IT - SAXESS 5.0.1 Production launch, October 13, Updated summary of changes (85/08)

As of October 13 - OMX Nordic Exchange Copenhagen, Helsinki, Iceland and Stockholm will launch a new release of the trading system SAXESS.

The information about these coming market changes has been sent out in previous IT-notices during the period May to September. This IT-notice is compiled information and a reminder of these market changes.

Summary of New Functions

The main functionality enhancements in SAXESS 5.0.1 are
1. Non-displayed Orders
2. Optional Clearing (Technical implementation only. Not yet available for member use)
3. Round Lot One
4. Market price on Fill-and-KILL orders and Fill-or-Kill orders
5. Four decimals in trades and Trade Reporting
6. EP-orders also valid in trading period 6 and 7
7. Mid-price matching (only for Iceland)

Please read more detailed information in attached document.

