The UCITS Fund ABN AMRO Invest - Name Changes

|                                      |           Copenhagen, 18 August 2008  |
The Fund Market                                                                 
Name Changes                                                                    

The UCITS Fund ABN AMRO Invest                                                  

On the extraordinary general meetings held on 28 May 2008 and 23 June 2008 in   
ABN AMRO Invest, the following was adopted:                                     
The name of the fund is changed from Investeringsforeningen ABN AMRO Invest to  
Investeringsforeningen Alfred Berg Invest.                                      
The name of the subfund Afdeling Global is changed to Afdeling USA.             

Hence, the above-mentioned changes will be implemented on OMX Nordic Exchange   
Copenhagen on 25 August 2008.                                                   

Please see the fund's disclosures of 28 May and 23 June 2008.                   

Changes in names                                                                

| ISIN Code                            | DK0015861496                          |
| Name                                 | ABN AMRO Danske Obligationer          |
| New Name                             | Alfred Berg Invest Danske             |
|                                      | Obligationer                          |
| Order Book Code                      | ABIDKO                                |

                                     * * *                                      

| ISIN Code                            | DK0016268766                          |
| Name                                 | ABN AMRO Emerging Markets             |
|                                      | Obligationer                          |
| New Name                             | Alfred Berg Invest Emerging Markets   |
|                                      | Obligationer                          |
| Order Book Code                      | ABIEMO                                |

                                     * * *                                      

| ISIN Code                            | DK0015861579                          |
| Name                                 | ABN AMRO DK                           |
| New Name                             | Alfred Berg Invest DK                 |
| Order Book Code                      | ABNIDK                                |
| New Order Book Code                  | ABIDK                                 |

                                     * * *                                      
| ISIN Code                            | DK0010248764                          |
| Name                                 | ABN AMRO Europa                       |
| New Name                             | Alfred Berg Invest Europa             |
| Order Book Code                      | ABNIEU                                |
| New Order Book Code                  | ABIEU                                 |

                                     * * *                                      

| ISIN Code                            | DK0015861652                          |
| Name                                 | ABN AMRO Global                       |
| New Name                             | Alfred Berg Invest USA                |
| Order Book Code                      | ABNIGLO                               |
| New Order Book Code                  | ABIUSA                                |

                                     * * *                                      

| ISIN Code                            | DK0016108640                          |
| Name                                 | ABN AMRO High Yield                   |
| New Name                             | Alfred Berg Invest High Yield         |
| Order Book Code                      | ABNIHYO                               |
| New Order Book Code                  | ABIHYO                                |

                                     * * *                                      

| ISIN Code                            | DK0010265180                          |
| Name                                 | ABN AMRO Norden                       |
| New Name                             | Alfred Berg Invest Norden             |
| Order Book Code                      | ABNINO                                |
| New Order Book Code                  | ABINO                                 |

                                     * * *                                      

| ISIN Code                            | DK0010237809                          |
| Name                                 | ABN AMRO Rusland                      |
| New Name                             | Alfred Berg Invest Rusland            |
| Order Book Code                      | ABNIRUS                               |
| New Order Book Code                  | ABIRUS                                |

                                     * * *                                      

| ISIN Code                            | DK0010293398                          |
| Name                                 | ABN AMRO Small Cap Europa             |
| New Name                             | Alfred Berg Invest Small Cap Europa   |
| Order Book Code                      | ABNISM                                |
| New Order Book Code                  | ABISM                                 |

For further information, please contact: Helene Gaustad Jeppesen, Surveillance, 
tel. +45 33 93 33 66


abn amro invest - navnendringer til alfred berg invest - uk.pdf