Interest payment on bonds

On 17 September 2008 AS Tallinna Sadam will pay interest on its bonds (ISIN code
EE3300081058) listed on the Tallinn Stock Exchange bond list. The interest is   
being paid in amount of EUR 25.116 per bond.                                    

Interest will be paid to the investors, who according to the Estonian Central   
Securities Register (Register) data are the holders of the bonds on the         
respective interest payment day, i.e. on 17 September 2008 at 8 a.m.            

The bonds bear a floating interest rate, which consists of 6-month EURIBOR and a
margin of 0.32% per annum. The interest rate for the interest period ending on  
17 September 2008 is 4.914% per annum. The interest rate of the bonds for the   
starting interest period will be fixed using 6-month EURIBOR rate from 15       
September 2008.                                                                 

In accordance with legal acts income tax will be withheld from the interest paid
on the bonds.

Marju Zirel
+372 631 8048

Sven Ratassepp
Public Relations Manager
+372 631 8064