 - December 31, 2014,
Series B on March 1, 2011 - December 31, 2014,
Series C on March 1, 2012 - December 31, 2014, and
Series D on March 1, 2013 - December 31, 2014

The subscription prices of the shares correspond to the
volume-weighted average share price of the Company during the last 90
trading days on the OMX Nordic Stock Exchange Helsinki before the
Board Meeting deciding on this plan. The subscription price of a
share with stock options is EUR 0.30.

In its meeting on 17 June 2008, the Board of Directors of Stonesoft
Corporation decided to supplement the terms in paragraph II6 and II7
of the Stock Option Plan 2008 approved in its meeting held on May 6,
2008 to grant to a stock option holder the same or equal rights as a
shareholder has in case of issuance of new shares, options or other
specific rights prior to share subscriptions as well as in certain
other special cases.

The full terms and conditions of the Stock Option Plan 2008 are
available on the company website at

The company does not own its shares and the Board of Directors does
not have an authorization to acquire its own shares.


Stonesoft complies with the Corporate Governance Recommendation for
listed companies issued by the OMX Nordic Stock Exchange Helsinki, as
described on the web pages of the company.


In the current fiscal period, Stonesoft's main risks and business
uncertainties relate to the realization timetable of the sales
projects and possible production disruption of our subcontractors and
suppliers as well as to the fact that the general economic
uncertainty has increased. There have been no significant changes in
these risks and business uncertainties in comparison to what has been
announced earlier.


According to the Research Institute Infonetics, the Firewall/VPN and
IPS Intrusion detection and prevention market will grow globally
roughly by 8% in 2008. The market will continue to be dynamic.

Companies will continue to network with their partners and
subcontractors, and this development will create even higher
requirements for network security and availability. At the same time,
the demand for outsourcing solutions and services will grow. Managed
service providers (MSPs) have a growing need to provide their
customers with the possibility to track the status of their network
security while maintaining an overview of their own data network.
According to the company's view combining security and high
availability, which is the cornerstone of StoneGate product design,
will prove its strength even better in this development.

The convergence of voice, video and data on IP-based networks will
create more demand for capacity and drive the adoption of 10 Gbps
networks. The growing demand for added bandwidth together with new
protocols in the IP networks is expected to increase the general
demand for better reporting, monitoring and analysis tools. This
development will support Stonesoft in achieving its year 2008 growth
plan, since these are the cornerstones in StoneGate Management
Center's functionality.

The strong growth of virtualization has created a demand for ensuring
network security and business continuity also in virtual
environments. StoneGate products are better suited for virtual
environments than the competitors' products because they are based on
software solutions.

As security threats in the public sector are increasing, more and
more governments have started improving their protection against
network attacks and cyber espionage. StoneGate products offer
comprehensive, centrally managed protection and suit well to the
needs of the public sector.

Stonesoft will continue its decisive and persistent efforts to
increase its net sales and to improve the profitability of the
company. The company's main target in 2008 is to have a strong growth
of net sales generating improved profitability. By extension of the
product portfolio and improved competitiveness, we aim to win even
larger individual deals.

Based on the extension of the product portfolio, intensification of
sales efforts and the present sales pipeline, the company expects to
have an annual overall net sales of roughly EUR 24 million (+/- 10%)
while the comparable net sales figure during the previous financial
year was EUR 19.0 million. Through increased sales and cost control,
the annual operating result (EBIT) is expected to improve by EUR 2.5
- 4.5 million compared to the previous year. Also the cash flow is
expected to develop favourably.

With regard to the development of the turnover and the operating
result, we expect a significant variation between the quarters in
comparison to the corresponding quarter during the previous year as
well as to the previous quarter as a consequence of, among others,
long sales cycles, a relatively big impact of individual deals, and
the variation between the quarters in the previous year.

Stonesoft Group         4-6/2008 4-6/2007 1-6/2008 1-6/2007 1-12/2007
Income Statement
(1000 Euro)
Continuing operations
                           6 371    4 845   11 630    9 165    19 020
Net sales
                             279      186      572      364     1 144
   Other operating
                            -945     -737   -1 895   -1 284    -3 064
   Materials and
services                  -3 735   -3 500   -7 286   -7 038   -14 218
   Personnel expenses       -118     -111     -229     -228      -449
   Depreciation           -2 211   -2 227   -4 389   -4 612    -8 946
   Other operating
                            -360   -1 544   -1 597   -3 633    -6 514
Operating result
                              97      106      120      220       202
   Financial income and
                            -263   -1 438   -1 477   -3 413    -6 312
Result before taxes
                             -49      -40      -99      -94      -213
                            -311   -1 479   -1 576   -3 507    -6 525
Result from continuing
                               0        0      186    2 217     2 312
   Result from
discontinued operations
                            -311   -1 479   -1 390   -1 290    -4 212
Result for the
accounting period
Basic earnings per
share (EUR),               -0,01    -0,03    -0,03    -0,06     -0,11
continuing operations
Diluted earnings per
share (EUR),               -0,01    -0,03    -0,03    -0,06     -0,11
continuing operations
Basic earnings per
share (EUR),                0,00     0,00     0,00     0,04      0,04
discontinued operations
Diluted earnings per
share (EUR),                0,00     0,00     0,00     0,04      0,04
discontinued operations

Stonesoft Group
Balance Sheet  (1000 Euro)             30.6.2008 30.6.2007 31.12.2007

Non-Current Assets
   Tangible assets                           787       592        709
   Intangible assets                         126       107         82
   Other investments                          10         0          0
   Deferred tax assets                         1         2          1
   Total                                     924       701        793
Current assets
   Inventories                               822       719      1 069
   Trade and other receivables             6 511     6 052      7 498
   Prepayments                                68        68         97
   Marketable securities                   7 003    10 019      7 571
   Cash and cash equivalents                 803       942        640
   Total                                  15 208    17 799     16 874

Total assets                              16 132    18 500     17 666

Equity attributable to equity holders
of the parent company
   Share capital                           1 146     1 146      1 146
   Share premium account                  76 997    76 905     76 981
   Conversion differences                   -985      -872       -927
   Retained earnings                     -73 012   -68 700    -71 622
   Total                                   4 146     8 480      5 579
Long-term liabilities
   Provisions                                 43        92         56
   Interest bearing liabilities                0        27          0
   Other long-term liabilities             2 070     1 447      1 722
   Total                                   2 112     1 565      1 779
Short-term liabilities
   Trade and other payables                9 712     8 229     10 018
   Tax liability                               7        90         85
   Provisions                                118        40        131
   Short-term interest bearing
liabilities                                   37        96         75
   Total                                   9 874     8 455     10 309
Total liabilities                         11 986    10 020     12 088
Total equity and liabilities              16 132    18 500     17 666

Stonesoft Group
Statement of changes
in equity
(1000 Euro)

                         Share    Share   Conversion  Retained
                       capital  premium  differences  earnings  Total
Shareholders' equity
at 1.1.2007              1 146   76 897         -867   -67 410  9 767
differences                                       -5               -5
Result for the period                                   -1 290 -1 290
Total recognized
income and expense
for the period                                    -5    -1 290 -1 295
Stock options
exercised                             8                             8
Shareholders' equity
at 30.6.2007             1 146   76 905         -872   -68 700  8 480

                         Share    Share   Conversion  Retained
                       capital  premium  differences  earnings  Total
Shareholders' equity
at 1.1.2008              1 146   76 981         -927   -71 622  5 579
differences                                      -58              -58
Result for the period                                   -1 390 -1 390
Total recognized
income and expense
for the period                                   -58    -1 390 -1 448
Stock options
exercised                            16                            16
Shareholders' equity
at 30.6.2008             1 146   76 997         -985   -73 012  4 146

Stonesoft Group
Cash flow statement
(1000 Euro)             1.1.-30.6.2008 1.1.-30.6.2007 1.1.-31.12.2007
Cash flow from
operating activities
   Operating Result             -1 597         -3 633          -6 514
   Adjustments                     156            168             417
   Change in net
working capital                    746            159             687
   Taxes paid                      -99            -94            -212
Net cash flow from
operating activities
continuing operations             -793         -3 400          -5 622
   Net cash flow from
operating activities
discontinued operations              0              0               0
Total cash flow from
operating activities              -793         -3 400          -5 622
Cash flow from
investing activities
   Investments in
tangible assets                   -285           -156            -463
   Investments in
intangible assets                  -66            -26             -32
   Investments in
affiliated company                   0              0              -1
   Investments in other
shares                             -10              0               0
Net cash flow investing
activities continuing
operations                        -361           -182            -496
   Net cash flow
investing activities
discontinued operations            761           -448            -448
Total cash flow
investing activities               400           -630            -944
Cash flow from
financing activities
   Payments of
financial leasing
liabilities                        -38            -47             -95
Total cash flow from
financing activities               -38            -47             -95
Change in cash and cash
   Cash and cash
equivalents at
beginning of period              8 210         14 370          14 370
differences                        -58             -5             -60
   Changes in the
market value of
investments                         86            182              69
operations                           0            492             492
Total cash and cash
equivalents at end of
period  *)                       7 806         10 961           8 210
*) Total cash and cash
equivalents at end of
the period
contains pledged
securities                         256            303             281

Stonesoft Group
Geographical segments  1.1.-30.6.2008 1.1.-30.6.2007 1.1.-31.12.2007
(1000 Euro)
Net sales
Europe                          6 959          5 493          12 075
Emerging Market                 1 879          1 167           2 004
Americas                        2 352          1 940           3 906
APAC                              440            564           1 036
Total net sales                11 630          9 165          19 020

Operating profit
Europe                           -887         -2 497          -4 119
Emerging Market                   -20           -118            -231
Americas                         -616           -932          -2 038
APAC                              -73            -85            -126
Total operating profit         -1 597         -3 633          -6 514

Stonesoft Group
Contingent liabilities  1.1.-30.6.2008 1.1.-30.6.2007 1.1.-31.12.2007
(1000 Euro)
Contingent off-balance
   Non-cancelable other
leases                           3 902          4 862           4 624
liabilities for the
Company                             20             20              20
liabilities for
inventories                          0              0               0

Stonesoft Group
Related party
information             1.1.-30.6.2008 1.1.-30.6.2007 1.1.-31.12.2007
(1000 Euro)
Consultation fees paid
to the Board of
Directors                            0             30              73

Stonesoft Group
Quarterly development              Q2 / Q1 / Q4 / Q3 / Q2 / Q1 /
(Euro Millions)                    2008 2008 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007
   Security software and
appliances                          4,1  3,2  3,7  2,0  2,7  2,3 10,7
   Services                         2,3  2,2  2,2  2,1  2,1  2,0  8,4
   Other products                   0,0 -0,1 -0,1  0,0  0,0  0,0 -0,1
Net sales continuing operations     6,4  5,3  5,8  4,0  4,8  4,3 19,0
   Change-% from previous year       32   22   35   -9   32    7   15
Net sales discontinuing operations  0,0  0,0  0,0  0,0  0,0  0,0  0,0
   Change-% from previous year        -    -    -    -    -    -    -
Net sales total                     6,4  5,3  5,8  4,0  4,8  4,3 19,0
   Change-% from previous year       32   22    0  -27   -4  -22  -13
Sales margin                        5,4  4,3  4,7  3,4  4,1  3,8 16,0
Sales margin %                       85   82   80   84   85   87   84
Operative expenses                  6,0  5,8  6,2  5,4  5,8  6,0 23,4
Operating profit (EBITA)           -0,4 -1,2 -1,2 -1,6 -1,5 -2,1 -6,5
   % of net sales                    -6  -24  -21  -41  -32  -48  -34
Result before taxes                -0,3 -1,2 -1,2 -1,7 -1,4 -2,0 -6,3
   % of net sales                    -4  -23  -20  -43  -30  -46  -33

Stonesoft Group
Key ratios           1.1.-30.6.2008  1.1.-30.6.2007 1.1.-31.12.2007
(1000 Euro)
Net sales total              11 630           9 165          19 020
   Net sales
change-%                         27             -13             -13
Net sales,
operations                   11 630           9 165          19 020
   Net sales
change-%                         27              19              15
Net sales,
operations                        0               0               0
   Net sales
change-%                          -               -               -
result total                 -1 597          -3 633          -6 514
   % of net
sales                           -14             -40             -34
operations                   -1 597          -3 633          -6 514
   % of net
sales                           -14             -40             -34
operations                        0               0               0
   % of net
sales                             -               -               -
result before
taxes                        -1 477          -3 413          -6 312
   % of net
sales                           -13             -37             -33
ROE - %,
operations                      -65             -77             -85
ROI - %,
annualized                      -56             -72             -78
Equity ratio-%                   48              68              52
Net gearing                   -1,87           -1,28           -1,46
Total Assets                 16 132          18 500          17 666
expenditure                     351             189             500
disposals                         0              -1              -5
R&D costs                     2 686           2 611           5 285
   % of net
sales                            23              28              28
Number of
average)                        181             181             181
Number of
employees (end
of the period                   180             180             181
Share Specific
Earnings per
operations                    -0,03           -0,06           -0,11
Earnings per
operations                     0,00            0,04            0,04
Equity per
share                          0,07            0,15            0,10
Dividend                       0,00            0,00            0,00
Dividend per
share (EUR)                    0,00            0,00            0,00
Dividend /
Profit-%                          0               0               0
Calculation of
Return on
equity (ROE) %
=               (Profit before taxes - income taxes) x 100 /
                Shareholders' equity + minority interest (average)
Return on
capital (ROI)%  (Profit before extraordinary items+interest and other
=               financial expenses)
                x100 /
                Balance sheet total - non-interest bearing debt
Equity ratio %  (Equity + minority interest) x 100
=               /
                Balance sheet total - advances received
                Interest bearing net debt - cash in hand and on
Net gearing =   deposit - marketable
                securities /
                Equity + minority interest
Earning per     Profit before taxes - minority interest - income
share (EPS) =   taxes /
                Average number of shares adjusted for dilutive
                effect of options
Equity per
share =         Equity /
                Number of shares at end of period


This Interim Report is prepared in accordance with IAS 34 standard.

Stonesoft Group has changed its bookkeeping practice regarding
consulting fees for consults working full-time for Stonesoft sales
and presales functions starting from January 1, 2008. According to
the new practice these fees are included in the personnel expenses.
In the financial year 2007 these consulting fees were included in the
other operating expenses. The figures of the previous year have been
adjusted to be comparable with the new bookkeeping practice. In all
other aspects the Group has adapted the same accounting principles
and reporting standards as in the Financial Statements for 2007.


This report contains statements concerning, among other things,
Stonesoft's financial condition and the results of operations that
are forward-looking in nature. Such statements are not historical
facts, but rather represent Stonesoft's future expectations. The
company believes that the expectations reflected in these
forward-looking statements are based on reasonable assumptions.
However, these forward-looking statements involve inherent risks and
uncertainties, which could cause actual results or outcomes to differ
materially from those anticipated in the statements. These risks and
uncertainties may include, among other things, (1) changes in our
market position or in the Firewall/VPN and Intrusion detection and
protection market in general; (2) the effects of competition; (3) the
success, financial condition, and performance of our collaboration
partners, suppliers and customers;(4) our ability to source quality
components without interruption and at acceptable prices;(5) our
ability to recruit, retain and develop appropriately skilled
employees;(6) exchange rate fluctuations, including, in particular,
fluctuations between the Euro, which is our reporting currency, and
the US dollar;(7) other factors related to sale of products, economic
situation, business, competition or legislation affecting the
business of Stonesoft or the industry in general and (8) our ability
to control the variety of factors affecting our ability to reach our
targets and give accurate forecasts.

The presented figures are unaudited.


A press conference for analysts and investors will be held today, 15
August 2008 at 10:30 AM at the Stonesoft headquarters, street address
Itälahdenkatu 22 A, 00210 Helsinki.

This release and the presentation material related to this report are
also available on Stonesoft's web site at

For additional information, please contact:
Ilkka Hiidenheimo, CEO, Stonesoft Corporation
Tel. +358 9 476 711

Mikael Nyberg, CFO, Stonesoft Corporation
Tel. +358 9 476 711

Stonesoft Corporation
Ilkka Hiidenheimo

OMX Nordic Exchange Helsinki


Stonesoft Corporation Interim Report January-June 2008.pdf