AB Ukio bankas will issue fixed rate bond issues in LTL and EUR

At the meeting of the Board of AB Ukio bankas as of 9 October 2008, a
resolution was taken to issue fixed rate bond issues in LTL and EUR under
“Base prospectus of LTL 200,000,000 medium term bonds offering programme”
approved on 19 June 2008 by the Security Commission of the Republic of
Lithuania, and to approve final terms and conditions of the issues. To view the
final terms and conditions, approved “Base prospectus of LTL 200,000,000 medium
term bonds offering programme” and related documents is possible at the AB Ukio 
bankas secretary office, Maironio str. 25, Kaunas, branches and units of the
Bank and the Internet website www.ub.lt. 

Marius Arlauskas, 
Head of Financial Institutions and Fund Raising Department 
+370 37 301 332