CORRECTION: Announcement about the Joint-stock company “Latvijas Krājbanka” extraordinary shareholders` meeting

The explanation of the second version of the announcement: editorial correction.

The Joint-stock company  “Latvijas Krājbanka” (single business registration
number 40003098527, having it legal address at 15 Jāņa Daliņa Street in Riga,
LV-1013) Board in accordance with article 270 part 1 of the Commercial law
calls the extraordinary shareholders` meeting on October 24th 2008, at12.00
The shareholders` meeting will take place in the AS  “Latvijas Krājbanka”
office at 15 Jāņa Daliņa Street in Riga. 

The meeting agenda:
1. About the AS “Latvijas Krājbanka” stock capital increase.
2. About amendments of the AS “Latvijas Krājbanka” articles of association.
3. About auditing committee of the AS ”Latvijas Krājbanka”.

The shareholders` registration will take place at the meeting day - October
24th 2008  - from 11.00 o'clock until 12.00 o'clock at the venue. 
The shareholders can participate in the meeting personally or send their
representatives (agents). 
The shareholders, whose shares are recorded on the financial tool account and
who want to participate at the shareholders` meeting, have to apply for the
share blocking by their financial instrument account holders, not later that
until the end of working day of October 13th 2008. 
By registration the shareholders have to present the passport or other ID and
the financial tool receipt, issued by the account holder and certifying the
share blocking. 
Those shareholders, who have not deregistered shares, shall present the
passport or other ID by registration. 
By registration the shareholders` representatives or agents have to present the
passport or other ID and the financial tool receipt, issued by the account
holder and certifying the share blocking. The agents have to present the
shareholders` written power of attorney with notarial certification or of the
same legal validity, or the one certified by the AS “Latvijas Krājbanka”, but
legal representatives have to present the document certifying the
authorization. The power of attorney form is available at the JSC “Latvijas
Krājbanka” Web site 

The total number of the Joint-stock company “Latvijas Krājbanka” shares with
voting right is 12'146'412, the total number of preference shares is 2'834. 

The AS “Latvijas Krājbanka” shareholders can become acquainted with the
decision projects meant for the discussion at the meeting: 
· On the official obligatory information centralized storage system web site:; 
· On the AS “Rīgas Fondu Birža” web site:; 
· On the AS “Latvijas Krājbanka” web site:;
· In the AS “Latvijas Krājbanka” office, located in Riga, 15 J.Daliņa Street,
after previous application by the telephone 67092003; 
· During the meeting day - at the shareholders` registration venue.

The decision project will be available:
· From September 19th 2008 - on the amendments of the JSC “Latvijas Krājbanka”
articles of association; 
· From October 9st 2008 - on the other questions of the agenda.

The Board of the joint stock company  “Latvijas Krājbanka”


the power of attorney form_ordinary shares_eng.doc the power of attorney form_preference shares_eng.doc