Decision on repurchase program of own shares

Investment AB Kinnevik (publ) ("Kinnevik") today announced that the
Board of Directors decided to implement a share buy-back programme.
The sole purpose of the buy-back programme is to reduce Kinnevik's
share capital by redemption of the repurchased shares. By executing
the share buy-back programme, Kinnevik will return additional funds
to the shareholders and it is the Board's assessment that Kinnevik
will reach a more optimal balance sheet structure.
Kinnevik's Annual General Meeting of shareholders held on 15 May 2008
authorised the Board of Directors to repurchase own shares, which
authorisation the Board now utilises. The programme is implemented in
accordance with the Commission Regulation (EC) No 2273/2003 of 22
December 2003 (the "EC-Regulation") and it shall be lead-managed by
an investment firm or a credit institution which makes its trading
decisions in relation to Kinnevik's shares independently of, and
without influence by, Kinnevik.
The repurchase of own shares shall meet the following conditions:
1.            The repurchase of Class A and B shares shall take place
on the OMX Nordic Exchange Stockholm in accordance with the rules
regarding purchase of own shares as set out in the EC-Regulation and
in accordance with the OMX Nordic Exchange Stockholm's Rule book for
2.            Repurchase of Class A and B shares may take place on
one or more occasions from today up until 30 November 2008. Not more
than 25 % of the average daily volume may be purchased in any one
3.            Repurchase of Class A and B shares at the OMX Nordic
Exchange Stockholm shall be made at a price within the share price
interval registered at that time, where share price interval means
the difference between the highest buying price and lowest selling
price. The highest price may not exceed the highest price allowed by
Article 5 in the EC-Regulation. The total consideration for
repurchases may not exceed SEK 300 million.
4.            A total maximum of 3,500,000 Class A and B shares may
be repurchased.
5.            Payment for the shares shall be in cash.
Kinnevik does currently not own any of its own shares. The Board will
propose to the next Annual General Meeting to reduce the share
capital through cancellation of the repurchased shares.

For further information, visit or contact:

Mia Brunell Livfors, President and Chief          +46 (0)8 562 000 00
Executive Officer
Torun Litzén, Director Investor Relations         +46 (0)8 562 000 83
                                                  +46 (0)70 762 00 83

 Investment AB Kinnevik's objective is to increase shareholder value,
primarily through net asset value growth. The company's operations
include three comprehensive business areas; Major Listed Holdings
which includes Millicom International Cellular, Tele2, Modern Times
Group MTG, Metro International and Transcom WorldWide, Major Unlisted
Holdings which includes the cartonboard and paper company Korsnäs,
and New Ventures which is active in finding new investments in small
and mid sized companies with a significant growth potential. Kinnevik
plays an active role on the Boards of its holdings.
Kinnevik is domiciled in  Stockholm. The Kinnevik  Class and Class  B
shares are  listed  on  OMX  Nordic  Exchange  Stockholm,  Large  Cap
segment, within  the financial  and real  estate sector.  The  ticker
codes are KINV A and KINV B.


Press release