IIJ to Establish Quarterly Publication On Latest Internet Technology and Security Issues

Publication Seeks to Widely Distribute Information On Latest Technology Trends, Security Attacks and Countermeasures

TOKYO, Oct. 7, 2008 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Internet Initiative Japan, Inc. (IIJ) (Nasdaq:IIJI) (TSE1: 3774), one of Japan's leading Internet access and comprehensive network solutions providers, today announced the release of the Internet Infrastructure Review, a free publication that discusses the latest trends in Internet infrastructure technology and security.

Through the Internet Infrastructure Review, IIJ will widely disseminate up-to-date information on trends in network attacks and countermeasures that IIJ observes through its incident monitoring mechanism. It will also share technical knowledge gained through IIJ's Internet backbone operations, and the company's view about technical issues regarding the Internet.

The open nature of the Internet makes it available to everyone, and this also creates many security risks, such as attacks that exploit vulnerabilities and unauthorized access to personal information. Recent surveys show that security concerns are growing with large-scale DDoS (distributed denial of service) attacks, wide-spread use of mal-ware, and increasing volumes of spam e-mail.

The Internet is crossing borders and connecting organizations as it spans the globe, and in order for it to become part of the social infrastructure that everyone can use safely and securely, the multitude of organizations involved in its operation must share a clear understanding of the issues and act together to counter them.

As a group of technologists and pioneers in the field of Internet infrastructure, IIJ has long worked to make the Internet a safe and secure place by working with ISPs and other organizations involved with Internet administration and actively participating in related groups(1). In addition to the publication of the Internet Infrastructure Review, IIJ will continue to improve mechanisms for the timely distribution of information on Internet security incidents.

IIJ will continue its technological innovation and dissemination of information as part of its contribution to the development of the Internet.

 * Internet Infrastructure Review

 -- Publication schedule: 4 times annually starting with Vol. 1 on
    October 7, 2008

 -- Content:

      Internet infrastructure security incidents: a quantitative
      survey and analysis

      Technological trends in email and other Internet applications

      Other topics, latest technology and security issues related to
      Internet infrastructure technology

 -- Distribution methods:

      Booklets and PDF

      For subscription information or to download:

About IIJ

Founded in 1992, Internet Initiative Japan Inc. (IIJ) (Nasdaq:IIJI) (Tokyo Stock Exchange TSE1: 3774) is one of Japan's leading Internet-access and comprehensive network solutions providers. IIJ and its group of companies provide total network solutions that mainly cater to high-end corporate customers. The company's services include high-quality systems integration and security services, Internet access, hosting/housing, and content design. Moreover, the company has built one of the largest Internet backbone networks in Japan, and between Japan and the United States. IIJ was listed on NASDAQ in 1999 and on the First Section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange in 2006. For more information about IIJ, visit the IIJ Web site at http://www.iij.ad.jp/en/.

The Internet Initiative Japan Inc. logo is available at http://www.globenewswire.com/newsroom/prs/?pkgid=4613

The statements within this release contain forward-looking statements about our future plans that involve risk and uncertainty. These statements may differ materially from actual future events or results. Readers are referred to the documents furnished by Internet Initiative Japan Inc. with the SEC, specifically the most recent reports on Forms 20-F and 6-K, which identify important risk factors that could cause actual results to differ from those contained in the forward-looking statements.

 1.  IIJ is actively involved with the following groups: FIRST (an
     international organization for responding to security incidents),
     founding member of Telecom-ISAC Japan (Japan telecom industry
     security group), founding member of JEAG (working group to
     research and implement anti-spam measures with major operators in


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