Changes in AS Tallinna Vesi Supervisory Council members

As of 11th of September 2008 United Utilities (Tallinn) BV recalled Ian John    
Alexander Plenderleith from the Supervisory Council of AS Tallinna Vesi and     
appointed Kevin Starling as his replacement.                                    

Kevin Starling has worked in the water industry for 18 years. He has extensive  
experience in the area of water distribution infrastructure, with a particular  
focus on customer service. He has been Executive Director of International      
Operations with Britain's Anglian Water, CEO of Sofiyska Voda AD in Bulgaria and
currently he is the Managing Director of United Utilities Australia. Kevin was  
an AS Tallinna Vesi Supervisory Council member between 28.06.2006-19.01.2007.   
Kevin Starling does not own any shares of Tallinna Vesi.                        

As of today the members of AS Tallinna Vesi Supervisory Council are Robert John 
Gallienne (UU), Kevin Starling (UU), Henry Russell (EBRD), Steven Fraser  (UU), 
Rein Ratas (Tallinn City), Elmar Sepp (Tallinn City), Deniss Boroditš (Tallinn  
City), Mart Mägi (independent) and Valdur Laid (independent).                   

Reigo Marosov                                                                   
Head of Communication                                                           
Ph: + 372 6262 209