China Cablecom Holdings, Ltd. (CABL) Founder and Executive Chairman to Ring the NASDAQ Stock Market Closing Bell


 Clive Ng, Founder and Executive Chairman of China Cablecom Holdings
 (CABL), will preside over the Closing Bell.

 NASDAQ MarketSite - 4 Times Square - 43rd & Broadway - Broadcast Studio

 Wednesday, September 3, 2008 at 4:00 p.m. EDT

 Debra Chen
 (917) 499-8129

 NASDAQ MarketSite:
 Robert Madden
 (646) 441-5045

Feed Information:

The closing bell is available from 3:50 p.m. to 4:05 p.m. on AMC-3/C-3 (ul 5985V; dl 3760H). The feed can also be found on Waterfront fiber 1623. If you have any questions, please contact Robert Madden at (646) 441-5045.

Radio Feed:

An audio transmission of the closing bell is also available from 3:50 p.m. to 4:05 p.m. on uplink IA6 C band / transponder 24, downlink frequency 4180 horizontal. The feed can be found on Waterfront fiber 1623 as well.


A live Webcast of the NASDAQ Closing Bell will be available at:


To obtain a hi-resolution photograph of the Market Close, please go to and click on the market close of your choice.

About China Cablecom Holdings, Ltd. (CABL):

China Cablecom Holdings is a joint-venture provider of cable television services in the People's Republic of China, operating in partnership with a local state-owned enterprise ('SOE') authorized by the PRC government to control the distribution of cable TV services through the deployment of analog & digital cable services. China Cablecom recently consummated an agreement to acquire a 60 percent economic interest in a cable network in Hubei province with paying subscribers exceeding 800,000. The Company originally acquired operating rights of the Binzhou Broadcasting network in Binzhou, Shandong Province in September 2007 by entering into a series of asset purchase and services agreements with a company organized by SOEs owned directly or indirectly by local branches of SARFT in five different municipalities to serve as a holding company of the relevant businesses. China Cablecom now operates 22 cable networks with over 1.2 million paying subscribers and is party to an agreement to acquire 800,000 additional subscribers in Hubei province. China Cablecom Holdings' strategy is to replicate the acquisitions by operating partnership models in other municipalities and provinces in the PRC and then introducing operating efficiencies and increasing service offerings in the networks it operates.