Rella Holding A/S, Interim Statement First Half 2008

Interim Statement for Rella Holding A/S (1 January - 30 June 2008)


Result before financial items and tax is DKK('000) -892  (2007: DKK('000) -712).

Dividends from Carl Allers Etablissement A/S (CAE) amount to DKK('000) 49,668
(2007: DKK(‘000) 57,054). 

The period's result after tax is DKK('000) 46,210 (2007: DKK('000) 54,047).

Solvency ratio as at 30 June 2008: 81.3 % (30 June 2007: 77.8%).

Holding of B-shares in Carl Allers Etablissement A/S is unchanged at nominal
value DKK 9,232,000. 

Holding of treasury shares as at 30 June 2008 amounts to 326,300 shares. All
the shares were purchased during 1st half of 2008. 

Outlook for full year 2008 maintained: net result of appr. DKK 42m.


20080828 rella - interim statement 1st half 2008.pdf