AS Viisnurk financial result, Q2 2008


Consolidated net sales of second quarter 2008 was 78.2 mil. kroons/5.0 mil.     
euros (62.8 mil. kroons/4.0 mil. euros in same period of 2007) representing a   
24.4% increase on the second quarter compared to Q2 2007. The Group's gross     
margin in the second quarter of 2008 reached 22.2% compared to 21.3% in the     
second quarter of 2007. Consolidated operating profit amounted to 5.6 mil.      
kroons/358 thousand euros (4.5 mil. kroons/285 thousand euros in 2007),         
representing a 25.8% progress compared to Q2 2007. The consolidated operating   
margin of net sales reached 7.2% (up from 7.1% in Q2 2007). Profit before tax   
amounted to 4.7 mil. kroons/299 thousand euros in Q2 2008 (3.8 mil. kroons/243  
thousand euros in Q2 2007).                                                     

In second quarter 2008 dividends were distributed in the amount of 6.3 mil.     
kroons/0.4 mil. euros, i.e. 1 kroon 40 cents/8.95 euro cents per share.         
Corresponding income tax expense amounted to 1.7 mil kroons/107 thousand euros. 
The same period in 2007, dividends were distributed in the amount of 5.4 mil.   
kroons/0.3 mil. euros, i.e. 1 kroon 20 cents/7.67 euro cents per share.         
Corresponding income tax expense in 2007 amounted to 475 thousand kroons/30     
thousand euros.                                                                 

Consolidated net profit amounted to 3.0 mil. kroons/192 thousand euros, compared
to 3.3 mil. kroons/213 thousand euros in Q2 2007), and the net margin was 3.8%  
(down from 5.3% in Q2 2007). In Q2 2008, the Group's return on equity was 4.0%  
(down from 4.7% in Q2 2007) and return on assets was 1.6% (down from 2.2% in Q2 

The substantial increase of turnover has helped to increase margins in          
comparison with the previous year and the decrease of net profit in comparison  
with the II quarter of 2007 is connected with bigger income tax expense paid    
from dividends in 2008 - 1.7 mil. kroons/107 thousand euros compared to 0.5 mil.
kroons/30 thousand euros in 2007.                                               

Balance sheet                                                                   

As of the end of June 2008 the total assets of Viisnurk amounted to 189.2 mil.  
kroons/12.1 mil. euros (31.12.2007: 157.4 mil. kroons/10.1 mil. euros). The     
liabilities of the company accounted for 61% (31.12.2007: 55%) thereof, i.e.    
115.1 mil. kroons/7.4 mil. euros (31.12.2007: 86.2 mil. kroons/5.5 mil. euros). 

Receivables and prepayments have increased by 18.2 mil. kroons/1.2 mil. euros   
i.e. 61% increase with 6 months. Long-term invoices of the Building Material    
Division which were received in the beginning of July made up 10 mil. kroons/640
thousand euros of the aforementioned amount.                                    

Inventories increased by 13.4 mil. kroons/0.9 mil. euros to reach 68.1 mil.     
kroons/4.4 mil euros at 30 June 2008. The growth in inventory results primarily 
from the retail expansion and preparation for autumn season in furniture        
factory. Property, plant and intangibles increased by 1.4 mil. kroons/0.1 mil.  

Current liabilities increased by 5.3 mil. kroons/0.3 mil euros and amounted in  
30 June 2008 14.1 mil. kroons/0.9 mil. euros. Supplier payables, tax            
liabilities, other payables, including payables to employees, and provisions    
amounted to 61.3 mil. kroons/3.9 mil. euros. Current and non-current liabilities
increased by 28.9 mil. kroons/1.8 mil. euros to 115.1 mil. kroons/7.4 mil.      
euros. AS Viisnurk took overdraft in the amount of 10 mil. kroons/639 thousand  
euros to cover current liabilities                                              

Divisional review:                                                              

Net sales by business segments                                                  
|                  |      th. EEK      |      th. EUR      |  % of net sales   |
|                  | Q2 2008 | Q2 2007 | Q2 2008 | Q2 2007 | Q2 2008 | Q2 2007 |
| Furniture        |  43,165 |  34,150 |   2,758 |   2,183 |   55.2% |   54.3% |
| Division         |         |         |         |         |         |         |
| incl. retail     |   8,597 |   4,692 |     549 |     300 |   11.0% |    7.5% |
| (Skano)          |         |         |         |         |         |         |
| Building         |  34,996 |  28,694 |   2,237 |   1,833 |   44.8% |   45.7% |
| Materials        |         |         |         |         |         |         |
| Division         |         |         |         |         |         |         |
| TOTAL            |  78,161 |  62,844 |   4,995 |   4,016 |  100.0% |  100.0% |

Net sales by geographical segments                                              
|                  |      th. EEK      |      th. EUR      |  % of net sales   |
|                  | Q2 2008 | Q2 2007 | Q2 2008 | Q2 2007 | Q2 2008 | Q2 2007 |
| Finaland         |  34,372 |  29,174 |   2,197 |   1,864 |   44.0% |   46.4% |
| Russia, Ukraine, |  18,825 |  13,979 |   1,203 |     894 |   24.1% |   22.2% |
| Belorusian       |         |         |         |         |         |         |
| Estonia          |  15,187 |  14,438 |     970 |     921 |   19.4% |   23.0% |
| Latvia,          |   5,265 |   1,814 |     337 |     117 |    6.7% |    2.9% |
| Lithuania        |         |         |         |         |         |         |
| Sweden           |   2,147 |   1,069 |     137 |      69 |    2.7% |    1.7% |
| Germany          |   1,700 |   1,588 |     109 |     102 |    2.2% |    2.5% |
| Other countries  |     665 |     782 |      42 |      49 |    0.9% |    1.2% |
| Total            |  78,161 |  62,844 |   4,995 |   4,016 |  100.0% |  100.0% |

Concerning the markets, turnover has been increased in all areas. Relatively    
smaller share of the turnover goes to Estonia whereas the share of Russia,      
Ukraine, Byelorussia, Latvia and Lithuania has increased the most. The          
management forecasts increase in turnover in the direction of Russia and        
Ukraine. The chief reasons in Latvia and Lithuania were the stores opened in    
Lithuania in May 2007 which in the II quarter of 2007 were still in the start-up
phase. Moreover, the store in Latvia moved to a more attractive location in     
November 2007.                                                                  

Gross profit by business segments                                               
|                  |      th. EEK      |      th. EUR      |   Gross margin    |
|                  | Q2 2008 | Q2 2007 | Q2 2008 | Q2 2007 | Q2 2008 | Q2 2007 |
| Furniture        |   9,876 |   5,868 |     630 |     374 |   22.9% |   17.2% |
| Division         |         |         |         |         |         |         |
| incl. retail     |   4,334 |   2,088 |     277 |     133 |   50.4% |   44.5% |
| (Skano)          |         |         |         |         |         |         |
| Building         |   7,474 |   7,522 |     478 |     481 |   21.4% |   26.2% |
| Materials        |         |         |         |         |         |         |
| Division         |         |         |         |         |         |         |
| TOTAL            |  17,350 |  13,390 |   1,108 |     855 |   22.2% |   21.3% |

The reason for decreased gross margin in Building Material Division is cost for 
energy (electricity and steam), which increased 24% compared to Q2 2007.        

Profit by business segments                                                     
|                                |       th. EEK        |       th. EUR        |
|                                | Q2 2008  |  Q2 2007  | Q2 2008  |  Q2 2007  |
| Furniture Division             |    2,638 |     (339) |      169 |      (21) |
|   incl. retail (Skano)         |  (1,096) |   (1,048) |     (71) |      (67) |
| Building Materials Division    |    3,531 |     5,547 |      225 |       354 |
| TOTAL                          |    6,169 |     5,208 |      394 |       333 |
| Unallocated expenses           |    (565) |     (752) |     (36) |      (48) |
| OPERATING PROFIT               |    5,604 |     4,456 |      358 |       285 |
| Net financial costs            |    (931) |     (653) |     (59) |      (42) |
| PROFIT BEFORE TAXES            |    4,673 |     3,803 |      299 |       243 |
| Income tax                     |  (1,674) |     (475) |    (107) |      (30) |
| NET PROFIT                     |    2,999 |     3,328 |      192 |       213 |

Furniture Division                                                              

The net sales of AS Viisnurk Furniture Division in second quarter amounted to   
43.2 mil. kroons/2.8 mil. euros (2007: 34.2 mil. kroons/2.2 mil. euros) and the 
economic result 2.6 mil. kroons/169 thousand euros as a profit (2007 loss 0.3   
mil. kroons/21 thousand euros). As compared to the previous year the turnover of
the division has increased by 9.0 mil. kroons/576 thousand euros (26.4%).       

Furniture Retail - Skano                                                        
Concerning the retail trade of the Furniture Division, the company continued its
strategic activities in the 2nd quarter of 2008 in order to expand the retail   
trade to the neighbouring markets. The expansion of retail business includes    
opening new stores offering home furniture and furnishing goods in various      
Eastern European markets. Moreover, the company is searching for possibilities  
to enter the market of Central Europe.                                          

Retail sales by countries                                                       
|         |    th. EEK    |    th. EUR    | % of net sales  | Number of stores |
|         |    Q2 |    Q2 |    Q2 |    Q2 |     Q2 |     Q2 |      Q2 |     Q2 |
|         |  2008 |  2007 |  2008 |  2008 |   2007 |   2008 |    2008 |   2007 |
| Estonia | 3,248 | 3,896 |   208 |   249 |  37.8% |  83.0% |       2 |      2 |
| Latvia  | 2,634 |   519 |   168 |    33 |  30.6% |  11.1% |       1 |      1 |
| Lithuan | 1,697 |   277 |   108 |    18 |  19.7% |   5.9% |       3 |      3 |
| ia      |       |       |       |       |        |        |         |        |
| Ukraine | 1,018 |     - |    65 |     - |  11.8% |      - |       4 |      - |
| TOTAL   | 8,597 | 4,692 |   549 |   300 | 100.0% | 100.0% |      10 |      6 |

The retail sale of the Furniture Division shows a rising tendency. Within second
quarter this year the retail sale has increased by 83% as compared to the same  
period last year. At the same time, the sales of the stores opened before       
30.6.2008 (Tallinn, Riga, Pärnu, Vilnius, Kaunas, Klaipeda) have increased 62%  
compared to the same period in 2007.                                            

The opening of new stores in Ukraine is slightly behind the initial schedule. It
has been caused by the small number of suitable locations and excessively high  
rent prices. Regardless of the previous, a store was opened in Donetsk in June  
and one in Odessa in July. At the time of the report, there are altogether      
eleven furniture stores in Skano chain, five of them in Ukraine and six in the  
Baltic states. At the end of this year and the next year, a great number of     
spaces shall become available in the market of retail sale spaces in Ukraine and
in connection with this, we forecast a decrease in rent prices which enables to 
expand the network of stores in a profitable manner.                            

Furniture Production                                                            
The Furniture Division's sales in 2nd quarter in the company's basic target     
market in Russia and Finland have proceeded good and compared to same period in 
2007 sales has increased. The following increase in sales is basically the      
result of the increase in retail sale, but in Russian market increase of sales  
is also possible.                                                               

Building Materials Division                                                     

The net sales of the Building Materials Division in second quarter amounted to  
35 mil. kroons/2.2 mil. euros and profit to 3.5 mil. kroons/225 thousand euros. 
In the same period of the last year, the turnover of the division totalled 28.7 
mil. kroons/1.8 mil. euros and the net profit 5.5 mil. kroons/354 thousand      
euros. As compared to the previous year the turnover of the division has        
increased by 6.3 mil. kroons/404 thousand euros and the profit has decreased by 
2.0 mil. kroons/129 thousand euros.	                                            

Net sales by geographical segments                                              
|                  |      th. EEK      |      th. EUR      |  % of net sales   |
|                  | Q2 2008 | Q2 2007 | Q2 2008 | Q2 2008 | Q2 2007 | Q2 2008 |
| Finland          |  16,880 |  13,350 |   1,079 |     852 |   48.2% |   46.5% |
| Estonia          |  11,409 |  10,160 |     729 |     648 |   32.6% |   35.4% |
| Russia, Ukraine, |   2,975 |   2,703 |     190 |     173 |    8.5% |    9.4% |
| Belorusian       |         |         |         |         |         |         |
| Sweden           |   2,147 |   1,069 |     137 |      69 |    6.1% |    3.7% |
| Latvia,          |     911 |   1,020 |      59 |      66 |    2.6% |    3.6% |
| Lithuania        |         |         |         |         |         |         |
| Germany          |     609 |     198 |      39 |      13 |    1.7% |    0.7% |
| Other countries  |      65 |     194 |       4 |      12 |    0.2% |    0.7% |
| TOTAL            |  34,996 |  28,694 |   2,237 |   1,833 |  100.0% |  100.0% |

Building Boards                                                                 
On the basis of the results of first six months we can say that a notable       
increase in foreign markets has been established. In the domestic market, the   
result has stayed on the same level with the previous year which witnesses the  
existence of stable demand in the domestic market, considering the general low  
in the construction market. Eastern markets also exhibit a stable increase      

The product group making up the biggest proportion in general building boards   
are windbreak boards. Sale of products to companies operating outside the       
building sector has been increased which should ensure cost-effectiveness and   
risk spreading in the conditions of recession and decrease in the construction  

Interior Finishing Boards                                                       
The biggest market of Isotex interior finishing boards is Finland where         
regardless of intense competition and aggressive competition by MDF-based boards
it has been managed to achieve the level of the last year. Sale in the domestic 
market of Estonia has decreased but the tendency in the II quarter shows the    
upturn in sale once again. A considerable growth in sales volumes has been      
achieved in the markets of Lithuania and Russia. In connection with the increase
of production capacity potential, activities have been started in order to find 
new markets. Above all, the company sees potential in the eastern markets such  
as Russia, Ukraine and other former countries of the eastern block.             

The sales volume of ceiling boards makes up 70% of the sale of Isotex plates    
(respectively 80% in 2007). Tendency towards the increase in the sale of wall   
boards is positive and deliberate and as the production process supports it,    
there are more opportunities to be innovative and flexible in this sector.      

Forecast and development                                                        

The openings of new stores are being prepared and one store opened in the 1st   
quarter of 2008 and two stores in the 2nd quarter of 2008 in Ukraine and the    
plan is to open one more shop in Ukraine in the 3rd quarter. It is planned to   
open 16 stores in Ukraine and Central Europe in 2008-2009. Upon creating the    
retail unit, AS Viisnurk entered the business area of the retail of furniture   
and furnishing goods that is operated by a private limited company Skano,       
registered on September 1, 2003 and its subsidiaries in Latvia, Lithuania and   
Ukraine. AS Viisnurk holds 100% of the shares of OÜ Skano.                      

At the end of the 2nd quarter of 2008, new Isotex production line of interior   
finishing boards operated in Building Materials Division in one shift. This has 
created an opportunity for the increase of profitability and margins within the 
following periods. The main goal for 2009 is to utilize the entire production   
capacity of the new line and considerably larger marketing costs are planned for
2008 in order to sell the entire production volume.                             

Although the result of 6 months of 2008 is weaker compared to the same period of
2007, the results at the beginning of 2008 are again on the rise and surpass the
initial expectations. The profit before income tax is 23% higher than in the 2nd
quarter of 2007. The result in Building Materials Division was very good in     
2007. This was caused by a great demand and the sale of all warehouse stock in  
the 6 months of 2007 (in the level of the entire group, 85% of the net profit of
2007 was achieved in the 1st half year). The management board plans a 20 mil.   
kroons (1.3 mil. euros) profit for 2008 whereas a considerable profit growth has
been planned in the second half of 2008 due to the 6 months opening period of   
Skano stores.                                                                   


Concerning the retail trade of the furniture division, the company continued its
strategic activities in the second quarter of 2008 in order to expand the retail
trade to the neighbouring markets. The expansion of retail business includes    
opening new stores offering home furniture and furnishing goods in various      
Eastern European markets.                                                       

During 6 months 2008 investments into technology totalled 4.8 mil. kroons/304   
thou. euros and into buildings 1.2 mil. kroons/76 thou. euros. At the same      
period of 2007 investments into technology totalled 2.6 mil. kroons/169 thou.   
euros and into buildings 7.0 mil. kroons/443 thou. euros.                       

Consolidated balance sheet                                                      
|                            |    Th EEK |    Th EEK |     Th EUR |     Th EUR |
|                            | 30.6.2008 | 31.12.2007|  30.6.2008 | 31.12.2007 |
| Cash and bank              |     4,787 |     6,006 |        306 |        384 |
| Receivables and            |    48,081 |    29,859 |      3,073 |      1,908 |
| prepayments                |           |           |            |            |
| Inventories                |    68,145 |    54,742 |      4,357 |      3,499 |
| Total current assets       |   121,013 |    90,607 |      7,736 |      5,791 |
| Investment property        |     2,893 |     2,893 |        185 |        185 |
| Tangible fixed assets      |    65,295 |    63,727 |      4,173 |      4,073 |
| Intangible fixed assets    |        37 |       220 |          2 |         14 |
| Total fixed assets         |    68,225 |    66,840 |      4,360 |      4,272 |
| TOTAL ASSETS               |   189,238 |   157,447 |     12,096 |     10,063 |
| Debt obligations           |    14,127 |     8,782 |        903 |        561 |
| Payables and prepayments   |    61,140 |    37,488 |      3,908 |      2,396 |
| Short-term provisions      |       149 |       264 |         10 |         16 |
| Total current liabilities  |    75,416 |    46,534 |      4,821 |      2,973 |
| Non-current debt           |    36,734 |    36,734 |      2,348 |      2,348 |
| obligations                |           |           |            |            |
| Non-current provisions     |     2,936 |     2,936 |        188 |        188 |
| Total non-current          |    39,670 |    39,670 |      2,536 |      2,536 |
| liabilities                |           |           |            |            |
| Total liabilities          |   115,086 |    86,204 |      7,357 |      5,509 |
| Share capital at nominal   |    44,991 |    44,991 |      2,875 |      2,875 |
| value                      |           |           |            |            |
| Issue premium              |     5,698 |     5,698 |        364 |        364 |
| Statutory capital reserve  |     4,499 |     4,499 |        288 |        288 |
| Currency translation       |     1,115 |        39 |         71 |          3 |
| reserve                    |           |           |            |            |
| Retained profits           |     9,717 |     3,359 |        621 |        215 |
| Net profit for the year    |     8,132 |    12,657 |        520 |        809 |
| Total equity               |    74,152 |    71,243 |      4,739 |      4,554 |
| TOTAL LIABILITIES AND      |   189,238 |   157,447 |     12,096 |     10,063 |
| EQUITY                     |           |           |            |            |

Consolidated income statement                                                   

| Th EEK                   |   Q2 2008 |   Q2 2007  |   6 m 2008 |   6 m 2007  |
| RETURN ON SALES          |    78,161 |     62,844 |    152,028 |     129,501 |
| Cost of production sold  |  (60,811) |   (49,454) |  (117,401) |    (99,563) |
| Gross profit             |    17,350 |     13,390 |     34,627 |      29,938 |
| Marketing expenses       |  (11,025) |    (7,493) |   (20,947) |    (14,601) |
| General administrative   |   (1,299) |    (1,386) |    (2,478) |     (2,768) |
| expenses                 |           |            |            |             |
| Other income             |     1,079 |         73 |      1,258 |         118 |
| Other expenses           |     (501) |      (128) |      (936) |       (243) |
| Operating profit         |     5,604 |      4,456 |     11,524 |      12,444 |
| Financial income and     |     (931) |      (653) |    (1,718) |     (1,237) |
| financial expenses       |           |            |            |             |
| Profit before tax        |     4,673 |      3,803 |      9,806 |      11,207 |
| Income tax               |   (1,674) |      (475) |    (1,674) |       (475) |
| NET PROFIT FOR THE       |     2,999 |      3,328 |      8,132 |      10,732 |
| PERIOD                   |           |            |            |             |
| Basic earnings per share |      0.67 |       0.74 |       1.81 |        2.39 |
| Diluted earnings per     |      0.67 |       0.74 |       1.81 |        2.39 |
| share                    |           |            |            |             |

| Th EUR                   |   Q2 2008 |   Q2 2007  |   6 m 2008 |   6 m 2007  |
| RETURN ON SALES          |     4,995 |      4,016 |      9,716 |       8,276 |
| Cost of production sold  |   (3,887) |    (3,161) |    (7,504) |     (6,364) |
| Gross profit             |     1,108 |        855 |      2,212 |      1,912, |
| Marketing expenses       |     (704) |      (479) |    (1,338) |       (933) |
| General administrative   |      (83) |       (88) |      (158) |       (176) |
| expenses                 |           |            |            |             |
| Other income             |        69 |          5 |         80 |           7 |
| Other expenses           |      (32) |        (8) |       (60) |        (15) |
| Operating profit         |       358 |        285 |        736 |         795 |
| Financial income and     |      (59) |       (42) |      (109) |        (79) |
| financial expenses       |           |            |            |             |
| Profit before tax        |       299 |        243 |        627 |         716 |
| Income tax               |     (107) |       (30) |      (107) |        (30) |
| NET PROFIT FOR THE       |       192 |        213 |        520 |         686 |
| PERIOD                   |           |            |            |             |
| Basic earnings per share |      0.04 |       0.05 |       0.12 |        0.15 |
| Diluted earnings per     |      0.04 |       0.05 |       0.12 |        0.15 |
| share                    |           |            |            |             |

Einar Pähkel                                                                    
+372 447 8331