Cencorp Corporation Interim Report for 1 January - 30 June 2008


Cencorp Corporation Interim Report for 1 January - 30 June 2008                 

January-June 2008                                                               

Net sales amounted to EUR 8.9 (7.9) million                                     
Operating profit (EBIT) totalled EUR -1.5 (-1.7) million                        
Profit before taxes was EUR -2.0 (-2.3) million                                 
Equity ratio stood at  5.8% (13.7 % December 31, 2007)                          

April-June 2007                                                                 

Net sales amounted to EUR 4.4 (4.1) million                                     
Operating profit (EBIT) totalled EUR -1.4 (-0.6) million                        
Profit before taxes was EUR -1.7 (-1.0) million                                 
EUR 0.9 million reorganization expenses included in EBIT                        

The figures given for comparison are those for the corresponding period in the  
previous year unless otherwise stated.                                          

The Interim Report has been prepared in accordance with IAS 34 Interim Financial

Group's key figures                                                             

| (unaudited)     |      |         |          |          |          |          |
| EUR 1,000       |      | 4-6/200 | 4-6/2007 | 1-6/2008 | 1-6/2007 | 1-12/200 |
|                 |      |       8 |          |          |          |        7 |
| Net sales       |      |   4 382 |    4 077 |    8 877 |    7 897 |   20 323 |
| Operating profit/loss  |  -1 424 |     -636 |   -1 495 |   -1 654 |   -1 050 |
| (EBIT)                 |         |          |          |          |          |
| % of net sales  |      | -32,5 % |  -15,6 % |  -16,8 % |  -20,9 % |   -5,2 % |
| Profit/loss before     |  -1 685 |     -970 |   -1 992 |   -2 305 |   -3 889 |
| taxes (EBT)            |         |          |          |          |          |
| % of net sales  |      | -38,5 % |  -23,8 % |  -22,4 % |  -29,2 % |  -19,1 % |
| Research and           |     150 |      263 |      361 |      466 |      896 |
| development costs      |         |          |          |          |          |
| % of net sales  |      |   3,4 % |    6,5 % |    4,1 % |    5,9 % |    4,4 % |
| Equity ratio, % |      |   5,8 % |   -8,7 % |    5,8 % |   -8,7 % |   13,7 % |
| Personnel on    |      |     124 |      129 |      126 |      135 |      134 |
| average         |      |         |          |          |          |          |
| Personnel at the end   |     122 |      132 |      122 |      132 |      133 |
| of period              |         |          |          |          |          |
| Profit/share,   |      |   -0,04 |    -0,04 |    -0,05 |    -0,09 |    -0,12 |
| EUR, diluted    |      |         |          |          |          |          |

Net sales and earnings performance                                              


January-June 2008                                                               

Cencorp's net sales amounted to EUR 8.9 (7.9) million. Operating profit was EUR 
-1.5 (-1.7) million. The Group's net financial items for the review period were 
-0.5 (-0.7) million. Profit before taxes totalled EUR -2.0 (-2.3) million. The  
net profit for the period was EUR -2.0 (-2.3) million. Diluted earnings per     
share were EUR                                                                  
- 0.05 (-0.09).  EUR 0.9 million reorganization expenses had negative impact on 
Operating profit.                                                               

Cencorp Corporation's net sales came from one business segment: the automation  
and testing business. The laser business, which has been moved to Cencorp       
Corporation's subsidiary Singulase Corporation, did not generate any revenue in 
the review period, as the company still concentrated on product development. The
operating loss of the automation and testing business amounted to EUR -1.3      
(-1.5) million, while earnings before taxes stood at EUR -1.8 (-212) million and
the net loss for the period at EUR -1.8  (-2.1) million. Singulase Corporation  
recorded an operating profit, profit before taxes and net loss for the period of
EUR -0.2 (-0.2) million.                                                        

April-June 2007                                                                 

Net sales in April-June 2008 totalled EUR 4.4 million (EUR 4.1 million) while   
operating profit (EBIT) amounted to EUR -1.4 million (EUR -0.6 million). The    
Group's net financial items were EUR -0.3 (-0.3) million. Profit before taxes   
totalled EUR -1.4 (-1.0) million. Diluted earnings per share were EUR -0.04     
(-0.04). EUR 0.9 million reorganization expenses had negative impact on         
Operating profit. The capital gain of EUR 0.3 million generated from the real   
estate has improved the Operating Profit in parent company, but has been booked 
directly in the consolidated retained earnings according to IAS 40.             

Balance sheet and financing                                                     

The balance sheet figures at 30 June 2008 are compared to those at 31 December  

At the end of the review period, the balance sheet total was EUR 14.9 (17.5)    
million. The company's cash flow after investments was EUR 0,5  (-1.1)          
million, while interest-bearing net debts at the end of the review period       
amounted to EUR 9.9 (10.8) million. Accounts receivables decreased to EUR 4.3   
(6.4) million, and inventories amounted to EUR 4.6 (4.3) million.               
Non-interest-bearing liabilities amounted to EUR 3.7 (3.7) million and interest 
bearing liabilities to EUR 9,9 (10,8) million. The equity ratio was 5.8%        
(13.7%). Gross investments in January-June totalled EUR 0.03 (0.3) million, or  
1.0% (1.3) of the period's net sales, and mainly came from product development. 

Events in the review period                                                     

Details about events in the review period are available in Cencorp              
Corporation's stock exchange releases on Cencorp's website at www.cencorp.com.  

Cencorp Corporation appealed on April 2, 2008 to Market Court concerning public 
warning by Financial Supervision Authority                                      

Cencorp Corporation appealed to Market Court concerning public warning given by 
the Financial Supervision Authority on March 3, 2008. Company appeals the       
decision of Financial Supervision Authority and claims that Market Court        
overrules the decision in its totality. Opinion of Cencorp Corporation is that  
company has acted diligently in the matter and given the answers  requested  to 
the Financial Supervision Authority.                                            

Decisions of the Annual General Meeting on April 17, 2008                       

The financial statements for the fiscal year 2007 were approved. In accordance  
with the Board's proposal, it was resolved that no dividend shall be paid for   
the fiscal year January 1 - December 31, 2007. Likewise, it was resolved that   
the net loss of the fiscal year 2007 will be entered in the retained earnings   
account. Release from liability for the fiscal year January 1 -  December 31,   
2007 was granted to the members of the parent company's Board and the CEO.      
The Annual General Meeting passed a resolution to elect four members to the     
Board. The previous members elected to the Board were Mr. Markku Jokela and Mr. 
Sauli Kiuru. New members are M.Sc, MBA, Mr. Turo Levänen (b. 1960) and Attorney,
LL.M, Mr. Ari Anttonen (b. 1962).                                               

Turo Levänen has acted as CEO of Proventure AG, as Investment Director of Suomen
Teollisuussijoitus Oy, as CEO of Fimet Oy and as Branch of Industry Director in 
SITRA. Ari Anttonen works as Lawyer in Bützow Attorneys Ltd. He has acted as    
Director in Varma Mutual Pension Insurance Company, as General Counsel in Mutual
Pension Insurance Company Eläke-Varma and as Director of Finance in Postipankki 

At the Board's organization meeting that was held after the Annual General      
Meeting, Turo Levänen was elected Chairman of the Board and Ari Anttonen Vice   
Chairman of the Board. Cencorp´s Vice President, Legal Affairs Mr. Ville Parpola
continues as the secretary of the board. Ari Anttonen and Turo Levänen were     
elected as members of the Nomination and Compensation Committee. Mr Anttonen was
elected as the Chairman of the Nomination and Compensation Committee.           

Tilintarkastus Tuokko Oy was elected as the Company's auditor, with Authorised  
Public Accountant Timo Tuokko to be the primarily responsible auditor.          

In accordance with the Board's proposal, it was resolved that the Board of      
Directors of the company is  authorized to resolve on the issuance of shares and
stock options and other special rights entitling to shares subject to chapter   
10, section 1 of the Companies Act as follows.The aggregate number of shares    
issued on the basis of the authorization may not exceed 10,000,000 shares. The  
Board of Directors is authorized to resolve on all                              
the terms and conditions concerning the issue of shares and stock options and   
other special rights entitling to shares. Issuance of shares and other special  
rights entitling to shares can be carried out as a directed issue. Authorization
is valid until further notice, however not more than five years from the        
decision by the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders.                         

Cencorp Corporation informed on May 13, 2008 that it starts rearrangements      
related to improving of profitability and customer service                      

The Board of Cencorp Corporation decided as a part of it's actions to increase  
the productivity and improve the  fixed cost efficiency and customer service to 
examine the                                                                     
possibilities for rearrangements in Lohja and Salo sites, in Singulase Oy as    
well as in its foreign subsidiaries.                                            

Therefore Cencorp Corporation  started personnel negotiations in Lohja and Salo 
sites, in Singulase Oy and in its Sweden based subsidiary on the financial and  
production-related as  well  as on  the  restructuring related grounds. The     
negotiations concern  personnel of Cencorp Corporation and  Singulase Oy as     
whole in Finland and in Sweden. Maximum amount of terminations in Finland is 40 

Furthermore, Cencorp Corporation examined different options related to receiving
its American subsidiary profitable as well as possibilities to out-source its   
operations in France to local distributor, who will act as sales and service    
representative of the products of Cencorp Corporation in France in the future.  

The Board of Cencorp Corporation and CEO Mr. Jouni Suutarinen signed on May 13, 
2008 an agreement concerning termination of cooperation. Company thanked Mr.    
Jouni Suutarinen for strong commitment to developing of the Company in difficult
turning point.                                                                  

The Board of Directors started its search for a new CEO. Mr. Hannu Seppälä      
(B.1959), Vice President, tester business were appointed as acting CEO starting 
on May 13, 2008. Mr Seppälä previously worked as entrepreneur in test solutions.
Cencorp Corporation acquired his company, Salon Hannu Seppälä Oy, in 1999.      
Management team member of Cencorp Corporation Mr. Seppälä has been since  2001. 

Cencorp Corporation informed on June 27, 2008 that statutory negotiations were  

Negotiation result were reached in the statutory negotiations started on May 13,
2008 in Cencorp Corporation. Amount of employees in Finnish sites decreases in  
all by 25 people. Reductions will be realized mainly by dismissals.             

French subsidiary of Cencorp Corporation will end its operations by September   
30, 2008. Business operations in France will be simultaneously out-sourced to   
local distributors.                                                             

Furthermore, Cencorp Corporation still examines different options related to    
receiving its American subsidiary profitable as well as possibilities to close  
down its subsidiary in Sweden.                                                  

By these efficiency improvement measures company reaches approx. EUR 2.5 million
savings in fixed and operational costs. These measures will begin to have a     
positive impact on results in fourth quarter of year 2008 and savings are       
reached in full during year 2009.                                               

Due to the rearrangements, Cencorp Corporation will register non-recurring costs
approximately EUR 0.9 million for the second quarter of year 2008 as disclosed  
in May 13, 2008.                                                                

Cencorp Corporation and Catella Property Oy signed an agreement concerning      
arrangement, target of which is to sell industrial facilities of Cencorp        
Corporation in Lohja to third party investor and lease back facilities. Surface 
area of industrial and office buildings is approx. 5602 square meters. Real     
estates are burden by EUR 0.9 million loan from City of Lohja. Target is to sell
real estates during year 2008.                                                  

Acting CEO Mr. Hannu Seppälä carried out successfully the demanding task given  
to him in May 2008 concerning rearrangements in Cencorp Corporation. The Board  
of Cencorp Corporation and Mr. Seppälä agreed that Mr. Seppälä will focus to be 
in charge of testing and laser businesses of Cencorp Corporation in the future. 
The Board has started process to search a new CEO. CFO Mr. Jarmo Kanervo has    
been appointed as acting CEO starting on June 27, 2008.                         

Management team of Cencorp Corporation consists of following people on June 27, 
2008: Acting CEO, CFO Jarmo Kanervo, Sami Lahokoski (production, Lohja), Arto   
Timonen (sales and marketing), Hannu Seppälä (testing and laser business) and   
Ville Parpola (legal affairs and HR).                                           

Cencorp Corporation released market guidance on June 27, 2008                   

Net sales of second quarter are estimated to be approx. EUR 4.0 - 4.2 million   
and earnings before interest and taxes (EBIT) are estimated to be approx. EUR   
1.1 million negative, including approx. EUR 0.9 million non-recurring costs     
related to the rearrangements. Estimation concerning net sales and earnings     
before interest and taxes (EBIT) of the third quarter will be disclosed in      
interim report concerning second quarter on August 21, 2008.  Order book by the 
end of second quarter is approx. EUR 1.5 million. Financial position of Cencorp 
Corporation continues to be tight.                                              

CHANGES IN GROUP STRUCTURE                                                      

There were no changes in group structure during the review period.              


There were no notifications pursuant to chapter 2, section 9, of the Securities 
Market Act during the review period                                             

EVENTS AFTER THE REVIEW PERIOD                                                  

There were no published events after the review period                          

Business environment and customers                                              

Cencorp operates in the global market of production automation for the          
electronics and semiconductor industries. The company supplies production       
automation systems and testing equipment to the semiconductor,                  
telecommunications, consumer electronics, industrial electronics and automotive 
electronics industries as well as to the electronics contract manufacturers.    

Research and development                                                        

The R&D expenses for April-June totalled 3.4% of net sales, or EUR 0.15 (0.26)  
million of which no significant amounts were capitalised in the balance sheet.  
The depreciations of the incomplete product development projects related to     
fiber-laser will start as planned on July 1, 2008.                              

Board, management and personnel                                                 

At the end of the period, Cencorp Corporation's Board of Directors consisted of 
Mr Turo Levänen, Chairman, Mr Ari Anttonen, Deputy Chairman, Mr Markku Jokela,  
member and Sauli Kiuru, member. The company's management team comprised Acting  
CEO, CFO Jarmo Kanervo, Sami Lahokoski (production, Lohja), Arto Timonen (sales 
and marketing), Hannu Seppälä (testing and laser business) and Ville Parpola    
(legal affairs and HR).                                                         
Cencorp employed an average of 124 (129) people from April to June. The payroll 
at the end of the period totalled 122 (132) employees: 106 (113), or 87% (86%), 
in Finland and 16 (19), or 13% (14%), abroad.                                   
As a result of the reorganisation actions decided in June 2008 the amount of    
personnel will be reduced by 30 persons being less than 100 at the end of fiscal

Share performance and changes in ownership                                      

The price of the company's share ranged from EUR 0.17 (4-6/2007: EUR 0.27) to   
EUR 0.22 (4-6/2007: EUR 0.43) over the review period, the average share price   
being EUR 0.20 (4-6/2007: EUR 0.36). A total of   1,470 852 (4-6/2007:          
4,073,649) shares, or 3.1% (4-6/2007: 11.9%) of the company's entire share      
capital, were traded during the period.                                         

The company's market capitalisation at the end of the review period was EUR 8,4 
million (6/2007: EUR 14 million).                                               

At the end of the review period, the company had 5,256 registered shareholders  
(6/2007: 5,870). A total of  96,710  shares were nominee registered             
(6/2007:310,529), i.e., 0.2% (6/2007: 0.9 %). Cencorp had a total of            
46,964,875 shares outstanding at the end of the review period (6/2007:          
34,250,591), and one share series.                                              

Outlook for the future                                                          

The net sales of third quarter are estimated to be EUR 3.5-3.8 million. The     
company estimates that the net sales of last quarter will be higher than the    
third quarter. Order book of Cencorp Corporation is EUR 2.3 million             

The operating expenses of the company are today better matching the market      
demand of our products. The annual savings EUR 2.5 million achieved by          
restructuring actions will have positive partial impact on the operating profit 
of third quarter and  will have full effect during the last quarter .           

The net sales of fiscal year 2008 will be lower than year 2007 (EUR 20,3        
million) and operating profit (EBIT) of fiscal year 2008 is estimated to be     

The available cash reserves of the company are very limited due to the high debt
ratio and the non-profitable operating profit of last years. The company has not
been able to reach the covenants of loans and shortterm financial facilites. The
EUR 0.3 million installment due 1 August, 2008 has been accepted to postpone to 
1 November, 2008.  The Group's shortterm financing facilities of EUR 3.5 million
mature on 30 October 2008 and require reorganization in a tightening market     

The development of the laser technology related to semiconductor business has   
taken much more time than expected. Because of this Cencorp's Board of          
Director's announced on May 13, 2008 that it will publish updated laser business
strategy when publishing interim report for the period of  January 1-June 30,   
Company continues development projects related to the laser technology during   
second half of year 2008 and during year 2009. Problems of development are      
related especially to laser component which is purchased from sub-contractor,   
not product platform developed by Cencorp. Because of this Cencorp has searched 
alternative suppliers for laser components and searches actively partner related
to faster commercializing of laser technology.                                  
First commercial supply concerning laser applications developed to electronics  
industry is estimated to take place already during year 2009.                   

Cencorp is concentrading four product category: assembly cells of electrical    
components, applications for routing and sawing of circuit boards,  test        
handlers for electrical products and laser applications.                        

Future risks and uncertainty factors                                            

The most significant risks from Cencorp business perspective are related to the 
on-going tight financing situation as well as to the development of the sales.  
Cencorp's sales forecasts are based on the company's own views as well as the   
sales development estimates from customers and the distributor network.         

The company has also risks related to balance items. The valuation of the       
Goodwill EUR 2.0 million is depending of development of the operational profit  
in the near future.                                                             
Singulase Corporation has a subordinated loan of EUR 1.1 million from the parent
company. The parent company has capitalised product development projects        
amounted to EUR 1,4 million . The valuation of those balance items are depending
on the profitability of the laser business. The company are actively            
investigating the possible partners to quicker commercialize the product        
development investments of laser business.                                      
The operating profit of US subsidiary is today positive and thus being able to  
it's payables to parent company.                                                

Preparing of financial statements as defined in the Companies                   
Act 20:23.1§ and convene extraordinary shareholders meeting                     
to clarify the financial status of the company                                  

Because the shareholders´ equity of the parent company has decreased under 50%  
the share capital on 30 June 2008, the Company will prepare financial statements
as defined in the Companies Act 20:23.1§ by end of September 2008. After the    
financial statements are ready the board of Cencorp will convene an             
extraordinary shareholders meeting within three months from the date when       
financial statements are ready.                                                 
The Company has a 2.7 million euros convertible loan which has not been         
when the proportion between the shareholders´ equity and the share capital has  
calculated. In case capital loan would be considered as part of the             
shareholders´ equity                                                            
the shareholders´ equity would be larger than the share capital.                

Lohja,  21 August, 2008                                                         

Cencorp Corporation                                                             

Board of Directors  

| CONSOLIDATED INCOME     |         |         |           |          |         |
| STATEMENT               |         |         |           |          |         |
| (unaudited    |         |         |         |           |          |         |
| figures)      |         |         |         |           |          |         |
| EUR 1 000     | 4-6/200 | 4-6/200 | 1-6/200 |  1-6/2007 | 1-12/200 |         |
|               |       8 |       7 |       8 |           |        7 |         |
| Net sales     |   4 382 |   4 077 |   8 877 |     7 897 |   20 323 |         |
| Other         |      53 |     103 |      80 |       140 |      421 |         |
| operating     |         |         |         |           |          |         |
| income        |         |         |         |           |          |         |
| Expenses,     |  -5 620 |  -4 533 | -10 064 |    -9 099 |  -20 901 |         |
| total         |         |         |         |           |          |         |
| Depreciations |    -239 |    -283 |    -388 |      -592 |     -893 |         |
| and           |         |         |         |           |          |         |
| write-downs   |         |         |         |           |          |         |
| Operating     |  -1 424 |    -636 |  -1 495 |    -1 654 |   -1 050 |         |
| result        |         |         |         |           |          |         |
| Financial     |    -261 |    -334 |    -497 |      -651 |   -2 839 |         |
| income and    |         |         |         |           |          |         |
| expenses      |         |         |         |           |          |         |
| Result before |  -1 685 |    -970 |  -1 992 |    -2 305 |   -3 889 |         |
|  taxes        |         |         |         |           |          |         |
| Income taxes  |      -8 |     -13 |     -14 |       -12 |      -74 |         |
| Consolidated  |  -1 693 |    -983 |  -2 006 |    -2 317 |   -3 963 |         |
| net result    |         |         |         |           |          |         |
| CONSOLIDATED BALANCE    |         |         |           |          |         |
| SHEET                   |         |         |           |          |         |
| (unaudited)   |         |         |         |           |          |         |
| EUR 1 000     |         |         | 30.6.20 | 30.6.2007 | 1-12/200 |         |
|               |         |         |      08 |           |        7 |         |
| ASSETS        |         |         |         |           |          |         |
| Long-term     |         |         |         |           |          |         |
| assets        |         |         |         |           |          |         |
| Tangible      |         |         |   1 525 |     1 672 |    1 613 |         |
| assets        |         |         |         |           |          |         |
| Investment    |         |         |         |       337 |      343 |         |
| property      |         |         |         |           |          |         |
| Goodwill      |         |         |   2 028 |     2 028 |    2 028 |         |
| Other         |         |         |     310 |       587 |      430 |         |
| intangible    |         |         |         |           |          |         |
| assets        |         |         |         |           |          |         |
| Incomplete product      |         |   1 375 |     1 273 |    1 340 |         |
| development projects    |         |         |           |          |         |
| Deferred tax  |         |         |      10 |        35 |       23 |         |
| asset         |         |         |         |           |          |         |
| Available-fos-sale      |         |      17 |        17 |       17 |         |
| investments             |         |         |           |          |         |
|               |         |         |   5 265 |     5 949 |    5 794 |         |
| Short-term    |         |         |         |           |          |         |
| assets        |         |         |         |           |          |         |
| Inventories   |         |         |   4 635 |     4 782 |    4 298 |         |
| Accounts      |         |         |   4 302 |     3 837 |    6 388 |         |
| receivable    |         |         |         |           |          |         |
| Other         |         |         |     433 |     1 075 |      744 |         |
| short-term    |         |         |         |           |          |         |
| assets        |         |         |         |           |          |         |
| Cash and bank |         |         |     250 |       923 |      253 |         |
| receivables   |         |         |         |           |          |         |
|               |         |         |   9 620 |    10 617 |   11 683 |         |
| Total assets  |         |         |  14 885 |    16 566 |   17 477 |         |
| LIABILITIES AND         |         |         |           |          |         |
| SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY    |         |         |           |          |         |
| Shareholders' |         |         |         |           |          |         |
| equity        |         |         |         |           |          |         |
| Share capital |         |         |   3 425 |     3 425 |    3 425 |         |
| Other equity  |         |         |   8 848 |     4 432 |    8 842 |         |
| fund          |         |         |         |           |          |         |
| Non-restricte |         |         | -11 407 |    -9 223 |   -9 883 |         |
| d equity      |         |         |         |           |          |         |
| Total         |         |         |     866 |    -1 366 |    2 384 |         |
| shareholders' |         |         |         |           |          |         |
| equity        |         |         |         |           |          |         |
| Long-term     |         |         |         |           |          |         |
| liabilities   |         |         |         |           |          |         |
| Long-term     |         |         |   6 746 |    10 426 |    7 078 |         |
| loans         |         |         |         |           |          |         |
| Deferred tax  |         |         |     102 |       332 |      303 |         |
| liability     |         |         |         |           |          |         |
| Total         |         |         |   6 848 |    10 758 |    7 381 |         |
| long-term     |         |         |         |           |          |         |
| liabilities   |         |         |         |           |          |         |
| Short-term    |         |         |         |           |          |         |
| liabilities   |         |         |         |           |          |         |
| Accounts payable and    |         |   4 173 |     4 599 |    3 724 |         |
| other liabilities       |         |         |           |          |         |
| Short-term    |         |         |   1 864 |     1 298 |    2 219 |         |
| loans         |         |         |         |           |          |         |
| Long-term loans         |         |     729 |     1 240 |    1 564 |         |
| shortening              |         |         |           |          |         |
| Tax           |         |         |         |           |       13 |         |
| liabilities   |         |         |         |           |          |         |
| Short-term    |         |         |     405 |        37 |      192 |         |
| reserves      |         |         |         |           |          |         |
| Total         |         |         |   7 171 |     7 174 |    7 712 |         |
| short-term    |         |         |         |           |          |         |
| reserves      |         |         |         |           |          |         |
| Total         |         |         |  14 019 |    17 932 |   15 093 |         |
| liabilities   |         |         |         |           |          |         |
| Total liabilities and   |         |  14 885 |    16 566 |   17 477 |         |
| shareholders' equity    |         |         |           |          |         |
| STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN SHAREHOLDERS'       |           |          |         |
| EQUITY 1.1. - 30.6.2007                     |           |          |         |
| (unaudited    |         |         |         |           |          |         |
| figures)      |         |         |         |           |          |         |
|               |         | Other   | Transla | Fund of   | Retained | Total   |
|               |         |         | tion    | invested  |          |         |
|               | Share   | restric | differe | non-restr | earnings |         |
|               |         | ted     | nce     | icted     |          |         |
| EUR 1 000     | capital | equity  |         | equity    |          |         |
| Shareholders' |         |         |         |           |          |         |
| equity        |         |         |         |           |          |         |
| 31.12.2006    |   3 425 |   4 432 |  -3 254 |           |   -3 660 |     943 |
| Translation   |         |         |     -35 |           |          |     -35 |
| difference    |         |         |         |           |          |         |
| IAS 12        |         |         |         |           |       43 |      43 |
| Net result    |         |         |         |           |   -2 317 |  -2 317 |
| Shareholders' |   3 425 |   4 432 |  -3 289 |           |   -5 934 |  -1 366 |
| equity        |         |         |         |           |          |         |
| 30.6.2007     |         |         |         |           |          |         |
| STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN SHAREHOLDERS'       |           |          |         |
| EQUITY 1.1. - 30.6.2008                     |           |          |         |
| (unaudited    |         |         |         |           |          |         |
| figures)      |         |         |         |           |          |         |
|               |         | Other   | Transla | Fund of   | Retained | Total   |
|               |         |         | tion    | invested  |          |         |
|               | Share   | restric | differe | non-restr | earnings |         |
|               |         | ted     | nce     | icted     |          |         |
| EUR 1 000     | capital | equity  |         | equity    |          |         |
| Shareholders' |         |         |         |           |          |         |
| equity        |         |         |         |           |          |         |
| 31.12.2007    |    3425 |    4432 |       6 |     4 410 |   -9 889 |   2 384 |
| Translation   |         |         |      11 |           |          |      11 |
| difference    |         |         |         |           |          |         |
| IAS 40        |         |         |         |           |      130 |     130 |
| IAS 12        |         |         |         |           |      347 |     347 |
| Net result    |         |         |         |           |   -2 006 |  -2 006 |
| Shareholders' |   3 425 |   4 432 |       6 |     4 410 |  -11 407 |     866 |
| equity        |         |         |         |           |          |         |
| 30.6.2008     |         |         |         |           |          |         |
| STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY 1.1.       |          |         |
| -31.12.2007/RESTATED                                    |          |         |
| (unaudited    |         |         |         |           |          |         |
| figures)      |         |         |         |           |          |         |
|               |         | Other   | Transla | Fund of   | Retained | Total   |
|               |         |         | tion    | invested  |          |         |
|               | Share   | restric | differe | non-restr | earnings |         |
|               |         | ted     | nce     | icted     |          |         |
| EUR 1 000     | capital | equity  |         | equity    |          |         |
| Shareholders' |         |         |         |           |          |         |
| equity        |         |         |         |           |          |         |
| 31.12.2006    |    3425 |    4432 |  -3 254 |           |   -3 660 |     943 |
| Translation   |         |         |  -2 101 |           |    2 105 |       4 |
| difference    |         |         |         |           |          |         |
| Suunnattu     |         |         |         |     4 410 |          |   4 410 |
| anti          |         |         |         |           |          |         |
| IAS 32        |         |         |         |           |    1 525 |   1 525 |
| IAS 12        |         |         |         |           |      -35 |     -35 |
| Correction of the       |         |         |           |          |         |
| translation difference  |         |         |           |          |         |
| related to    |         |         |   5 361 |           |   -5 631 |       0 |
| loan          |         |         |         |           |          |         |
| receivables   |         |         |         |           |          |         |
| IAS 39        |         |         |         |           |     -500 |    -500 |
| Net result    |         |         |         |           |   -3 963 |  -3 963 |
| Shareholders' |   3 425 |   4 432 |       6 |     4 410 |   -9 889 |   2 384 |
| equity        |         |         |         |           |          |         |
| 31.12.2007    |         |         |         |           |          |         |
| CONSOLIDATED CASH FLOW  |         |         |           |          |         |
| STATEMENT               |         |         |           |          |         |
| (unaudited    |         |         |         |           |          |         |
| figures)      |         |         |         |           |          |         |
| EUR 1 000     |         |         | 1-6/200 |  1-6/2007 | 1-12/200 |         |
|               |         |         |       8 |           |        7 |         |
| Cash flow from          |         |     357 |       714 |     -791 |         |
| operations              |         |         |           |          |         |
| Cash flow into and from |         |      84 |       -85 |     -261 |         |
| investments             |         |         |           |          |         |
| Financial     |         |         |    -453 |      -643 |      352 |         |
| cash flow     |         |         |         |           |          |         |
| Increase(+)/ decrease(-) in       |     -12 |       -14 |     -700 |         |
| financial assets                  |         |           |          |         |
| GROUP KEY     |         |         |         |           |          |         |
| FIGURES       |         |         |         |           |          |         |
| (unaudited    |         |         |         |           |          |         |
| figures)      |         |         |         |           |          |         |
| EUR 1 000     |         | 4-6/200 | 4-6/200 | 1-6/2008  | 1-6/2007 | 1-12/20 |
|               |         |       8 |    7    |           |          |      07 |
| Net sales     |         |   4 382 |   4 077 |     8 877 |    7 897 |  20 323 |
| Operating     |         |  -1 424 |    -636 |    -1 495 |   -1 654 |  -1 060 |
| result        |         |         |         |           |          |         |
| % of net      |         | -32,5 % | -15,6 % |   -16,8 % |  -20,9 % |  -5,2 % |
| sales         |         |         |         |           |          |         |
| Result before           |  -1 685 |    -970 |    -1 992 |   -2 305 |  -3 889 |
| extraordinary items and |         |         |           |          |         |
| taxes                   |         |         |           |          |         |
| % of net      |         | -38,5 % | -23,8 % |   -22,4 % | -29,20 % | -19,1 % |
| sales         |         |         |         |           |          |         |
| Total assets  |         |  14 885 |  16 566 |    14 885 |   16 566 |  17 477 |
| Equity ratio, |         |   5,8 % |  -8,7 % |     5,8 % |   -8,7 % |  13,7 % |
| %             |         |         |         |           |          |         |
| Gearing       |         | 1105,70 |  -952,0 |    1105,7 | -952,0 % | 452,1 % |
| ratio, %      |         |       % |       % |           |          |         |
| Gross         |         |      34 |      40 |        56 |       85 |     261 |
| investments   |         |         |         |           |          |         |
| % of net      |         |   0,8 % |   1,0 % |     0,6 % |    1,1 % |   1,3 % |
| sales         |         |         |         |           |          |         |
| R&D           |         |     150 |     263 |       361 |      466 |     896 |
| expenditure   |         |         |         |           |          |         |
| % of net      |         |   3,4 % |   6,5 % |     4,1 % |    5,9 % |   4,4 % |
| sales         |         |         |         |           |          |         |
| Personnel,    |         |     124 |     129 |       126 |      135 |     134 |
| average       |         |         |         |           |          |         |
| Personnel, at |         |     122 |     132 |       122 |      132 |     133 |
| end of period |         |         |         |           |          |         |
| Non-interest  |         |   3 687 |   4 371 |      3687 |    4 371 |   3 737 |
| bearing       |         |         |         |           |          |         |
| liabilities   |         |         |         |           |          |         |
| Interest      |         |  10 114 |  14 157 |     10114 |   14 157 |  11 030 |
| bearing       |         |         |         |           |          |         |
| liabilities   |         |         |         |           |          |         |
| Per-share key |         |         |         |           |          |         |
| figures:      |         |         |         |           |          |         |
| Equity per    |         |    0,02 |   -0,04 |      0,02 |    -0,04 |    0,07 |
| share, EUR    |         |         |         |           |          |         |
| Earnings per share,     |   -0,04 |   -0,04 |     -0,05 |    -0,09 |   -0,12 |
| EUR/share (diluted)     |         |         |           |          |         |
| Earnings per share,     |   -0,04 |   -0,03 |     -0,04 |    -0,07 |   -0,11 |
| EUR/share (undiluted)   |         |         |           |          |         |
| Share price   |         |         |         |           |          |         |
| trend:        |         |         |         |           |          |         |
| High, euros   |         |    0,22 |    0,43 |      0,25 |     0,45 |    0,46 |
| Low, euros    |         |    0,17 |    0,27 |      0,17 |     0,27 |    0,22 |
| Average,      |         |    0,20 |    0,36 |      0,21 |     0,37 |    0,35 |
| euros         |         |         |         |           |          |         |
| Price at end  |         |    0,18 |    0,40 |      0,18 |     0,40 |    0,24 |
| of period,    |         |         |         |           |          |         |
| euros         |         |         |         |           |          |         |
| Market capitalization   |       8 |      14 |         8 |       14 |      11 |
| at end of period, EUR   |         |         |           |          |         |
| millions                |         |         |           |          |         |
| CALCULATION OF KEY      |         |         |           |          |         |
| FIGURES                 |         |         |           |          |         |
| Equity ratio, | Shareholders' equity +      |           |          |         |
| %             | minority interest x 100     |           |          |         |
|               | Balance sheet total -       |           |          |         |
|               | advances received           |           |          |         |
|               | Interest-bearing            |           |          |         |
|               | liabilities - cash and cash |           |          |         |
| Net gearing,  | equivalents and marketable  |           |          |         |
| %             | securities x 100            |           |          |         |
|               | Shareholders' equity +      |           |          |         |
|               | minority interest           |           |          |         |
|               | Profit before extraordinary |           |          |         |
|               | items +/- minority          |           |          |         |
| Earings per   | interest of profit/loss for |           |          |         |
| share (EPS)   | the period - taxes          |           |          |         |
|               | Number of shares adjusted for share     |          |         |
|               | issue (average)                         |          |         |
| Equity per    | Shareholders'     |         |           |          |         |
| share         | equity            |         |           |          |         |
|               | Number of shares adjusted   |           |          |         |
|               | for share issue             |           |          |         |
|               | at the end of the |         |           |          |         |
|               | financial year    |         |           |          |         |
| CONTINGENT    |         |         |         |           |          |         |
| LIABILITIES   |         |         |         |           |          |         |
| (unaudited    |         |         |         |           |          |         |
| figures)      |         |         |         |           |          |         |
| EUR 1 000     |         |         | 30.6.20 | 30.06.200 | 31.12.20 |         |
|               |         |         |      08 |         7 |       07 |         |
| Loans from financial    |         |   9 245 |    12 712 |    9 810 |         |
| institutions            |         |         |           |          |         |
| Corporate mortgages     |         |  12 687 |    12 452 |   12 687 |         |
| granted                 |         |         |           |          |         |
| Real-estate mortgages   |         |       0 |    12 687 |        0 |         |
| granted                 |         |         |           |          |         |
| Other loans   |         |         |     869 |     1 445 |    1 220 |         |
| Real-estate mortgages   |         |       0 |         0 |        0 |         |
| granted                 |         |         |           |          |         |
| Used bank guarantee     |         |       0 |         0 |        0 |         |
| facility                |         |         |           |          |         |
| Real-estate mortgages   |         |       0 |         0 |        0 |         |
| granted                 |         |         |           |          |         |
| Used          |         |         |   1 179 |       880 |    1 630 |         |
| financial     |         |         |         |           |          |         |
| limits        |         |         |         |           |          |         |
| Accounts receivable     |         |   1 364 |     1 215 |    3 437 |         |
| granted                 |         |         |           |          |         |
| Given as      |         |         |         |           |          |         |
| collateral    |         |         |         |           |          |         |
| Corporate mortgages     |         |  12 687 |    12 687 |   12 687 |         |
| granted, total          |         |         |           |          |         |
| Real-estate mortgages   |         |       0 |         0 |        0 |         |
| granted, total          |         |         |           |          |         |
| Leasing       |         |         |         |           |          |         |
| commitments   |         |         |         |           |          |         |
| falling due during the  |         |      56 |        89 |       69 |         |
| next 12 months          |         |         |           |          |         |
| falling due   |         |         |      21 |        64 |       41 |         |
| later         |         |         |         |           |          |         |
| Rental        |         |         |         |           |          |         |
| liabilities   |         |         |         |           |          |         |
| falling due during the  |         |     154 |       174 |      176 |         |
| next 12 months          |         |         |           |          |         |
| falling due   |         |         |     613 |       772 |      692 |         |
| later         |         |         |         |           |          |         |
| Liabilities due to      |         |         |           |          |         |
| derivative contracts    |         |         |           |          |         |
| Forward       |         |         |         |           |          |         |
| exchange      |         |         |         |           |          |         |
| contracts     |         |         |         |           |          |         |
| of which taken out to hedge the   |         |           |          |         |
| parent company's                  |         |           |          |         |
| accounts      |         |         |       0 |         0 |        0 |         |
| receivable    |         |         |         |           |          |         |
| of which taken out to hedge the   |       0 |         0 |        0 |         |
| parent company's                  |         |           |          |         |
| other         |         |         |       0 |         0 |        0 |         |
| receivables   |         |         |         |           |          |         |
| TRANSACTIONS WITH       |         |         |           |          |         |
| RELATED PARTIES         |         |         |           |          |         |
| (unaudited    |         |         |         |           |          |         |
| figures)      |         |         |         |           |          |         |
| EUR 1 000     |         |         | 1-6/200 | 1-12/2007 |          |         |
|               |         |         |       8 |           |          |         |
| Sales of      |         |         |         |           |          |         |
| goods and     |         |         |         |           |          |         |
| services      |         |         |         |           |          |         |
| Related party |         |         |         |           |          |         |
| companies     |         |         |         |           |          |         |
|  Photonium Oy |         |         |      34 |       445 |          |         |
| Purchases of goods and  |         |         |           |          |         |
| services                |         |         |           |          |         |
| Related party |         |         |         |           |          |         |
| companies     |         |         |         |           |          |         |
|  Photonium Oy |         |         |     121 |      1150 |          |         |
| Fees paid on the basis of         |         |           |          |         |
| consultation agreements           |         |           |          |         |
| Related party |         |         |         |           |          |         |
| companies     |         |         |         |           |          |         |
| FT-Capital Oy |         |         |         |        13 |          |         |
|  Photonium Oy |         |         |         |        15 |          |         |
| Accounts payable to     |         |         |       105 |          |         |
| related parties         |         |         |           |          |         |
| Other receivables from  |         |       5 |        39 |          |         |
| related parties         |         |         |           |          |         |
| Accounts receivables    |         |      10 |        48 |          |         |
| from related parties    |         |         |           |          |         |

For more information, please contact:                                           

Jarmo Kanervo                                                                   
Acting CEO	 		                                                                  
Tel. +358 (0)19 6610 100                                                        

Cencorp supplies the electronics and semiconductor industries with automation   
solutions that enhance productivity.                                            

DISTRIBUTION: Helsinki Stock Exchange and the media                             

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