Resolutions of the Extraordinary General Shareholders Meeting of Vilniaus degtinė AB 25 09 2008

1. Revocation of the Auditors.
Resolution: Recall the company's firm of auditors KPMG Baltics UAB.      
2. Election of the Auditors and establishment of the terms of remuneration for
audit services. 
Resolution: Elect audit company UAB „Rimess“ to the position of the auditors of
Vilniaus degtinė AB for 2008 year. Authorise the Company's General Manager to
sign service provision    agreement with the Company's auditor UAB „Rimess“
with regard to execution  of the audit of Annual Financial Statements 2008,
paying for the services the   price agreed by the parties. 
3.Authorisation of the General Manager of the company.
Resolution: To agree to pledge company's long-term assets amounting to more
than 1/20 of value of the Company's authorised capital and to authorize
company's General Manager to make agreements concerning getting loans and the
pledge of the assets to secure those loans. 

Audra Jauniškienė
Finance and Administration Director
(+370 5) 213 31 52