IT – SAXESS 5.0.1 Production Launch Information (82/08)

SAXESS release 5.0.1 is scheduled to be launched Monday, October 13, 2008. 
This upgrade does not contain any changes to the XTP protocol, applications using XTP version 2.57 (currently used in the SAXESS Production system, version 5.0.0) will be able to connect to SAXESS 5.0.1.

There will be no IP address or TCP port changes related to this release. 

Please note that members MUST perform the following actions on Friday evening, October 10 and on Saturday, October 11, 2008.  In particular, note that you need to fill in a report of your upgrade status. 

Required member actions during launch weekend: 
1.	Delete all orders in SAXESS, including GTD (over night) 
	 In the Baltic markets from 13:05 till 13:20 CET, Friday, October 10
	 In all other markets, at the latest by 18:00 CET, Friday, October 10 

Orders remaining in SAXESS after these times will be deleted by the respective exchanges.

2.	Perform any system upgrades, if applicable
3.	Connect your system(s) to SAXESS, and download static data (basic/reference data), starting from 10:30 CET , Saturday, October 11
4.	After connecting your system(s), fill in a connectivity test report before 15:00 CET at 
5.	Verify that the upgrade is completed as planned 
         (launch status information will be distributed via email IT notice 16:00 CET , Saturday, October 11)

If you operate on the Danish markets please be aware that some additional actions will be needed – especially in the Danish fixed income markets, cf. below.

Two new sub markets
•	OMX CPH Structured bonds Retail (Submarket ID 319, seq. no. 164)
•	OMX CPH Corporate and other bond (Submarket ID 320, seq. no. 165)

are launched, and order books will be moved from the OMX CPH Ordinary Bonds sub market to these new sub markets. Furthermore, the maximum validity of orders will be changed from 1 to 8 days in the ordinary bond sub market.

These changes must be implemented after the launch of the SAXESS 5.0.1 release, and therefore will take effect on Sunday, October 12, 2008. Members and Data Centers operating on the Danish markets are therefore urged to download static/reference data on Sunday, October 12 after 08:00 CET in order to make sure that all changes are implemented and ready for use Monday morning.

For further information regarding the Danish markets please contact

For further information concerning this IT notice please contact
Erik Hennix
Technical Account Manager

Best regards 
OMX Nordic Exchange

