PHA Commission Approves $3 Million for Shoreline Protection At Morgan's Point

And Also Approves Conceptual Planning for Pelican Island

HOUSTON, Oct. 1, 2008 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The Port Commission of The Port of Houston Authority (PHA) approved $3 million for shoreline protection at Morgan's Point, near Barbours Cut Terminal, and awarded three professional service contracts for project outlines for a Pelican Island Conceptual Planning Study at its regular Sept. 30 meeting.


(Agenda G15) Commissioners approved amending a contract with the Houston Audubon Society for planting, monitoring and management of Evia Island, a Houston Ship Channel Project Beneficial Uses Site, for an additional two-year term and $50,000.

(Agenda K5) The commission approved advertising and receipt of competitive sealed proposals for shoreline protection at Morgan's Point, near Barbours Cut Terminal. This project is part of an agreement with San Jacinto College District to develop a Teaching-and-Learning Nature Preserve and design and construct an erosion control barrier along the shoreline of its property south of Barbours Cut Terminal. Estimated cost of this project is $2.7 to $3.3 million. The project furthers the PHA's environmental stewardship efforts.

(Agenda K6) The commission approved advertising and receipt of competitive sealed proposals for storm water quality consulting for a term of two years. The Environmental Affairs Department is requesting environmental consulting services to provide technical expertise and assistance with storm water quality issues. The services are intended to assist EAD in addressing regulatory compliance, Environmental Management System goals and storm water quality projects and programs.


(Agenda G11) Commissioners approved awarding of three professional service contracts for project outlines for a Pelican Island Conceptual Planning Study. PHA entered into a Memorandum of Understanding with Galveston Wharves in 2007, agreeing to formulate a joint action plan to create a Master Development Plan for a Pelican Island container-handling facility. An interlocal agreement for Pelican Island Container Terminal Planning further outlines the process. An initial step in the development of the Master Plan is the collection and analysis of information, covering conceptual container terminal planning, land, rail and water transportation issues, environmental permitting requirements, and community and stakeholder involvement. The need for a new container-handling facility is a priority as PHA is the busiest container port along the U.S. Gulf Coast, currently handling nearly 70 percent of the container market in the U.S. Gulf of Mexico.


(Agenda G12) Commissioners approved awarding of a professional services contract to Jacobs Engineering Group, Inc., for Bayport, Phase 2 Program Management for $1.2 million. During the public session of the commission meeting, representatives of Jacobs Engineering gave a presentation reviewing its qualifications to perform the proposed services.


(Agenda K3) The commission approved advertising and receipt of competitive sealed proposals for a secured truck entrance at Cargo Bay Road at the Turning Basin Terminal for $6.2 million to $7 million. In keeping with PHA's priority to maintain a safe and secure port, this project will provide a new dedicated truck entrance to the Turning Basin Terminal from Loop 610 to High Level Road. The new road will incorporate the construction already completed for the new truck gate and credentialing stations and will also improve the remainder of Gate 1 Road and Ramp Road 7.


(Agenda M1) The commission authorized the port authority's execution of the petition requesting creation of the Houston Ship Channel Security District and its payment of assessments for each of the first three years of the district for $150,000 per year, and also authorize the port authority to otherwise participate and act with respect to the creation and implementation of the district and its security projects. Texas Gov. Rick Perry signed into law the bill that authorized creation of the district in August 2007 at PHA headquarters. When it is finalized, the public-private partnership will be a model for the nation and further improve security and safety for facilities, employees and communities adjacent to the Houston Ship Channel through increased preparedness and response capability. Assessments from district members will enhance the infrastructure, as well as improve maintenance and operations of the security network.


(Agenda M5) The commission authorized payment of up to $3 million to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Corps) for FY 2009 cost-shared expenses for construction in and along the Houston Ship Channel. On June 10, 1998, the PHA and the Corps entered into the Project Cooperation Agreement, which established each entity's roles in accomplishing the HSC deepening and widening project, including the PHA's cost-sharing obligations for construction of upland disposal sites and beneficial use sites. To fulfill its 25 percent cost-sharing obligation for work scheduled from October 2008 through September 2009, the PHA anticipates needing as much as $3 million.


(Agenda M2) The commission authorized adopting a resolution in support of federal assistance for Bay Area regional transportation corridor projects. In adopting the resolution, the PHA would join BayTrans, Harris County Precinct 2, the Economic Alliance Houston Port Region and other area organizations and cities in advancing a resolution in support of federal funding assistance for existing and future Bay Area regional transportation corridor projects. Recent economic and population growth have stressed the region's current transportation infrastructure system. Additionally, the movement of cargo in and out of port and airport facilities is expected to triple in the next 17 years. It is critical that the region's transportation infrastructure keep pace with existing and expected growth.

This news release is not a substitute for the official PHA agenda. To view the complete agenda, please visit:

The Port of Houston Authority owns and operates the public facilities located along the Port of Houston, the 25-mile-long complex of diversified public and private facilities designed for handling general cargo, containers, grain and other dry bulk materials, project and heavy lift cargo, and other types of cargo. Each year, more than 7,700 vessels call at the port, which ranks first in the U.S. in foreign waterborne tonnage and second in overall total tonnage. The port authority plays a vital role in ensuring navigational safety along the Houston Ship Channel, which has been instrumental in Houston's development as a center of international trade. The Barbours Cut Container Terminal and Central Maintenance Facility are the first of any U.S. port facilities to develop and implement an innovative Environmental Management System that meets the rigorous standards of ISO 14001. PHA is the first port authority in the world to receive ISO 28000:2007 certification for Port Police and the perimeter security operations at both the Barbours Cut and Bayport Terminals. Additionally, the port is an approved delivery point for Coffee "C" futures contracts traded on the New York Board of Trade's Coffee, Sugar & Cocoa Exchange. For more information, please visit

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