- Eyrir Invest - 1H 2008

Eyrir Invest's after tax profit for H1 2008 is ISK 298 million.  Eyrir Invest's
is financially strong and has a high cash position. Core investments; Marel,
Ossur and Stork returned good results in  the first half of this year and their
prospects are good. 

Eyris Invest's after tax profit for H1 2008 is ISK 298 million after tax.  From
Eyris Invest foundation in mid-year 2000 the average annualized return on
equity has been 39,8% compared to negative 6% average annualized return on MSCI
world index, both numbers measured in Euros. 

•  Total assets amount to 58,300 million ISK

•  Equity is 18,243 million ISK and the equity ratio at the end of the period
   equals 31.3%. 

•  The liquidity position is strong and if liquid asset would be used to repay
   debt the equity ratio would be around 40%. 

•  All listed assets are booked at market value and there are no off-balance
   sheet equity contracts at the end of the period. 

•  Average maturity of debt is 3 years.

Eyris Invest's asset portfolio is well diversified in various industries, which
are expected to enjoy good and profitable growth for the coming years.

Arni Oddur Thordarson, CEO:

“We are satisfied by reporting a slight profit for the first half of the year
during very challenging market conditions.  More importantly we have a proven
track record and the patience and strength to capture opportunities that could
arise in the near future. 

Eyrir Invest is a long term investor in Marel, Ossur and Stork. These companies
are all showing good operational results after a period of great growth.  The
growth has not been coincidental but based on years of strategic planning and
execution with the objective to place these companies in leading positions
within each industry. 

Marel, Ossur and Stork are all financially strong with long term
capitalization.  The outlook is good as they are well positioned within growing
industries; serving food-, health- and energy sectors”.


eyrir invest results 1h 2008.pdf eyrir ifrs arshlutar  30 6 2008.pdf