Alliance for Cancer Gene Therapy Supports Stand Up To Cancer

Historic National Telethon Raises Funds to Cure Cancer

STAMFORD, Conn., Sept. 4, 2008 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The Alliance for Cancer Gene Therapy (ACGT), the only national non-profit organization committed exclusively to cancer gene therapy research encompassing all types of cancer, is amplifying the efforts of Stand Up To Cancer (SU2C), the historic national campaign/telethon that airs September 5, on all three major networks: ABC, CBS and NBC. Stand Up To Cancer is a star-studded, momentous event that hopes to bring national attention to the importance of cancer research, spurring research to the next level -- finding a cure for cancer.

This grass roots effort is reaching out to millions, with the hope of raising $150 million that will be distributed to collaborative "dream teams" on the brink of finding a cure, administered by the American Association for Cancer Research. ACGT anticipates that its cancer gene therapy researchers will be well represented among the dream team selections.

ACGT has long been ahead of the curve in cancer research and funds some of the country's most successful scientists/researchers. Since cancer is a gene-based disease, ACGT believes replacing a damaged or missing gene has the greatest potential to not only treat cancer patients, but also ultimately realize a cure for cancer. Since 2001, ACGT has funded close to $20 million in substantial research grants to 32 researchers pursuing this innovative form of research.

"ACGT is thrilled to support this nationwide effort to encourage research with collaborative and innovative strategies," said Margaret Cianci, executive director of ACGT. Cianci also noted that before, during and after the SU2C telethon, ACGT will be communicating the importance of cancer gene therapy and why it is moving forward as a viable option for treating cancer.

Dr. Judah Folkman (1933-2008), ACGT Scientific Advisory Council founding member, and first recipient of the ACGT Lifetime Achievement Award, is featured on the SU2C website and is one example of instrumental medical researchers who have already made a difference in the fight against cancer. The untimely death of Dr. Folkman earlier this year has been a huge loss to the field of cancer research; however, Dr. Folkman and his work continue to inspire other researchers who carry on his groundbreaking efforts. The video tribute to Dr. Folkman can be viewed at

"ACGT believes very strongly that now is the time to stand up to cancer and build on these successes and find a cure for cancer," noted Cianci. Stand Up To Cancer airs at 8:00 p.m. EDT & PDT, Friday, September 5, 2008, on ABC, CBS and NBC.

One hundred percent of all funds raised by ACGT go directly to support medical research. ACGT is founded by Greenwich, Conn., residents Barbara and Edward Netter. To learn more, visit

Note to Media: Expert sources available for cancer information, research trends and to localize stories.


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