New Executive Sales Officer in IC Companys A/S


1 October 2008

New Executive Sales Officer in IC Companys A/S

In cooperation  with  the  Group's  Executive  Board,  the  Board  of
Directors has  appointed  Peter  Fabrin,  currently  Chief  Executive
Officer of Diesel Nordic, new Executive Sales Officer.

Peter Fabrin will be in charge of the Group's sales and distribution.
This comprises  the  Group's  sales companies,  the  Group's  retail,
franchise, outlet and E-commerce and the Group's Export organisation.
 Peter Fabrin takes up his position not later than 1 April 2009,  and
is expected  also to  be appointed  member of  the Group's  Executive

Chairman of the Board of Directors, Niels Martinsen, says:"The Board of Directors  is pleased that we  have been successful  in
attracting a capacity such as Peter  Fabrin. During the past 7  years
he has achieved  remarkable results for  Diesel, and his  credentials
also include both InWear Group  A/S and Carli Gry International  A/S.
As such, he brings long-standing international experience within both
wholesale  and   retail  operation.   Peter  Fabrin   possesses   the
competences and personal  qualifications required to  lift sales  and
not least efficiency in the Group."

Abort Peter Fabrin
Peter Fabrin (born 1966) has been Chief Executive Officer of Diesel
Nordic (Denmark, Sweden, Norway & Finland) since 2001. From 1997 to
2001, he was Executive Sales Officer and before that Retail Manager
in InWear Group A/S. Previously, Peter Fabrin was Country Manager for
Norway in Carli Gry International A/S.

Peter Fabrin holds a business diploma and has further training from,
among others, IMD, Lausanne.

Peter Fabrin is member of the Board of Directors of Ball Group A/S,
Humanic Group and HW Excellence.

IC Companys A/S

Niels Martinsen
Chairman of the Board of Directors

Niels Mikkelsen
                      Chris Bigler
Chief Executive Officer
                      Chief Financial Officer
Tel.: + 45 3266 7721
                      Tel.: + 45 3266 7017

 This announcement is a translation from the Danish language. In the
event of any discrepancy between the Danish and English versions, the
                    Danish version shall prevail.

IC Companys A/S - Raffinaderivej 10 - DK 2300 Copenhagen S - tel. +45
3266 7788 - fax +45 3266 7703 - CVR no. 62816414 -


New Executive Sales Officer in IC Companys AS.pdf