SSAB extra general meeting

SSAB extra general meeting

The Board of Directors of SSAB has decided to convene an extra general meeting
of the shareholders and will thereupon propose that the general meeting
authorize the Board to decide upon buy-backs of the Company's shares. 

The proposal is backed by the strengthening of the Company's balance sheet,
following the disposal of the tubular business and the strong operating cash
flow, since the acquisition of IPSCO.

The purpose of the proposal is to provide the Board with an instrument until the
annual general meeting 2009 to be able to adjust the Company's capital structure
in line with the overall financial targets.

The Board's proposal entails that the authorization may be exercised to acquire
on the OMX Nordic Exchange in Stockholm not more than 10% of the outstanding
shares of the Company.

The Board intends to propose to the 2009 annual general meeting of the
shareholders that it adopt a resolution regarding cancellation of the acquired
treasury shares by means of a reduction of the share capital without repayment
to the shareholders.

The Company currently holds no treasury shares.

The extra general meeting is planned to be held in Stockholm on October 22,
2008. An announcement will be published shortly.

SSAB is a global producer of steels in the high-strength and quenched steels
niches, and is a leader in its markets and as regards productivity. We develop
solutions which increase our customers' competitiveness. 

For further information, please contact: 
Helena Stålnert, Exec. V.P. Communications		Tel. +46-8-45 45 734
Catarina Ihre, Investor Relations 			Tel. +46-8-45 45 729			 		

This information is such that SSAB must disclose in accordance with the
Securities Markets Act. This information was submitted for publication on
September 17, 2008 at 08:00 am. 

