IT – Migration of Equity Trading to New Platform (84/08)

As previously announced NASDAQ OMX will migrate its Nordic and Baltic equity trading and related markets to a new platform. The migration from SAXESS to the new trading platform INET Nordic is scheduled for implementation by Q4 2009. Fixed income trading will remain in its existing solution based on SAXESS until further notice. Derivatives trading and clearing will remain on OMNet and keep the existing functionality in CLICK and SECUR.

Members, ISVs, vendors and other interested parties have participated in information meetings during the summer, and advisory meetings have been held with the national Securities Dealers Associations in the Nordic countries.

The implementation project will continue in close cooperation with market participants and relevant authorities. In order to facilitate communication, a web site is provided with information and documents describing both the business side of the new trading platform as well as connections and protocols. The web site is part of the NASDAQ OMX Member Extranet and is available as of today October 6, 2008.

Next steps: We will invite members (front office and back office), business developers and others involved in IT to road shows running for three weeks from October 20, 2008. The road show will be arranged in Copenhagen, Helsinki, Stockholm, Reykjavik, the Baltics, Oslo, London, Amsterdam and Paris.

