A Cheat Sheet for the Working World?--Author Odette Murat Shares Her Insights and Experiences Over Years of Work to Guide Us Through the Working World

PATTERSON, N.Y., Sept. 29, 2008 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The working world can be a very unpredictable place. It differs from our time as youths, when we pretty much knew what to expect according to our behavior. The truth is: day-to-day life on the job turns into a challenging proposition every now and then. Cheat Sheet for the Working World by Odette Murat allows us to somehow foresee and influence events in order to control outcomes affecting our lives.

Cheat Sheet for the Working World uses a global perspective to alert readers, especially those in their initial stages of work, and provokes thoughts and reactions from the more seasoned members of the workforce. It analyses the job of an Operations Manager in both national and multi-cultural settings, outlining goals and responsibilities, potential problems encountered and possible solutions. This book takes an inside look into potential experiences, and it gives readers advanced knowledge for faster decision making and a more effective course of action throughout their careers.

An attempt to share concrete life experiences and insights of the many aspects of the working world, Cheat Sheet for the Working World informs and educates current and prospective members of the working world about the realities inherent to the workplace that have not been learned in schools or elsewhere. Throughout the book, case stories are illustrated in an effort to bring awareness to the reader. They are intended to increase alertness for the new arrivals in the Operations Management arena and to all others bound to be part of the working environment in which these happenings are common nature. It also contains cartoon illustrations to bring facts to life with humor.

Most books on personnel management do not cover cultural issues to any great extent. Cheat Sheet for the Working World's broad coverage makes it an excellent source for in-service training programs and a must-read for University-level Business classes and employees the world over. The tips, advice and information it provides will help the decision-making process and increase awareness of the intricate dealings of the working world. The knowledge acquired from reading it will also contribute to shortening the learning curve and help people become informed and mature earlier professionally. Anyone interested in the happenings of the real world of work will find this a fascinating read. It will also make a great gift incentive to employees and students.

About the Author

Odette Murat arrived in the U.S. from her small hometown in Haiti in 1971. Her experience since then has included firmly grasping the English language, earning an Accounting and Business Administration degree from Baruch College, and eventually securing a position at the United Nations organization. This resulted in a career spanning 28 years, a decade of which she assumed the role of Chief of Operations and Advisor at the organization's headquarters and many other countries of the world. This impressive journey has given her a deep understanding of the do's-and-don'ts on the job and has resulted in a candid account of how things truly work in the working world.

          Cheat Sheet For The Working World * by Odette Murat
           Insights and Experiences of an Operations Manager
                    Publication Date: May 30, 2007
         Trade Paperback; $17.84; 176 pages; 978-1-4257-5477-8
          Cloth Hardback; $27.89; 176 pages; 978-1-4257-5478-5

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