Stockholm, Sweden, September 18, 2008

At the Annual General Meeting of Elekta AB (publ), 228 shareholders entitled to
vote participated, representing 51.6 percent of the votes in the company. 
•	Dividend to shareholders of SEK 1.75 (1.00) per share. 
•	Akbar Seddigh, Carl G. Palmstierna, Tommy H. Karlsson, Laurent Leksell, Hans
Barella and Birgitta Stymne Göransson were reelected to the Board. 
•	Luciano Cattani and Vera Kallmeyer were newly elected to the Board. 

President and CEO Tomas Puusepp opened his speech by describing different cancer
diseases and giving examples of Elekta's contribution to cancer care. 

“Elekta's systems cover the whole spectrum of cancer care and have been
developed as solutions to real needs. We provide our customers with systems in
three business areas with strong brands and our product portfolio is very
competitive. The range of our product portfolio opens new possibilities and
during the present year we will therefore invest in increased market presence in
Latin America and other chosen growth markets.

At the same time, we continue to invest substantially in research and
development. Last fiscal year about 8 percent of net sales were invested in R&D
and I estimate that it will continue to be on this level the coming years.” 

Tomas Puusepp further established that Elekta during a couple of years has
distributed substantial capital to its shareholders. Together with the
repurchase of own shares that was conducted during 2007/08, the dividend to
shareholders for the year total SEK 361 M.”     

Thereafter, he summarized the fiscal year 2007/08. 

“That was a year when Elekta's technology for image guided radiotherapy had
great success and we continued to gain market shares in all major markets.
Elekta also continued to develop and launch new and resource efficient
technology for better care of cancer and brain disorders. Operating profit for
the fiscal year increased by 28 percent, despite a substantial negative currency
effect. Order intake increased by 21 percent in local currency and net sales
increased by 18 percent in local currency.” 

Tomas Puusepp also presented the result for the first quarter 2008/09. 

“Order intake during the first quarter increased by 9 percent compared with the
same period last year and at unchanged exchange rates. Net sales increased by 13
percent compared to last year and at unchanged exchange rates. Operating profit
amounted to SEK 13 M. 

We remain firm on our previously communicated outlook for the full year 2008/09
of an increase of net sales by over 15 percent in local currency and an increase
of net profit by over 15 percent. Net sales and operating profit will be
significantly higher in the second half of the fiscal year, compared to the

To conclude, Elekta's long-term growth factors and strategy were presented. 

“Cancer is unfortunately a growing disease, mainly due to on an aging population
and better diagnostics. In almost all countries there is a lack of treatment
capacity for radiation surgery and radiation therapy. The systems are becoming
more advanced and therefore the average selling price gradually increases. There
is also great demand for IT solutions which streamlines the workflow in cancer

Elekta has taken the step from being a technology supplier to being a
comprehensive partner across the whole spectrum of care in oncology and
neurosurgery. Going forward, Elekta's strategy is to focus on the patients'
diseases and to continue to develop new solutions and systems that enhance the
standard of care and to thereby play an increased role in the customers' value

Disposition of the company's earnings

Elekta's dividend policy is to distribute 20 percent or more of net profit in
the form of dividends, share buy-backs or comparable measures.

The Meeting resolved in accordance with the Board's proposal, that from the
company's disposable earnings of SEK 671,342,778 a dividend be paid to the
shareholders in an amount corresponding to SEK 1.75 per share and that the
balance be carried forward. The record date for the dividend was set at
September 23, 2007.

Election of the Board

Following the proposal from the Nomination Committee, the Annual General Meeting
reelected Akbar Seddigh, Carl G. Palmstierna, Tommy H Karlsson, Laurent Leksell,
Hans Barella and Birgitta Stymne Göransson as Board members, and elected Luciano
Cattani and Vera Kallmeyer as new members of the Board. The Meeting resolved to
reelect Akbar Seddigh as Chairman of the Board.

Luciano Cattani has 25 years experience from the international health care
industry. He has recently scaled back from his full time responsibilities as
Group President, Corporate Office at Stryker Corporation, and currently
dedicates his time towards advance Stryker's capabilities in the government and
public affairs arena.

Vera Kallmeyer is Founder and Managing Partner of Equity4Health LLC, a financial
advisory firm and of Veritas Venture Partners, which pooled interests with
Earlybird in 1999. She is also a Consulting Professor in the Department of
Neurosurgery of Stanford Medical School, where she teaches courses on innovation
and entrepreneurship.

The Meeting decided that the total remuneration to the Board shall be SEK
2,385,000 of which 570,000 to the Chairman, SEK 285,000 each to the external
Board members, SEK 70,000 to the Chairman of the Executive Compensation
Committee and SEK 35,000 to other members of the Executive Compensation
Committee. No remuneration is paid to Board members employed by the company.

Election of auditors

Following the proposal from the Nomination Committee, the Annual General Meeting
resolved to elect Deloitte AB as auditors for a term of four years, ending at
the shareholders' meeting to be held in 2012. Deloitte AB has informed the
company that Jan Berndtsson will be responsible for the audit.

Remuneration to the auditor was resolved to be paid according to an approved

Principles for executive compensation

Board Chairman Akbar Seddigh reported on Elekta's strategy for compensation to
managers, in which the aim is to strengthen management by objectives, profit
development in the short and long term as well as create long-term value growth
and align management with the shareholder perspective. The Chairman also
reported on the work of Elekta's Executive Compensation Committee.

The Meeting approved the principles for remuneration as proposed by the Board
and presented in the Annual Report for 2007/08. The principles will be valid for
employment agreements entered into after the Meeting and for any changes made to
existing employment agreements thereafter.

Reduction of share capital

In accordance with the authorization given at the previous Annual General
Meeting, Elekta during the last fiscal year repurchased 951,300 of its own B
shares. The Board has previously announced that the intention is to cancel the
acquired B shares. 

The Meeting decided to reduce the company's share capital by SEK 1,902,600
through retirement of these 951,300 B shares without any repayment. The
reduction amount shall be allocated to the company's disposition fund to be used
in accordance with resolutions passed by the shareholders' meeting. 

Authorization of the Board to purchase and transfer own shares

The Meeting authorized the Board of Directors during the period until the next
Annual General Meeting, on one or more occasions, to decide on acquisition of a
maximum number of own shares to the extent that after purchase, the company
holds not more than 10 percent of the total number of shares in the company.

Incentive program

The Meeting decided in accordance with the proposal on the issue of employee
stock options in accordance with the Elekta AB 2007 Share Unit Plan and to
approve to issue warrants and the approval of the transfer of warrants. 

The Meeting resolved to issue a maximum of 1,856,000 warrants, each entitling to
subscription of one class B share in the company. As a result thereof, the
company's share capital could increase by a maximum of SEK 3,712,000
corresponding at full subscription to 1.47 percent of the total number of shares
in the company. Taking into account also outstanding warrants reserved for
earlier employee option programs in the company, the share capital increase, at
full subscription, could correspond to 4.75 percent of the total number of
shares and 3.75 percent of the total number of shares.

Composition of Election Committee

The Meeting decided that an Election Committee should be appointed through a
procedure whereby the chairman of the Board, before the end of the second
quarter of the financial year, contacts three to five representatives for the,
at that time, largest holders of A and B shares. Those representatives shall
together with the Chairman of the Board constitute the Election Committee and
fulfill its obligations in accordance with the Swedish Code of Corporate
Governance. The names of the members of the Election Committee shall be
published as soon as they have been appointed, however, not later than six
months before the next Annual General Meeting. The Election Committee is
appointed until a new Election Committee has been appointed. No remuneration
shall be paid for the performance of the work in the Election Committee. 

For further information, please contact:

Lena Schattauer, Investor Relations, Elekta AB
Tel: +46 8 587 257 22, +46 70 595 51 00, e-mail:  

About Elekta

Elekta is a human care company pioneering significant innovations and clinical
solutions for treating cancer and brain disorders. The company develops
sophisticated state of the art tools for radiation therapy and radiosurgery as
well as workflow enhancing software systems across the spectrum of cancer care.

Stretching the boundaries of science and technology, providing intelligent and
resource-efficient solutions that offer confidence to both healthcare providers
and patients, Elekta aims to improve, prolong and even save patient lives,
making the future possible today.

Today, Elekta solutions in oncology and neurosurgery are used in over 5,000
hospitals globally, and every day more than 100,000 patients receive diagnosis,
treatment or follow-up with the help of a solution from the Elekta Group.

Elekta employs around 2,500 employees globally. The corporate headquarter is
located in Stockholm, Sweden, and the company is listed on the Nordic Exchange
under the ticker EKTAb. For more information about Elekta, please visit

