Statistics for September 2008

In September 2008 AS Tallink Grupp transported 562 392 passengers which is      
nearly 12% more than in September 2007. Passenger volume and market share       
increased in all of our main routes. The highest growth in September was seen in
the Latvia-Sweden route where more than 32% increase is an effect of the recent 
vessel's re-routings.                                                           

AS Tallink Grupp's passenger, cargo unit and passenger car numbers for September
2008 were the following:                                                        

|                              |    Sep-08     |    Sep-07     |    change     |
| Passengers                   |       562 392 |       502 605 |         11,9% |
| Finland-Sweden               |       225 769 |       209 331 |          7,9% |
| Estonia-Finland              |       239 264 |       208 109 |         15,0% |
| Estonia-Sweden               |        53 930 |        48 506 |         11,2% |
| Latvia-Sweden                |        35 957 |        27 098 |         32,7% |
| Finland-Germany              |         7 472 |         9 561 |        -21,8% |
|                              |               |               |               |
| Cargo Units                  |        26 577 |        29 709 |        -10,5% |
| Finland-Sweden               |         9 442 |         9 120 |          3,5% |
| Estonia-Finland              |         9 879 |         9 750 |          1,3% |
| Estonia-Sweden               |         3 618 |         3 637 |         -0,5% |
| Latvia-Sweden                |         1 413 |           973 |         45,2% |
| Finland-Germany              |         2 225 |         6 229 |        -64,3% |
|                              |               |               |               |
| Passenger Vehicles           |        57 530 |        49 243 |         16,8% |
| Finland-Sweden               |        12 843 |        14 574 |        -11,9% |
| Estonia-Finland              |        33 722 |        24 060 |         40,2% |
| Estonia-Sweden               |         3 748 |         3 699 |          1,3% |
| Latvia-Sweden                |         4 887 |         4 148 |         17,8% |
| Finland-Germany              |         2 330 |         2 762 |        -15,6% |

The following operational factors influenced the development.                   


M/S Sea Wind schedule was changed so that the vessel will not stop in the Aland 
Islands any more. As a result the vessel is now carrying only cargo units       
compared to passenger, car and cargo mix before.                                

M/S Galaxy which is larger in capacity operates in the Turku-Stockholm route    
instead of M/S Silja Festival.                                                  

Due to the scheduled docking M/S Silja Symphony did not operate 3 days in       
September 2008.                                                                 


Since April 2008 the second Tallink Shuttle vessel Superstar operates between   
Tallinn and Helsinki.                                                           

New cruise ferry M/S Baltic Princess has replaced the 2006 built M/S Galaxy     
which moved to Turku-Stockholm operations.                                      

From September 2008 the Superfast vessels are not doing the daily               
Tallinn-Helsinki round trip any more. 


M/S Victoria was in a special charter and therefore did not operate on the route
for 5 days in September 2008.                                                   


M/S Silja Festival which is larger in capacity has replaced M/S Vana Tallinn.   


The operations in the route are continued with the two vessels instead of three 
as Superfast IX has stopped from September 2008 for the forthcoming long-term   
charter preparations.                                                           
The traffic results were affected by the increased competition in cargo         

Janek Stalmeister                                                               
Financial Director                                                              
AS Tallink Grupp                                                                
Tel. +372 6409 800                                                              

