JSC Akciju komercbanka Baltikums Have Been Sold AAS Baltikums Stock

JSC Akciju komercbanka Baltikums have been sold JSC Latvijas Krajbanka of
93.46% of AAS Baltikums Dziviba stock. 

The amount of the transactions is 2.5 mln LVL.

The transaction is motivated by the fact the Bank is closely following its
chosen strategy that does not foresee involvement in retail banking operations. 

The Bank specializes in two clearly defined areas of the banking sector - trade
and shipping finance as well as in financial market services and wealth
management. In addition to the above mentioned areas of operations, other
important fields of operations for the Bank are investment of the Bank's funds
in financial markets and rendering of key banking services such as payments to
corporate customers. 

Uldis Zandars
JSC Akciju komercbanka Baltikums
Deputy of Head of the Product Development and Marketing Department
Tel.: +371 67031408, fax: +371 29206536
E-mail: uldis.zandars@bank.baltikums.com