Establishing new business area - Netop Live and launching new product - Netop Asset Control

Announcement No. 23-2008                                                        

                                                               26 September 2008

Establishing new business area - Netop Live                                     
Launching new product - Netop Asset Control                                     

After signing an agreement with Medianet Innovations in July 2008, Netop        
Solutions establishes Netop Live, a new business area which will be marketing   
unified communications solutions. Setting a new standard for communicating      
between employees and between businesses and their customers, unified           
communication is a market characterised by strong growth.                       

Netop Asset Control will enable IT managers to document and manage their        
businesses' IT activities. The market for IT Asset Management is experiencing   
strong growth, and many of Netop Solutions' remote control customers are        
demanding a solution of this type.                                              

Netop Live - a new business area                                                
In July 2008, Netop Solutions signed a partnership agreement with Medianet      
Innovations, a company specialising in unified communications technologies      
enabling secure virtual communication, including web-based sharing of voice,    
video, files and documents. Under the agreement, Netop Solutions has obtained   
global, exclusive distribution rights to all Medianet Innovations' products and 
taken over Medianet's existing customers.                                       

The agreement with Medianet Innovations has enabled Netop Solutions to expand   
into a new area, unified communication, and spurred a decision to establish the 
Netop Live business area.                                                       

Netop Solutions is now launching Netop Live based on Medianet Innovations'      
solutions. With the launch of the Netop Live communications solutions, Netop    
Solutions is growing from being a product supplier to also being a solutions    
provider. The launch of Netop Live is an important part of Netop's product      
strategy to strengthen its position within remote solutions.                    

Netop Live targets the large group of businesses and industries seeking unified 
communication. Netop Live is a technological communication platform facilitating
attentive, fast and personal communications both internally in the company and  
with customers and business partners - no matter where they are located.        

Unified communication is already being used for in-house purposes in most modern
businesses, but only very few use the technology externally without compromising
security. Netop Live is the only solution in the market combining external and  
internal communication in one single solution based on Netop Solutions' remote  
control technology, which is renowned for its very high level of security. Netop
Live's security (encryption) has been approved by Deloitte. The tools can be    
logged and encrypted so as to enable the company to trace any transaction in an 
ongoing process.                                                                

The Netop Live solutions create completely new and unique opportunities for     
personal and attentive online communication between customers and employees. If,
for example, an airline customer needs help to navigate an airline website, the 
customer is only one click away from direct, personal contact with an employee  
who is online. The airline customer will be able to chat with and see the       
employee who can guide the customer around the website using his computer screen
and telephone.                                                                  
Netop Live may also be used for in-house purposes. For example, a seller located
in his office or visiting a customer will be able to quickly access a product   
specialist located at his company's offices. No other solution on the market    
today offers the same degree of integration between external and internal       

The market for secure unified communication is experiencing strong growth and   
represents a far larger business area than remote control. By combining the two 
areas in the launch of Netop Live, Netop Solutions is seeking to capitalise on a
significant potential. Expectations for this new business area are high, and    
Netop Solutions has begun to market its unified communications solutions.       

Netop Asset Control                                                             
Netop Asset Control is a complete solution for managing a business' hardware and
software, which provides a detailed overview of all software and hardware       
configurations and contract management.                                         

IT Asset Management offers businesses a simple and easy way of making their IT  
solutions more efficient, lowering their overall operating expenses and         
preventing license rule violations.                                             

Today, businesses require their IT managers to be able to document and manage IT
activities in order to facilitate cost control. In addition, IT managers are    
required to handle organisational changes, ensure a consistently high level of  
IT services and comply with any legal requirements. Netop Asset Control helps   
businesses achieve these goals by providing a complete overview of activities   
and continually relating them to their respective contracts.                    

Netop Asset Agent, one of the components of Netop Asset Control, keeps track of 
all hardware and software configurations and immediately registers and reports  
any changes in real time.                                                       
The integrated License Manager component makes it easy for IT managers to       
categorise software, implement software policies and detect any non-approved    
software on the network. License Manager keeps any license-relevant information 
up to date.                                                                     
The combination of Netop Asset Agent and License Manager enables a business to  
quickly get an overview of which licenses are being used and which licenses     
should be phased out. Netop Remote Control is an integral part of Netop Asset   
Control allowing IT managers to take full control of all network computers and  
remove any non-approved software and music or film files.                       

Netop Asset Control will be launched in late October.                           

As the launch of Netop Asset Management was a scheduled event, it was included  
in the previous guidance for 2008.                                              

As previously announced, the partnership agreement with Medianet Innovations and
the subsequent launch of the Netop Live solutions are expected to make a small, 
positive contribution to Netop Solutions' 2008 revenue, but they are expected to
have a substantial revenue potential for Netop Solutions in step with an        
expected gradual increase in revenue from the Netop Solutions Group's           
international distribution channels.                                            

Netop Solutions retains its full-year forecast (see announcement no. 22 of 19   
August 2008) of revenue of approximately DKK 110m and an EBITDA loss of         
approximately DKK 10m, including expected non-recurring income of DKK 17m before
tax from a planned sale of Netop Solutions' property.                           

Kurt Bager, CEO	                                                                
Tel.:	+45 45 90 25 25	                                                          

About Netop Solutions A/S                                                       
Netop Solutions A/S, formerly Danware A/S, develops and markets software        
solutions enabling swift, stable and secure transfer of screen images, sound and
data between two or more computers. Netop has three business areas: Netop       
Desktop Management, Netop Education and Netop Live. The core product within     
desktop management, Netop Remote Control, enables remote control of one or more 
computers. Netop Education consists of Netop and Vision software solutions for  
e.g. computer-based classroom teaching. Netop Live is a modern unified          
communications solution integrating web, video and audio conferences, secure    
chat, single-click talking and desktop and file sharing. Netop has subsidiaries 
in the US, UK, China and Germany, and Netop solutions are sold in more than 80  
countries. Netop Solutions A/S (formerly Danware A/S) is listed on OMX Nordic   
Exchange Copenhagen and is a component of the SmallCap+ index. Read more at


kf announcement _no 23 netop live _ netop asset control_26_09_2008.pdf