COLT claims €8 Million from Teligent AB

In addition to the claim for damages received earlier this week,
Teligent AB has now received a claim for damages amounting to €8

The delivery to COLT has in the same way as the Deutsche Telecom
project, been one of the largest undertakings in Teligent's history.
Once it became clear that Teligent AB would not be able to secure the
planned financing and thus would apply for company reorganisation
according to the Swedish law on Company Reorganisations, COLT was
informed that Teligent could not fulfill its contractual obligations.
The claim for damages now presented is based on contractual relations
that have been agreed on before the reorganisation was initiated and
therefore the claim will be part of a possible public composition,
later this autumn. Teligent intends to initiate negotiations
regarding the claim."Without the necessary financing, Teligent has not been able to
fulfill these obligations. This is extremely unfortunate but
nonetheless a fact. At present, we do not expect to receive further
significant claims of this size", says Henrik Sund, CEO of Teligent."During this week, two claims for damages have been presented, each
of which on its own  jeopardizes the whole reorganisation process. It
is absolutely crucial that both claims in one way or the other are
lowered through negotiation, if we are to succeed with the
reorganisation and avoid bankruptcy", says the company reorganiser,
laywer Roland Sundqvist.

For more information, please contact

Henrik Sund
Teligent AB
Tel. +46 8 520 660 00

About Teligent
Teligent (TGNT, Stockholm Stock Exchange) is a global supplier of
value added services to
telecommunications carriers. The offering includes e.g. traditional
and Next Generation Messaging
and advanced IN solutions supporting data capabilities, such as
Mobile Office/IP Centrex, Mobile
Prepaid and Mass Calling. The company's solutions are currently
utilised in various configurations by a large number of leading
carriers worldwide, including BT, MTS, Maroc Telecom, SingTel, SMART,
Telenor, TeliaSonera, Verizon and Vodafone. For more information,
please visit


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