IC Companys A/S - Grant of stock options


2 October 2008

IC Companys A/S - Grant of stock options

The Board of Directors has granted 30,000 stock options to  Executive
Sales Officer Peter Fabrin.

The granted stock options give admittance to - in immediate
continuation of the company's release of the annual report for
2008/09, 2009/10 and 2010/11 to buy 10,000 shares annually.

Stock options that have not been exercised in one year can be
exercised the following two years. In case the employment is
terminated, all un-exercised options will lapse.

The market value of the  stock options to Peter  Fabrin can - by  the
use of the  Black &  Scholes model, and  under the  assumption of  an
exercise price of DKK 113 plus 5%  per annum, a volatility of 35  per
cent annually and a risk-free rate of return of 4.0 per cent annually
- be assessed to DKK 0.3 million.

The fair value of the programmes will be recognised in the profit and
loss account over the term of the plan.

IC Companys A/S

Niels Martinsen
Chairman of the Board of Directors

Chris Bigler
Chief Executive Officer
                      Chief Financial Officer
Tel.: + 45 3266 7721
                      Tel.: + 45 3266 7017

This announcement is a translation  from the Danish language. In  the
event of any discrepancy between the Danish and English versions, the
Danish version shall prevail

IC Companys A/S - Raffinaderivej 10 - DK 2300 Copenhagen S - tel. +45
3266 7788 - fax +45 3266 7703 - CVR no. 62 81 64 14 ho@iccompanys.com
                        - www.iccompanys.com


Stock options Executive Sales Officer.pdf