Total number of voting rights and size of share capital in LifeCycle Pharma A/S as of September 30, 2008

Company Announcement no. 33/2008

To: OMX Nordic Exchange Copenhagen	                       Hørsholm, Denmark,
September 30, 2008 

Total number of voting rights and size of share capital in LifeCycle Pharma A/S
as of  September 30, 2008 

Summary: Total number of voting rights and size of share capital in LifeCycle
Pharma A/S as of September 30, 2008. 

In accordance with Section 6 of the Danish Statutory Order on Issuers'
Disclosure Obligations, LifeCycle Pharma A/S is required to publish the total
number of voting rights and the size of the share capital in LifeCycle Pharma
A/S at the end of each calendar month where there has been a change. 
The share capital in LifeCycle Pharma A/S consists of one class of shares and
as of 30 September 2008 the share capital amounts to DKK 56,287,507 divided
into 56,287,507 shares of DKK 1 each and 56,287,507 votes. 

About LifeCycle Pharma A/S (“LCP”)
LCP is an emerging specialty pharmaceutical company that, through innovative
technologies, is able to rapidly develop a portfolio of differentiated products
to meet the unique needs of key therapeutic markets and patient populations.
This includes products for immunosuppression, specifically organ
transplantation, and to combat certain cardiovascular diseases. By using its
unique and patented delivery technology, MeltDose®, LCP is able to develop
drugs with enhanced absorption and thereby increased bioavailability. LCP has a
cholesterol lowering product, Fenoglide™, currently on the U.S. market and a
diversified near- and medium-term pipeline, including four product candidates
in clinical trials and two in preclinical stages of development. LCP is listed
on the OMX Nordic Exchange Copenhagen under the trading symbol (OMX: LCP). For
further information, please visit 

LifeCycle Pharma A/S
Hans Christian Teisen
+45 70 33 33 00


30-09-08 - lifecycle pharma -  sharecapital.pdf