Will Lisa Heed The Cryptic Message From Krumar? -- New Fiction Follows a Young Girl as She Struggles With Her Identity and a Future That She Did Not Foresee

SCOTTSDALE, Ariz., Aug. 22, 2008 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Since childhood, Lisa has always felt she is somehow "different," from other girls. Her fears are confirmed when a strange Voice that seems to come from within her informs her that she comes from a distant world that she must return to -- soon. Can Lisa bear to leave the family she has come to love on earth? Find out in Message From Krumar, a fascinating book by Jeanie Burris Sailors.

Lisa knew she was unlike other girls but she didn't realize just how different. Lisa thought it would be best not to tell her adoptive parents about the strange voice that only she can hear or the way her skin heals instantly without a trace of injury. Lisa believes the Voice is her guardian angel until he informs her that she must soon return to her original home, a faraway planet called Krumar. Filled with despair, she hides the truth and her feelings from her family. Instead, she attempts to do something worthwhile and create happy memories that she will treasure when she finally leaves them.

But time is running out as Lisa begins to stand out with her unusual features and extremely high IQ. The Voice tells her that Krumar is a flawless world where Lisa's healing ability is normal and where Krumarian people live forever, stay young forever. Lisa realizes that life on Earth will become unbearable when her family and friends grow old and die while she stays forever young. She feels she has no choice but to return to Krumar. Will Lisa heed the Message From Krumar and go back to her people? Or will she stay with the ones she loves no matter what the consequences are? Discover the answers as this riveting fantasy unravels.

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About the Author

As a child, the author lived with her family in a valley totally surrounded by the magnificent mountains of eastern Tennessee. Both she and her brother were fascinated by the muddy creek which meandered through the family farm. She remembers that they once wired five worm-holed logs together to make a crude pontoon. However, due to the sorry condition of the wood, the raft refused to stay on top of the water, but rather floated half-submerged. Since it was wintertime and they were not allowed to go barefoot, they rolled up their jeans and rode down the creek, feet in the air and bare knees placed on top of the sinking logs. Unfortunately, the grand adventure ended when Dad found out.

                Message From Krumar * by Jeanie Burris Sailors
                     Publication Date: September 6, 2000
            Trade Paperback; $17.84; 152 pages; 978-0-7388-2585-4

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