The Listing and Surveillance Committee of Tallinn Stock Exchange reviewed a
petition from Peeter Kern, Member of the Management Board of AS Starman and
Indrek Kuivallik, Member of the Supervisory Board of AS Starman, filed with the
Committee on September, 26 2008, in which they apply for an exception to
restriction to effect a transaction during the prohibition period. 

Member of the Supervisory Board of AS Starman Indrek Kuivallik asked for
permission to sell 600 000 shares owned by OÜ Polaris Invest (controlled by
Indrek Kuivallik) to AS Baltic Moontech Investments Holding during the
prohibition period that started on September 23, 2008. 

Member of the Management Board of AS Starman Peeter Kern asked for permission
to sell 255 900 shares owned by OÜ Com Holding (controlled by Peeter Kern) to
AS Baltic Moontech Investments Holding during the prohibition period that
started on September 23, 2008. 

All claimants assured that the transaction would not be based on confidential

On October 01, 2008, the Listing and Surveillance Committee of the Stock
Exchange decided to satisfy the petition of Indrek Kuivallik,  Member of the
Supervisory Board of AS Starman, and Peeter Kern, Member of the Management
Board of AS Starman, and grant an exception to the requirement set out in
clause 4.5.2 of the Requirements for Issuers, and to permit them to do
transaction during the prohibition period. 

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