Ahlstrom's personnel negotiations completed in Karhula, Finland - No lay offs required

Ahlstrom Corporation PRESS RELEASE 12.9.2008

Ahlstrom has concluded the cooperation procedure at its glassfiber
plant in Karhula, Finland. As a result of the negotiations, the
company will reduce the production of winded roving and change from a
two-shift production model to a one shift arrangement. After this
change the department will employ three people instead of the
previous 10 employees, and the remaining seven employees will be
offered work in other departments at Ahlstrom's Karhula plant. As a
result, no lay offs will take place.

The negotiations started on August 25 and concerned the production
people at the plant's department producing winded roving. The reason
for the negotiations was Ahlstrom's strategic focus on producing roll
goods and the fact that winded roving comprises only a small part of
Ahlstrom's Glass Nonwovens business.

In line with its strategy, Ahlstrom has during recent years focused
on the production of roll goods in its Glass Nonwovens business. The
largest product lines of the business area are glassfiber tissue and
specialty reinforcements. Additionally the company produces smaller
amounts of specific products, which include winded roving. The
product is used e.g. as reinforcement in building industry, and
accounts for 2-3 percent of the business area's net sales.

Ahlstrom's plant in Karhula is part of the company's Glass Nonwovens
business area, and it employs over 400 people.

For more information please contact Ahlstrom's Karhula plant:

Product Line Manager Dan Jönsas, tel. +358 50 549 0916
Plant Manager, Karhula Tuomo Mustonen, tel. +358 50 377 0298
Human Resources Director Sirkka Pennanen-Taskinen, tel. +358 50 549

OMX Nordic Exchange Helsinki
Main media

Ahlstrom in brief

Ahlstrom is a global leader in the development, manufacture and
marketing of high performance fiber-based materials. Nonwovens and
specialty papers, made by Ahlstrom, are used in a large variety of
everyday products, such as filters, wipes, flooring, labels, and
tapes. Based upon its unique fiber expertise and innovative approach,
the company has a strong market position in several business areas in
which it operates. Ahlstrom's 6,500 employees serve customers via
sales offices and production facilities in more than 20 countries on
six continents. In 2007, Ahlstrom's net sales amounted to EUR 1.8
billion. Ahlstrom's share is listed on the OMX Nordic Exchange
Helsinki. The company website is www.ahlstrom.com.