Tiimari's net sales for the first half of the year increased

TIIMARI PLC         INTERIM REPORT 18, AUGUST 2008 at 11.00             

TIIMARI OYJ ABP INTERIM REPORT 1 JANUARY - 30 JUNE 2008                         


KEY FIGURES FOR THE PERIOD                                                      

Net sales for the first half of the year grew by 19% and totalled MEUR 33,9     
(28.5) and MEUR 16,1 (13.9) for the second quarter.                             
Operating Profit for the first half of the year was MEUR -3.3 (-1.4) and MEUR   
-2.0 (-1.0) for the second quarter.                                             
Earnings per share for the first half of the year were EUR -0.38 (-0.28).       
The average number of employees for the review period was 670 (592).            
Tiimari has continued its expansion, and investments in new stores have been    
made especially in Russia's St. Petersburg and Poland. Capital expenditure for  
the first half of the year was MEUR 1,7 (0,5).                                  

KRISTINA ILLI, MANAGING DIRECTOR:                                               
“The business development during the first quarter of the current year was as   
expected. Net sales growth enhanced by Gallerix acquisition and activities      
abroad was 16%.  Net sales growth was especially strong in June.                

Renewal of the Tiimari retail chain stores continued. Seven stores in the       
Helsinki metropolitan area were renewed during the period. The renewal project  
is still under way, and an additional four have been renewed after the period.  
In Finland, one new Tiimari store was opened and two were closed. In Poland, one
new store, the fifth in the country, was added, and the sixth has been opened   
after the period under review. By the end of the year, four additional stores   
will be opened in Poland to increase the number of the stores in Poland to ten. 
In Russia, preparations were made to open more stores. At the beginning of the  
third quarter, one new store was opened in Russia, and two more will be added by
the end of the quarter. In addition, the company continued to prospect for new  
business locations in select markets to secure future growth.                   

On 28 April 2008, Tiimari signed a Letter of Intent to acquire franchise        
business activities under the Tiimari concept in Sweden. From Roponen           
Detaljisthandel AB. The Letter of Intent covers all the Tiimari concept stores  
in Sweden, the net sales of which totalled approximately MEUR 3 in 2007. Upon   
closing, the purchase price is settled against Tiimari's receivables from       
Roponen Detaljisthandel AB. The transaction when completed is not expected to   
have material impact on the 2008 result.                                        

Realisation of synergies estimated in connection with the acquisition of retail 
chain Gallerix continued as planned. Gallerix number of personnel has been      
reduced according to plan, and the effects of the reductions on the             
profitability will first be seen in the last quarter of the year. In addition,  
the utilisation of supplier relations in purchasing functions was commenced, and
the first effects of the utilisation on the earnings of the company are         
anticipated in the last quarter of the year. The operating profit for the second
quarter was still weighed down by the overlapping expenses, which will have a   
similar impact on the third quarter as well.                                    

By the end of the current year, the number of Gallerix stores will be close to  
ten in Finland.                                                                 

The operating profit of the Tiimore business gift store did not meet            
expectations in the second quarter of the year.  The expenses related to the    
closure of the Kokkola factory still weighed down earnings in the second quarter
and will have a similar impact on the third quarter as well, but not any longer 
in the last quarter. However, the prospects for the third quarter are positive, 
and we expect the profitability development for the end of the year to meet     
During the review period, a working capital reduction program was commenced. The
reduction of working capital will have a material impact on the company's       
financial situation in the future.                                              

In the period, the company continued its transition from an outsourced financial
management system to an internal solution. The transition will be completed by  
the end of the third quarter of the year. The change will result in savings,    
beginning from the last quarter of the year.                                    

Tiimari invests in developing its business and the Management Group was         
strengthened with a Marketing and Communications Director, a Financial Director,
Tiimari Retail Managing Director and a Treasury Director.”                      

”Tiimari business is defensive in nature, traditionally economic fluctuations   
have not had any material effect on the operations. We believe in a positive    
future development, indications of which can already be seen in a positive sales
development in June."                                                           

"I would like to emphasise that Tiimari Group's business is strongly Q4-oriented
with most of the earnings accruing during the last quarter".                    

BUSINESS OPERATIONS                                                             

TIIMARI RETAIL                                                                  

Tiimari Retail's net sales for the first half of the year grew by 22% and were  
MEUR 33.4 (27.3), and operating profit totalled MEUR -3.4 (-1.3) or -10% (-4,6) 
of net sales. Net sales for the second quarter were MEUR 15.8 (13.2), and       
operating profit totalled MEUR -1,7 (-0,9). The deterioration of the operating  
profit was due to negative operating profit derived from Gallerix and the new   
markets during the first half of the year and the regular revaluation procedure 
applied in Finland to inventory values during the last 12 months. The amount of 
revaluation was MEUR 1.3 (0,0). The total capital expenditure for the segment,  
MEUR 1.6 (0,5), consisted mostly of the expenses related to the opening of      
stores in Poland and Russia and store renewals in Finland.                      

Of the net sales for the segment, MEUR 25.2 (25.2) were generated in Finland,   
covering 75% (92) of the sales of the segment. MEUR 25.1 of the sales of the    
segment in Finland came from Tiimari stores and MEUR 0.1 from Gallerix stores.  
Overseas net sales increased to MEUR 8.1 (2.2). The business of international   
business units developed as planned, except for Russia, where business started  
slower than planned.  Net sales for the operations under the Gallerix concept,  
which was acquired in the second half of 2007, were MEUR 5.7, of which MEUR 5.6 
was generated in Sweden.                                                        

The business of both the concepts under the segment is very seasonal, and a     
major share of the net sales is generated in the fourth quarter, which also     
affects accumulation of earnings. In 2007, 38% of the net sales for the year    
were generated during the first half of the year.                               

Integration of the operations of Gallerix International AB, which was acquired  
in late 2007, with the Tiimari Retail operations has progressed according to    
plans. At the beginning of the year, the co-operative negotiations in Sweden    
concerning the rationalisation of purchasing and administrative functions were  
completed. This resulted in the reduction of personnel by 14 employees. The     
harmonisation of purchasing operations and information systems is to be         
completed in the autumn.  When the acquisition was made, the company projected  
the integration and rationalisation of operations to generate MEUR 0.4 of annual
savings for the group. We estimate that the projected annual savings can be     
achieved with the actions already taken and with those to be completed during   
the autumn. In addition Tiimari expects to achieve, by the end of the next      
fiscal year, total savings of MEUR 0.6 through the harmonisation of sourcing and
the utilisation of Maritii Oy's logistics operations.                           

At the end of the review period, Tiimari Retail had a total of 181 (176) stores 
operated by the company. In Finland, stores were closed in Rauma and Imatra, but
replacements for those will be opened in the autumn. In addition, a new store   
has been opened in Kauniainen, and the Tammisto Tiimari store has been          
accompanied with a new Gallerix store.  The first store in Russia was opened in 
St. Petersburg and a new store in Poland, in Poznan. In Sweden, four franchise  
stores under the Gallerix concept were transferred to the group. In April, the  
Haapajärvi franchise store in Finland was acquired for a price of MEUR 0.07.    

A central part of Tiimari's strategy is to increase the number of stores and to 
optimise their location and sales space. The acquisition of the Gallerix concept
created new opportunities for increasing business, as the Tiimari and Gallerix  
concepts support each other. Tiimari Retail will become an increasingly         
lucrative partner for shopping centres and other store facility leaseholders    
through the combined appeal of two vibrant concepts. The combination of the     
concepts also strengthens the prerequisites for growth in the Baltic area,      
Poland and Russia.                                                              

Number of stores                                                                
|                                            |        06/2008 |        06/2007 |
| Finland                                    |            156 |            154 |
| Estonia                                    |             14 |             14 |
| Latvia                                     |              4 |              4 |
| Norway                                     |              1 |              1 |
| Poland                                     |              5 |              3 |
| Russia                                     |              1 |              0 |
| Stores operated by the company, total      |            181 |            176 |
| Franchise stores                           |                |                |
| Finland                                    |              4 |              6 |
| Sweden                                     |              9 |             10 |
| Tiimari stores, total                      |            194 |            192 |
| Gallerix stores                            |                |                |
| Finland                                    |              2 |                |
| Sweden                                     |             10 |                |
| Stores operated by the company, total      |             12 |                |
| Franchise stores                           |                |                |
| Sweden                                     |             81 |                |
| Gallerix stores, total                     |             93 |                |
| Tiimari Retail stores, total               |            287 |            192 |

At the end of the period under review, the number of employees was 630 (458).   


Net sales for the Tiimore segment for the first six months of the year were MEUR
0.6 (1.2) and operating profit MEUR 0.2 (-0.1).  Net sales for the second       
quarter of the year were MEUR 0.3 (0.7) and operating profit MEUR -0.2 (0,0).   
In accordance with the strategy for Tiimore, the Kokkola unit was closed and the
premises were sold during the first quarter. The sales price for the premises   
was MEUR 1.1. The gain on the sale, approximately MEUR 0.9, is included in the  
operating profit. Expenses related to the closing of the business affected      
profitability during the first half of the year and will have a similar impact  
during the third quarter and it has led to decreased operating profit of the    
segment. During the first half of the year, Tiimore has invested on the         
development of sales and marketing, as well as on the reconstruction of the     
organisation of the company.                                                    

The segment did not have any notable capital expenditure in the period. At the  
end of the review period, the number of employees of the segment was 18 (37).   

TIIMARI GROUP NET SALES AND PROFITS                                             

Tiimari Group's net sales for the first half of the year grew by 19% and were   
MEUR 33.9 (28.5). EBITDA was MEUR -1.8 (-0.3) and operating profit MEUR -3.3    
(-1.4). Net sales for the second quarter of the year were MEUR 16.1 (13.9).     
EBITDA was MEUR -1.2 (-0.4) and operating profit MEUR -2.0 (-1.0).              

The acquired Gallerix business increased the group's net sales for the period by
MEUR 5.7 and operating profit by MEUR -0.6. A total of MEUR 0.2 of depreciation 
related to the acquisition is included in the operating profit.                 

Net financial expenses for the period were MEUR 1.5 (1.3) and were affected by  
both the increase in interest rates and the financing of the acquisition of     

During the review period  an avoir fiscal tax receivable for MEUR 0.8 was       
booked. Taxes are based on estimated efficient tax rate per company.            

The profit for the period under review was MEUR -3.9 (-2.7), and the result for 
the second quarter of the year was MEUR -1.9 (-1.5).                            
Earnings per share for the review period totalled EUR -0.38 (-0.28).            

BALANCE SHEET, FINANCIAL POSITION AND CASH FLOW                                 

Net working capital was MEUR 21.1 (MEUR 15.4 at the end of 2007). Inventories   
were at the same level as in the beginning of the year, and total trade         
receivables decreased slightly. Current non-interest-bearing trade liabilities  
decreased by MEUR 7.1 from the beginning of the year. In Finland, the company   
launched a program to improve working capital efficiency, the primary goal of   
which is an increased level of inventory turnover. The reduction of working     
capital will have a material impact on the company's financial situation in the 

Long-term assets totalled MEUR 63.0 (62.0 at the end of 2007).                  
Solvency ratio was 35.9% (40.6 at the end of 2007) and net gearing 127.1 (78.5  
at the end of 2007). Key financial figures were especially weighed down by the  
seasonality of the group's business. In the period under review, total          
interest-bearing liabilities increased by MEUR 10.4, and loan drawals were used 
for both working capital and the expansion of business.                         

The cash-flow from operations was MEUR -10.0 (-8.0). The main revenue inflow    
takes place during the fourth quarter.                                          

SHORT-TERM RISKS AND UNCERTAINTIES                                              

The most significant factors causing uncertainty for Tiimari business operations
are caused by changes in the overall consumer demand and in the competitive     
environment, as well as the development of demand in the company's new market   
areas. Our success in obtaining good business locations will have a major effect
on the development of both sales and earnings. Other remarkable risks are the   
development of purchasing expenses and the reliability of the supply chain.     
Tiimari strives to prepare for changes in consumer demand by knowing the        
consumer, by constantly developing the company concept, and by implementing new 
and innovative business solutions.                                              


In the period under review, the average number of employees for the group was   
670 (592), and the number of personnel at the end of the period was 663 (496).  
The increase in personnel is mainly due to the Gallerix acquisition and opening 
of new shops.                                                                   

SHARE CAPITAL AND OWN SHARES                                                    

Tiimari's share capital on 30 June 2008 was EUR 7,686,200. The number of shares 
and the voting rights related thereto was 10,311,070. During the review period, 
the Board of Directors did not use its authorisations for share issues.         
Tiimari Oyj Abp has had two stock option schemes. The scheme for 2005 has been  
closed because its terms were not met. In the stock option scheme for 2006, a   
total of 200,000 shares can be subscribed for, and the subscription period      
commences on 1 September 2009.                                                  

At the end of the review period, the number of treasury shares held by the      
company was 11,850. The number of shares has not changed since the beginning of 
the review period. The shares held by the company account for 0.11% of share    
capital and voting rights.                                                      

SHARE PRICES                                                                    

The Tiimari share is quoted on the OMX Nordic Exchange in Helsinki on the small 
cap list. At the end of the review period, the price of Tiimari's share was EUR 
3.91 (4.87 on 31 December 2007). The market value of the share capital was MEUR 
40.3 (50.2 on 31 December 2007). The number of shareholders at the end of the   
period was 2,554 (2,596 on 31 December 2007).                                   

REGARDING CHANGE IN OWNERSHIP                                                   

Tiimari Oyj Abp has received information to the effect that Baltiska Handels    
A.B. has on 25 May 2008 purchased 13,284 Tiimari shares. With the shares        
acquired by Baltiska Handels A.B., the company's holdings (515,767 shares and   
voting rights) of Tiimari Oyj Abp exceeded one-twentieth (1/20) or 5.002% of    
Tiimari Oyj Abp share capital and voting rights.                                

TIIMARI ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING 2008                                             

Tiimari Plc Annual General Meeting held on 4 April 2008 approved the            
2007 financial statements. The Annual General Meeting decided that a dividend of
EUR 0.16 per share or a total of 1,647,875.20 be paid. The reconciliation date  
for dividend distribution was 9 April 2008, and the dividend was paid on        
17 April 2008. The Annual General Meeting discharged the Board of Directors and 
the CEO from liability for the financial year 2007.                             

It was decided that the Board of Directors shall consist of seven members, and  
members elected to the Board are Arja Hautanen, Erik Helin, Teppo Kauppila,     
Kirsti Lindberg-Repo, Juha Mikkonen, Alexander Rosenlew and Peter Seligson.     

KPMG Oy Ab was selected as the company auditor, which in turn appointed the     
Authorised Public Accountant Sixten Nyman as the principal auditor.             

Under a decision by the Annual General Meeting, the Board of Directors was      
authorised to decide on assigning an aggregate maximum of 1,000,000 new shares  
in the form of a share issue or special rights (including stock options)        
entitling to shares pursuant to Chapter 10, Section 1 of the Finnish Companies  
Act in one or more tranches. The Board of Directors may decide to issue either  
new shares or the company's treasury shares that may be in the company's        
possession. The proposed maximum amount of the authorisation represents         
approximately 9.7% of all company shares on the date on which the invitation to 
the Annual General Meeting was published. The authorisation is used for         
financing and implementing potential acquisitions or other arrangements,        
consolidating the company's balance sheet and financial situation, for          
implementing staff engagement and incentive compensation systems or for any     
other purposes determined by the Board of Directors. The authorisation covers   
the right of the Board of Directors to decide on any and all terms and          
conditions of share issues and the issuing of special rights pursuant to Chapter
10, Section 1 of the Finnish Companies Act, including the right to identify the 
beneficiaries of shares or of special rights entitling to shares and to         
determine the amount of consideration. The authorisation shall thus entitle the 
Board of Directors to directed issues of shares or special rights i.e. to a     
deviation from the shareholders' pre-emptive right subject to the provisions of 
the applicable law. The authorisation revokes all previous authorisations and   
remains in force until the next Annual General Meeting.                         

ORGANISATION MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS                                  

In its organisation meeting, the Board of Directors elected Peter Seligson as   
the Chairman. Juha Mikkonen was elected as the chairman of the Audit Committee  
with Teppo Kauppila and Peter Seligson as committee members. The Board of       
Directors elected Peter Seligson to chair the Nominating and Compensation       
committee and appointed Alexander Rosenlew and Arja Hautanen as committee       

CHANGES IN GROUP MANAGEMENT                                                     

Anne Söderholm, with a degree of M.Sc. Economics, joined Tiimari as the         
Marketing and Communications Director and a member of the Management Group of   
Tiimari on 28 May 2008.                                                         

The group's Financial Director Veli-Pekka Kahanpää left the company on 16 June  

B.Sc. Economics Maija Elenius joined the group as the Financial Director and a  
member of the Management Group on 23 June 2008.                                 

M.Sc. Economics Tiina Kuusisto was appointed as the Managing Director of Tiimari
Retail Oy and a member of the Management Group on 2 June 2008. She will assume  
her duties in the autumn.                                                       

EVENTS AFTER THE PERIOD UNDER REVIEW                                            

In July, new stores were opened in Poznan, Poland, and St. Petersburg, Russia.  

M.Sc. Economics Ville Tervola was appointed as the Financing Director of Tiimari
Oyj Abp and a member of the Management Group on 11 August 2008. He will assume  
his duties in the last quarter of the year.                                     


The nature of the main business of Tiimari group is defensive, and it has       
traditionally not been sensitive to economical fluctuations. The company's net  
sales for the third quarter have so far developed as planned. With regard to the
international markets, new business locations will be opened in Poland and      
Russia this year. The modernisation of the Finnish retail store network to      
reflect the renewed visual concept will continue according to plan.             

The company estimates the 2008 net sales to grow at the same rate as during the 
first half of the year. Earnings before taxes are expected to improve compared  
to the 2007 figures. However, the whole year profitability will be affected by  
Tiimari's investments in expansion, the increase in general economic uncertainty
and the seasonality of the business leading to the majority of profits accruing 
during the last quarter as in earlier years.                                    

Tiimari Plc will publish its third quarter report on November 11. 2008.         

Kristina Illi                                                                   
Tiimari Plc                                                                     

CONSOLIDATED PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT                                            

| EUR 1.000                   |   2008 |    2007 |    2008 |    2007 |    2007 |
|                             |  04-06 |   04-06 |   01-06 |   01-06 |    1-12 |
| Net Sales                   | 16.090 |  13.854 |  33.866 |  28.474 |  74.570 |
| Other operating income      |     77 |     -18 |   1.013 |     162 |     347 |
| Change in inventory         |      2 |    -380 |     595 |    -861 |  -1.269 |
| Materials                   | -6.055 |  -5.015 | -14.036 | -10.011 | -28.206 |
| Employee benefit costs      | -4.557 |  -3.646 |  -9.104 |  -7.595 | -15.708 |
| Depreciation                |   -808 |    -517 |  -1.478 |  -1.111 |  -2.402 |
| Other operating expenses    | -6.708 |  -5.239 | -14.112 | -10.454 | -23.003 |
| Operating profit / loss     | -1.959 |    -961 |  -3.256 |  -1.396 |   4.329 |
| Financial income and        |   -787 |    -668 |  -1.546 |  -1 340 |  -2.747 |
| expenses                    |        |         |         |         |         |
| Profit / loss before taxes  | -2.746 |  -1.629 |  -4.802 |  -2.736 |   1.582 |
| Taxes                       |    889 |     120 |     896 |       0 |   1.580 |
| Profit / loss for the       | -1.857 |  -1.509 |  -3.906 |  -2.736 |   3.162 |
| review period               |        |         |         |         |         |
| Parent company's            |  -0,18 |   -0,15 |   -0,38 |   -0,28 |    0,32 |
| shareholders'               |        |         |         |         |         |
| profit, earnings per share  |        |         |         |         |         |
| Adjusted diluted earnings   |        |         |         |         |         |
| per share correspond to the |        |         |         |         |         |
| undiluted earnings          |        |         |         |         |         |

CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET                                                      

| ASSETS                           |  30.06.2008 |  30.06.2007 |    31.12.2007 |
| Goodwill                         |      37.497 |      32.987 |        37.385 |
| Other intangible assets          |      19.441 |      14.999 |        19.760 |
| Tangible assets                  |       4.916 |       3.428 |         4.650 |
| Other financial assets           |         105 |         114 |           114 |
| Receivables                      |          72 |          84 |           100 |
| Deferred tax receivables         |         920 |       1.450 |            30 |
| Total non-current assets         |      62.951 |      53.062 |        62.039 |
| Inventories                      |      26.139 |      24.479 |        25.473 |
| Trade and other receivables      |       4.788 |       3.929 |         6.877 |
| Liquid assets                    |       1.045 |       1.250 |         2.852 |
| Total current assets             |      31 972 |      29.658 |        35.202 |
| Non- current assets              |           0 |           0 |           124 |
| available for sales              |             |             |               |
| TOTAL ASSETS                     |      94.923 |      82.720 |        97.365 |
| SHAREHOLDERS' s EQUITY AND       |             |             |               |
| LIABILITIES                      |             |             |               |
| Parent company's shareholders'   |             |             |               |
| equity                           |             |             |               |
| TOTAL SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY       |      34.066 |      31.723 |        39.667 |
| LIABILITIES                      |             |             |               |
| Deferred tax liabilities         |       6.621 |       5.524 |         6.692 |
| Interest-bearing liabilities     |      27.960 |      18.102 |        28.220 |
| Provisions                       |          23 |          27 |            23 |
| Total non-current liabilities    |      34.604 |      23.653 |        34.935 |
| Interest bearing liabilities     |      16.397 |      20.004 |         5.787 |
| Provisions                       |           8 |          22 |             8 |
| Accounts payable and other       |       9.848 |       7.318 |        16.968 |
| payables                         |             |             |               |
| Tax liabilities                  |           0 |           0 |             0 |
| Total current liabilities        |      26 253 |      27.344 |        22.763 |
| TOTAL LIABILITIES                |      60.857 |      50.997 |        57.698 |
| TOTAL SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY AND   |      94.923 |      82.720 |        97.365 |
| LIABILITIES                      |             |             |               |

CALCULATION OF CHANGES TO SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY                                  

| SHAREHOLDERS |  Share | Distributa |    Own | Translatio | Retained |  Total |
|       EQUITY | capita |        ble | shares |          n | earnings |        |
|              |      l |     equity |        | difference |          |        |
|              |        |       fund |        |          s |          |        |
|     1.1.2008 |  7.686 |     13.821 |    -55 |       -219 |   18.434 | 39.667 |
|  Translation |        |            |        |        -31 |          |    -31 |
|  differences |        |            |        |            |          |        |
|   Net income |        |            |        |            |   -3.906 | -3.906 |
|      for the |        |            |        |            |          |        |
|       period |        |            |        |            |          |        |
|        Total |        |            |        |        -31 |   -3.906 | -3.937 |
|   recognised |        |            |        |            |          |        |
|   income and |        |            |        |            |          |        |
|     expenses |        |            |        |            |          |        |
|      for the |        |            |        |            |          |        |
|       period |        |            |        |            |          |        |
|    Dividends |        |            |        |            |   -1.648 | -1.648 |
|         paid |        |            |        |            |          |        |
|        Other |        |            |        |            |      -16 |    -16 |
|      changes |        |            |        |            |          |        |
|   30.06.2008 |  7.686 |     13.821 |    -55 |       -250 |   12.864 | 34.066 |

| SHAREHOLDERS |  Share | Distributa |    Own | Translatio | Retained |  Total |
|       EQUITY | capita |        ble | shares |          n | earnings |        |
|              |      l |     equity |        | difference |          |        |
|              |        |       fund |        |          s |          |        |
|     1.1.2007 |  7.686 |     11.558 |    -55 |        -27 |   16.729 | 35.891 |
|  Translation |        |            |        |         39 |          |     39 |
|  differences |        |            |        |            |          |        |
|   Net income |        |            |        |            |   -2.736 | -2.736 |
|      for the |        |            |        |            |          |        |
|       period |        |            |        |            |          |        |
|       Total  |        |            |        |         39 |   -2.736 | -2.697 |
|   recognised |        |            |        |            |          |        |
|   income and |        |            |        |            |          |        |
|     expenses |        |            |        |            |          |        |
|      for the |        |            |        |            |          |        |
|       period |        |            |        |            |          |        |
|    Dividends |        |            |        |            |   -1.477 | -1.477 |
|         paid |        |            |        |            |          |        |
|        Other |        |            |        |            |        6 |      6 |
|      changes |        |            |        |            |          |        |
|   30.06.2007 |  7.686 |     11.558 |    -55 |         12 |   12.522 | 31.723 |

CASH FLOW STATEMENT                                                             

| Cash flow from operations              |    1-6/08 |     1-6/07 |    1-12/07 |
| Profit/loss for financial period       |    -3.906 |     -2.736 |      3.162 |
| Adjustments:                           |           |            |            |
| Depreciation and impairment            |     1.478 |      1.110 |      2.402 |
| Financial income and expenses          |     1.547 |      1.339 |      2.747 |
| Taxes                                  |      -896 |          0 |     -1.580 |
| Other adjustments                      |      -885 |       -144 |      1.757 |
| Change in working capital:             |           |            |            |
| Change in short-term receivables       |     2.331 |       -227 |     -2.540 |
| Change in inventories                  |      -666 |        726 |        164 |
| Change in short-term liabilities       |    -7.192 |     -6.706 |      1.888 |
| Interest paid                          |    -1.518 |     -1.406 |     -3.079 |
| Interest income received               |        69 |         70 |        193 |
| Taxes paid                             |      -360 |        -56 |        173 |
| Net cash flow from operations          |    -9.998 |     -8.030 |      5.287 |
| Cash flow from investment activities   |           |            |            |
| Investments in tangible and            |    -1.652 |       -478 |     -2.697 |
| intangible assets                      |           |            |            |
| Acquisition of subsidiary companies    |         0 |          0 |     -4.645 |
| net cash of acquired                   |           |            |            |
| Capital gains                          |     1.111 |      6.680 |      6.818 |
| from tangible and intangible assets    |           |            |            |
| Repayment of loan receivables          |        28 |         50 |       -650 |
| Additional purchase price paid         |         0 |     -1.500 |     -1.500 |
| Net cash from investments              |      -513 |      4.752 |     -2.674 |
| Cash flow from financing activities    |           |            |            |
| Long-term loans, increase              |         0 |      6.500 |     12.229 |
| Long-term loans, decrease              |      -322 |     -2.819 |     -5.098 |
| Short-term loans, increase             |    11.677 |      2.993 |      7.060 |
| Short-term loans, decrease             |    -1.000 |     -8.994 |    -20.792 |
| Dividends paid                         |    -1.648 |     -1.475 |     -1.477 |
| Net cash flow from financing           |     8.707 |     -3.795 |     -8.078 |
| Change in liquid assets                |    -1.805 |     -7.073 |     -5.465 |
| Liquid assets, beginning of review     |     2.852 |      8.323 |      8.323 |
| period                                 |           |            |            |
| Effects of exchange rate changes       |        -2 |          0 |         -6 |
| on liquid assets                       |           |            |            |
| Liquid assets, end of review period    |     1.045 |      1.250 |      2.852 |

This interim financial report is prepared in accordance with                    
IAS 34 (Interim Financial Reporting) using the same accounting policies and     
methods of computation as in the annual financial statements for 2007.          
All figures in the accounts have been rounded and consequently the sum of       
individual figures can deviate from the presented sum figure.                   
Tiimari Plc has adopted IFRS 8 (Operating Segments) as of                       
January 1, 2008. This will impact on disclosure information.                    

Use of estimates:                                                               
The preparation of the financial statements in accordance with IFRS requires    
management to make estimates and assumptions that affect the valuation of the   
reported assets and liabilities and other information, such as contingent       
liabilities and the recognition of income and expenses in the income statement. 
Although the estimates are based on the management's best knowledge of current  
events and actions, actual results may differ from the estimates.               

Amended and new International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) as of        
1 January 2008:                                                                 
 - IFRIC 11 IFRS 2 - Group Treasury Share Transactions                          
 - IFRIC 12 Service Concession Agreements                                       
 - IFRIC 13 Customer Loyalty Programmes                                         
 - IFRIC 14 IAS 19 - The Limit on Defined Benefit Asset, Minimum Funding        
   Requirements and their Interaction                                           

The adoption of the new and revised standards and interpretations has no        
material effect on the interim financial report.                                

SEGMENT-SPECIFIC FIGURES                                                        

NET SALES BY SEGMENT                                                            

| EUR 1,000          |     2008 |      2007 |     2008 |      2007 |      2007 |
|                    |      4-6 |       4-6 |      1-6 |       1-6 |      1-12 |
| Tiimari            |   15.783 |    13.175 |   33.378 |    27.325 |    72.641 |
| Tiimore            |      330 |       701 |      553 |     1.190 |     2.040 |
| Other              |      777 |        72 |    1.633 |       169 |       506 |
| Internal           |     -800 |       -93 |   -1.698 |      -209 |      -616 |
| Group              |   16.090 |    13.854 |   33.866 |    28.474 |    74.570 |

OPERATING PROFIT BY SEGMENT                                                     

| EUR 1,000          |     2008 |      2007 |     2008 |      2007 |      2007 |
|                    |      4-6 |       4-6 |      1-6 |       1-6 |      1-12 |
| Tiimari            |   -1.709 |      -945 |   -3.379 |    -1.256 |     5.894 |
| Tiimore            |     -197 |         5 |      234 |       -56 |      -572 |
| Other              |      -53 |       -21 |     -110 |       -84 |      -993 |
| Group              |   -1.959 |      -961 |   -3.256 |    -1.396 |     4.329 |

Segment information has been updated because of structural changes as from      

DEPRECIATION BY SEGMENT                                                         

| EUR 1,000          |     2008 |      2007 |     2008 |      2007 |      2007 |
|                    |      4-6 |       4-6 |      1-6 |       1-6 |      1-12 |
| Tiimari            |      608 |       350 |    1.096 |       750 |     1.685 |
| Tiimore            |       19 |        14 |       42 |        28 |        75 |
| Other              |      181 |       153 |      340 |       333 |       643 |
| Group              |      808 |       517 |    1.478 |     1.111 |     2.402 |

CAPITAL EXPENDITURE BY SEGMENT                                                  

| EUR 1,000          |     2008 |      2007 |     2008 |      2007 |      2007 |
|                    |      4-6 |       4-6 |      1-6 |       1-6 |      1-12 |
| Tiimari            |    1.092 |       288 |    1.580 |       465 |    10.492 |
| Tiimore            |       11 |         0 |       88 |         0 |       225 |
| Other              |        0 |         0 |        0 |         0 |        86 |
| Group              |    1.103 |       288 |    1.668 |       465 |    10.803 |

NET SALES: BY GEOGRAPHICAL AREA                                                 

| EUR 1,000          |     2008 |      2007 |     2008 |      2007 |      2007 |
|                    |      4-6 |       4-6 |      1-6 |       1-6 |      1-12 |
| Finland            |   12.435 |    12.800 |   25.773 |    26.312 |    66.431 |
| Other countries    |    3.654 |     1.054 |    8.093 |     2.162 |     8.138 |
| Group              |   16.090 |    13.854 |   33.866 |    28.474 |    74.570 |

INTANGIBLE ASSETS                                                               

| EUR 1,000                    |        06/2008 |     06/2007 |        12/2007 |
| Book value, Jan. 1           |         57.145 |      50.779 |         50.779 |
| Currency translation         |             -6 |             |             -1 |
| adjustment                   |                |             |                |
| Capital expenditure          |            868 |         393 |          7.842 |
| Amortization and impairment  |         -1.069 |        -717 |         -1.579 |
| Disposals and transfers      |              0 |      -2.469 |            104 |
| BOOK VALUE AT THE END OF     |         56.938 |      47.986 |         57.145 |
| PERIOD                       |                |             |                |

TANGIBLE ASSETS                                                                 

| EUR 1,000                    |        06/2008 |     06/2007 |        12/2007 |
| Book value, Jan. 1           |          4.650 |       9.890 |          9.890 |
| Currency translation         |              4 |             |              5 |
| adjustment                   |                |             |                |
| Capital expenditure          |            888 |          72 |          1.923 |
| Depreciation and impairment  |           -409 |        -394 |           -823 |
| Disposals and transfers      |           -217 |      -6.140 |         -6.345 |
| BOOK VALUE AT THE END OF     |          4.916 |       3.428 |          4.650 |
| PERIOD                       |                |             |                |

CONTINGENT LIABILITIES                                                          

|                                |    30.6.2008 |    30.6.2007 |    31.12.2007 |
| Financial institution loans    |       31.153 |       25.013 |        20.527 |
| against                        |              |              |               |
| the following securities       |              |              |               |
| Real estate mortgages          |        1.000 |        2.361 |         2.361 |
| Corporate mortgages            |       31.137 |       31.137 |        31.137 |
| Pledged shares                 |        1.476 |        1.476 |         1.476 |
| Other own liabilities:         |              |              |               |
| Bank quarantees                |        1.384 |          941 |         1.927 |
| Other liabilities              |          408 |           13 |           413 |
| Leasing liabilities            |              |              |               |
| Due within one year            |           21 |            8 |            30 |
| Due after one year             |            8 |           11 |            21 |
| OTHER RENT LIABILITIES         |              |              |               |
| Due within one year            |        9.331 |       10.782 |        12.108 |
| Due after one year             |       16.454 |        5.376 |        17.814 |

GROUP INVESTMENTS AND DEPRECIATIONS EUR 1,000                                   

|                                |         2008 |         2007 |          2007 |
|                                |          1-6 |          1-6 |          1-12 |
| Gross investments              |        1.668 |          465 |        10.803 |
| Depreciations                  |          217 |        7.224 |         7.329 |

CHANGES TO GROUP'S FINANCIAL INSTITUTION LOANS                                  

|                                |         2008 |         2007 |          2007 |
|                                |          1-6 |          1-6 |          1-12 |
| Increase                       |       11.693 |        9.493 |        19.288 |
| Decrease                       |       -1.342 |      -11.814 |       -27.389 |
| Total changes                  |       10.351 |       -2.321 |        -8.101 |

EXPORT FROM FINLAND                                                             

|                                |         2008 |         2007 |          2007 |
|                                |          1-6 |          1-6 |          1-12 |
|                                |          900 |          500 |         1.400 |

KEY FINANCIAL FIGURES                                                           

|                                       |      2008 |       2007 |        2007 |
|                                       |       1-6 |        1-6 |        1-12 |
| Net sales                             |    33.866 |     28.474 |      74.570 |
| Operating profit / loss               |    -3.256 |     -1.396 |       4.329 |
| Profit/loss for the financial period  |    -3.906 |     -2.736 |       3.162 |
| Earnings per share, EUR               |     -0,38 |      -0,28 |        0,32 |
| Shareholders' equity per share, EUR   |      3,30 |       3,22 |        3,85 |
| Shareholders' equity per share        |      3,30 |       3,22 |        3,85 |
| (diluted),EUR                         |           |            |             |
| Solvency ratio                        |    35,89% |    38,35 % |     40,75 % |
| Gearing                               |  127,14 % |   116,18 % |     78,54 % |
| Balance sheet total                   |    94.923 |     82.720 |      97.365 |
| Average number of shares (pcs)        | 10.311.07 |  9.847.750 |   9.908.680 |
|                                       |         0 |            |             |
| Interest-bearing liabilities          |    43.312 |     36.856 |      31.155 |

CALCULATION OF KEY FINANCIAL FIGURES                                            

Earnings per share (EPS), EUR=                                                  
(Earnings before taxes-taxes) / Adjusted average number of shares               

Shareholders' equity per share, EUR=                                            
Shareholders' equity / Number of shares at the end of the period                

Solvency ratio-%=                                                               
(Shareholders' equity*100) / (Balance sheet total - advances received)          

(Interest-bearing liabilities - cash in bank) * 100/Shareholders' equity        

Interest-bearing net liabilities                                                
Interest-bearing liabilities - cash in bank                                     


Major shareholders, 30.6.2008                                                   

|                                             |      Shares |        % shares  |
|                                             |             |       and voting |
|                                             |             |           rights |
| Atine Group Oy                              |   2.134.664 |             20,7 |
| Assetman Oy                                 |   1.100.000 |             10,7 |
| Baltiska Handels A.B.                       |     516.483 |              5,0 |
| Cumasa Oy                                   |     407.625 |              4,0 |
| Varma Mutual Pension Insurance Company      |     375.000 |              3,6 |
| Ilmarinen Mutual Pension Insurance Company  |     351.781 |              3,4 |
| Nordea Bank Finland Plc (admistrative reg.) |     343.934 |              3,3 |
| Troll Capital Oy                            |     196.500 |              1,9 |
| Edgar Holding AB                            |     154.440 |              1,5 |
| Suomen Kauppayhtiöt Oy                      |     125.000 |              1,2 |
| Nordea Bank Finland Plc                     |     122.100 |              1,2 |
| Sonesson Thomas                             |     110.314 |              1,1 |
| Thomas Sonesson Konsult AB                  |     110.314 |              1,1 |
| Tapiola Suomi Mutual Fund                   |     103.602 |              1,0 |
| Arvo Finland Value Mutual Fund              |     100.000 |              1,0 |

Further information: CEO Kristina Illi, tel +358 (0) 400 408 889