- Nasdaq OMX Iceland has decided to move the following companies to Observation List - Symbol (EXISTA,GLB,KAUP,LAIS,STRB,SPRON)

Nasdaq OMX Iceland has decided to move Exista hf. (symbol: EXISTA), Glitnir
Bank hf. (symbol: GLB), Kaupthing Banki hf. (symbol: KAUP), Landsbanki Islands
hf. (symbol; LAIS), Straumur-Burdaras Investment Bank hf. (symbol: STRB) and
Sparisjodur Reykjavikur og nagrennis hf. (symbol: SPRON) to the Observation
List with reference to item vii, Article 6 in the Listing Requirements of the
Nordic Exchange, in consideration of substantial uncertainty regarding the
pricing of the listed securities due to inequality among investors.