Braking the Cycle to Ring The NASDAQ Stock Market Closing Bell


 Braking the Cycle will preside over the Closing Bell. Braking the
 Cycle has delivered over $1 million to support the HIV/AIDS services
 of the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual & Transgender Community Center, while
 spreading awareness about HIV in communities across 275 miles from
 Gettysburg to Manhattan.

 NASDAQ MarketSite - 4 Times Square - 43rd & Broadway - Broadcast

 Wednesday, September 10, 2008 at 4:00 p.m. ET

 Blake Strasser

 NASDAQ MarketSite:
 Robert Madden

Feed Information:

The Closing Bell is available from 3:50 p.m. to 4:05 p.m. on AMC-3/C-3 (ul 5985V; dl 3760H). The feed can also be found on Waterfront fiber 1623. If you have any questions, please contact Robert Madden at (646) 441-5045.

Radio Feed:

An audio transmission of the closing bell is also available from 3:50 p.m. to 4:05 p.m. on uplink IA6 C band / transponder 24, downlink frequency 4180 horizontal. The feed can be found on Waterfront fiber 1623 as well.


A live Webcast of the NASDAQ Closing Bell will be available at:


To obtain a hi-resolution photograph of the Market Close, please go to and click on the market close of your choice.

About Braking the Cycle:

Every once in a while, you discover an opportunity that can change your world forever. Every now and again, you get a chance to be welcomed into a new family. And occasionally, you get a chance to make the world a better place by putting yourself on the line. That moment is now. That opportunity is Braking the Cycle, presented by TYLENOL(r) PM.

We are not just another AIDS ride. Over the past five years, we have built a family that loves and cares for each other year round. We laugh and cry together, we care for you like family, and we're as much fun as the law allows. We think that's why each year, more than two-thirds of our participants return. And together, our hearty little band accomplishes something big: In the past three years alone, Braking the Cycle has delivered over $1 million to support the HIV/AIDS services of the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual & Transgender Community Center, while spreading awareness about HIV in communities across 275 miles from Gettysburg to Manhattan. We're a small ride, but we're a big family making a huge impact, and each year we welcome new members into the fold.