Sales in August

Baltika's revenues in August totalled 123.9 million kroons and increased by 22% 
compared to August previous year. Retail sales grew by 16% and wholesale by 74% 

Comparable store sales growth for August was 11%.                               

Sales in August                                                                 

| EEK million                 |        8/2008 |        8/2007 |         Change |
| Retail                      |          94.9 |          82.1 |            16% |
| Wholesale                   |          28.8 |          16.6 |            74% |
| Other                       |           0.2 |           2.5 |           -92% |
| Total                       |         123.9 |         101.2 |            22% |

In the month of August, Baltika's retail sales grew by 8% in the Baltic region  
(incl. 14% in Latvia, 10% in Estonia, 3% in Lithuania), by 23% in Eastern       
European region (incl. 23% in Russia, 23% in Ukraine) and by 83% in Central     
European region (incl. 12% in Poland, the Czech market was launched in October  

At the end of August, Baltika Group had 124 stores with a total sales area of   
24,406 square metres. One store was opened and two closed during the month.     
Baltika opened an Ivo Nikkolo store in Riga, taking its premium brand to the    
Latvian market. Now, the Ivo Nikkolo brand is represented in all the Baltic     

Cumulative eight month sales of Baltika amounted to 771 million kroons (+6%     
yoy), including retail sales of 670 million kroons (+10%) and wholesale of 99   
million kroons (-5%).                                                           

EUR 1 = EEK 15.6466                                                             

Triin Palge                                                                     
Head of investor relations                                                      
+372 630 2886