DGAP-PVR: ThyssenKrupp AG: Release according to Article 26, Section 1 of the WpHG [the German Securities Trading Act] with the objective of Europe-wide distribution

ThyssenKrupp AG / Release of an announcement according to Article 21, Section 1 of the WpHG [the German Securities Trading Act] (share)


Release of a Voting Rights announcement

On September 2, 2008, Barclays Global Investors UK Holdings Ltd, London,
England, informed us in accordance with Art. 21 par. 1 WpHG, that its share
of the voting rights in ThyssenKrupp AG, Duisburg and Essen, Germany, (ISIN
DE0007500001), have fallen below the 3% threshold on March 14, 2008, and
now amount to 0.485% (which equates to 2,497,797 voting rights). All voting
rights are to be attributed to Barclays Global Investors UK Holdings Ltd in
accordance with Art. 22 par. 1 sentence 1 no. 6 WpHG in conjunction with
Art. 22 par. 1 sentence 2 WpHG.

This notification is based on the fact that Barclays Global Investors UK
Holdings Ltd fulfils the requirements of Art. 32 par. 2 through 4 InvG,
Art. 22 par. 3a WpHG, Art. 29a par. 3 WpHG.

Duisburg and Essen, September 3, 2008
ThyssenKrupp AG
The Executive Board

DGAP 03.09.2008 
Language:     English
Issuer:       ThyssenKrupp AG
              August-Thyssen-Str. 1
              40211 Düsseldorf
Internet:     www.thyssenkrupp.com
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