Ruukki Group Plc, Stock Exchange Release, 10 October 2008 at 12:26 p.m.         


The Board of Directors of Ruukki Group Plc proposes that the Extraordinary      
General Meeting shall resolve, in a way described in this proposition of the    
Board of Directors, on execution of acquisition related to chrome and           
ferrochrome operations so that:                                                 

(1) Ruukki Group Plc shall purchase about 99.999 % and its subsidiary Rekylator 
Oy about 0.001 % of the shares of a Maltese Company called RCS Limited          
(hereinafter referred to as “RCS”) from a company called Kermas Limited; and    

(2) Ruukki Group Plc shall purchase approximately 98.75 % of the shares of a    
Turkish company called Türk Maadin Sirketi A.S. (hereinafter referred to as     
“TMS”) from Kermas Limited; and                                                 

(3) Ruukki Group Plc has a put option for two years after the purchase of TMS   
shares to sell back whenever it wishes the shares of TMS it owns; and           

(4) RCS and Elektrowerk Weisweiler GmbH (hereinafter referred to as ”EWW), a    
subsidiary fully owned by Kermas Limited, will as part of the transaction enter 
into a toll manufacturing agreement for a period of up to 10 years, whereby EWW 
commits to manufacture low carbon ferrochrome as a toll manufacturer from chrome
ore provided by RCS and other raw materials needed; and                         

(5) as related to EWW:                                                          

(i) Kermas Limited will up and until 31 December 2013 not to transfer the shares
of EWW to any third party; and                                                  
(ii) Ruukki Group Plc has a call option to acquire, at fair value, all the      
shares of EWW from Kermas Limited during a period commencing 1 January 2014 and 
ending 31 March 2014; and                                                       
(iii) since April 1, 2014 until March 31, 2018 Ruukki Group Plc has a right of  
first refusal and right to match any offer in case Kermas would sell EWW shares 
to any third party.                                                             

Kermas Limited that is seller in the contemplated acquisitions described above  
is a related party to Ruukki Group Plc. Kermas Limited commits to assist and    
provide services to Ruukki Group Plc until 31 December 2013 for execution of    
business of all the target companies. Kermas Limited for its part has committed 
itself to that RCS receives chrome ore from TMS's reserves the amount agreed or 
Kermas Limited takes care otherwise of the availability of chrome ore.          

Ruukki Group Plc pays as a purchase consideration for the vertically integrated 
business that is comprised of RCS, TMS and EWW the following:                   

(i) EUR 80,000,000 in cash at the closing; and                                  

(ii) as a potential additional earn-out purchase consideration, 50 % of the     
combined net profit of RCS and TMS during a five year period covering financial 
years 2009 - 2013, so that                                                      

a. in any case the maximum total earn-out consideration is EUR 150,000,000; and 
b. these additional purchase considerations shall be paid annually after the    
financial statements of RCS and TMS have been completed; and                    
c. these additional earn-out considerations shall be paid with Ruukki Group Plc 
issuing 73,170,731 option rights; and                                           
d. Kermas Limited will for its 50 % share cover for any combined RCS and TMS    
losses during the years 2009-2013.                                              

The exercise price of the call option related to the shares of EWW is based on  
market value of EWW derived from a third party valuation definition confirmed by
external independent party or to legislation. The execution price of the put    
option of the shares of TMS is EUR 1.00.                                        

Moreover, Ruukki Group Plc is committed to at the maximum EUR 8,000,000 funding 
to TMS to finance its capital expenditure so that and based on the assumption   
that the tailings located at TMS's mines may be exploited better than before    
with economic and feasible way.                                                 


1. General Information on Ruukki                                                

2. Strategic Background                                                         

3. About the Chrome Ore and Ferrochrome Businesses                              

4. Preliminary Agreement on June 4th, 2008                                      

5. Kermas Limited - Group Introduction                                          

6. The Target of the Transaction                                                

6.1. Due Diligence                                                              
6.2. Structure of the Transaction                                               
6.3. RCS                                                                        
6.4. TMS                                                                        
6.5. RCS-TMS-EWW Business Entity                                                
6.6. Description of the Target of the Transaction, Historical Economic          

6.6.1. RCS Limited (Malta)                                                      
6.6.2. Türk Maadin Sirketi A.S. (Turkey)                                        
6.6.3. Elektrowerk Weisweiler GmbH (Germany)                                    

6.7. Employees and Bilateral Sales                                              

7. Other Agreements                                                             

7.1. EWW Call Option                                                            
7.2. TMS Put Option                                                             
7.3. Toll manufacturing agreement                                               
7.4. Management Agreements                                                      
7.5. Lock-up                                                                    

8. Option Rights of Kermas Limited                                              

9. Purchase Consideration                                                       

9.1. Purchase Consideration                                                     
9.2. Additional Earn-Out Purchase Consideration                                 

10. Paying of the Purchase Consideration and the Additional Earn-Out Purchase   

11. Financing of the Purchase Consideration                                     

12. Estimations on the Target of the Transaction                                

12.1. Fairness Opinion                                                          

13. Risks and Uncertainties                                                     

14. Risk Management                                                             

15. Alternative Ways to Use Cash /Capital                                       

16. Ruukki - Group Structure after the Transaction                              

17. Reporting Structure                                                         

18. Possible Additional Diversifying in Chrome and Mineral Business             

19. Schedule and Time of Coming into Force                                      

20. The proposal of the Board of Directors                                      

21. Documentation Related to the Proposal by the Board of Directors             

21.1. The Documentation in the internet pages of the Company:                   
21.2. The Documentation at Ruukki's premises in Addition to Documentation       
Mentioned in 21.1.:                                                             
21.3. The Documentation at the Extraordinary General Meeting in Addition to     
Documentation Mentioned in 21.1. and 21.2.:                                     

1. General Information on Ruukki                                                

Ruukki Group Plc (hereinafter referred to also as “Ruukki” and “Company”)       
focuses on wood-based industrial business operations which are developed on a   
long-term basis taking corporate responsibility into account. In addition, based
on the strategic decisions by Ruukki's Board of Directors, the company is       
looking for entering into minerals business.                                    

The Board of Directors of Ruukki selects the lines of business in which the     
group operates, either directly or through the companies it owns. The group may 
conduct business operations in Finland and abroad. The company may also conduct 
its business under various brands or auxiliary business names.                  

The Board of Directors of Ruukki has decided redefine the Group's strategy by   
diversifying into new business areas on May 2008. The Group will expand both in 
geographic and industry terms, utilising in full the best expertise and contacts
available to the Board of Directors. The goal is to increase and maximise the   
return on the Group's significant balance sheet potential, as soon as possible. 
Ruukki will enter into the minerals business and will initially focus on        
opportunities in the Chrome and Ferro Chrome sector. With regards to the        
forestry business, the Board of Directors has decided to strengthen Ruukki's    
position in Finland and proactively pursue its Russian opportunities.           

The Group aims to increase the shareholder value by operating responsibly on a  
long-term basis.                                                                

2. Strategic Background                                                         

The extraordinary general meeting of Ruukki decided on June 12 2007 upon a      
directed share issue against payment in order to finance the investments made to
Russia. The funds were primarily meant for the financing of the building of a   
sawmill and a bleached chemi thermo mechanical pulp or alternatively a chemical 
pulp on the Kostroma area in Russia. As a secondary purpose, the funds could be 
used on other industrial investments accordant to the strategy of Ruukki,       
especially in Russia, and to strengthen the capital structure of Ruukki and to  
cover general financial needs.                                                  

The shares and supplementary shares in accordance with the terms of the share   
issue were subscribed at the subscription price of the share issue 2.30 euro per
share. The subscription price was according to the terms of the share issue     
subscribed as a whole to the fund of the invested unrestricted equity. The total
amount of net assets acquired by the Ruukki with this share issue was about EUR 
337,000,000. These assets are still primarily in the possession of the Company  
as invested in a distributed manner in interest-bearing deposits.               

The Company prepared actively the Kostroma investment project during year 2007  
and at the beginning of 2008.  On March 3 2008 the Board of Directors of the    
Company stated that on the basis of the decisions made by the local             
administration in Kostroma there were no longer preconditions to continue the   
planning and realization of the investments on the Kostroma area. Ruukki decided
thus to interrupt all preparations and realization concerning the Kostroma      
project and related to the investments.                                         

After this decision the Board of Directors of the Company has actively gone     
through different alternatives. On May 19 2008 the Company published a decision 
according to which the strategy of the Group shall be amended in that way that  
the Group expands to new areas of business.                                     

The objective was that the Group expands its activity both geographically and in
respect of lines of business by exploiting fully the know-how and connections in
the use of the Board of Directors. The objective was to add and maximize the    
significant profit potential of the consolidated balance sheet as quickly as    
possible. Ruukki shall go into mineral business activity and the focus is in the
beginning in the possibilities of chrome and ferrochrome market.
3. About the Chrome Ore and Ferrochrome Businesses                              

The world's annual chrome ore production was in 2007 (source: Heinz Pariser) in 
total about 22.1 million metric tons of which the proportion of Turkey was about
1.8 million tons. The majority of the world's chrome ore reserves are located in
the South Africa. The exact chemical consistency and quality of chrome ore      
ranges areally and for example the chrome ore reserves in Turkey suit well for  
the production of low-carbon ferrochrome.                                       

TMS is a Turkish company specialized in the mining industry of chrome ore and it
has worked for decades.  The company has three mines in Turkey and in total     
twelve mine reserve areas. The mining activity is being practiced both in       
underground mine shafts and as strip mining above the ground or by exploiting   
the tailing reserves of earlier mining industry. TMS processes raw ore into     
chrome oxide (Cr2O3) which it delivers to EWW to be processed further into      
ferrochrome. The annual production of TMS is at the moment about 35,000 tons    
chrome oxide the average chrome percentage of which is about 50 %. TMS has two  
subsidiaries which do not have operational activity.                            
Ferrochrome is a compound which includes mainly iron and chrome in a metallic   
form. The percentage of chrome ranges among others due to the qualities of the  
used ore. Ferrochrome is used as raw material in the manufacturing of stainless 
steel where ferrochrome improves the corrosion tolerance of steel.  The most    
significant raw materials needed in the manufacturing process of ferrochrome are
chrome oxide (Cr2O3), silicochrome (FeSiCr), lime and electric energy. The      
low-carbon ferrochrome which is the main focus area of the production of EWW is 
used in special steels for example in aeroplane and space industry, car industry
and in the plumbings of industrial plants.                                      

The annual production of ferrochrome (FeCr) and its substitute chrome metal in  
2007 was following (source: Heinz Pariser and CRU International Limited) in     
different market segments as thousands of tons:                                 

| Chrome (Cr)                                              | 45                |
| Ultra low-carbon ferrochrome (ULC FeCr)                  | 33                |
| Low-carbon ferrochrome (LC FeCr)                         | 358               |
| Medium carbon ferrochrome (MC FeCr)                      | 243               |
| High carbon ferrochrome (HC FeCr)                        | 7,685             |

The production of EWW is specialized in low-carbon and ultra low-carbon         
ferrochrome products which are delivered to customers especially in Europe      
(about 70 per cent of the revenue) and in the United States (about 25 per cent  
of the revenue).                                                                

4. Preliminary Agreement on June 4th, 2008                                      

Based on the strategic decision announced on 19 May 2008, Ruukki entered into a 
preliminary agreement with Kermas Limited to acquire Kermas Limited's chrome ore
operations in Turkey and related sales operations in Malta. According to the    
preliminary agreement, the furnace capacity is provided based on a contract     
processing agreement with German producer Elektrowerk Weisweiler GmbH that      
belongs to Kermas Limited's group of companies. The Turkish mining operations   
were noted to contain approximately 4 million metric tons of economically       
mineable probable chrome ore reserves.                                          

Based on the actual operating performance of the acquisition target as well as  
on current ferrochrome market prices and on currency exchange rates, the        
annualised revenue of the acquisition target was estimated to total about EUR   
140 million. The number of employees in the target companies was noted to be in 
total about 300.                                                                

According to the preliminary agreement, the initial purchase price would have   
been EUR 200 million. In the preliminary agreement it was agreed that Kermas    
Limited would provide Ruukki with an EBITDA performance guarantee for the period
of 1 July 2008 - 30 June 2012 at the level of EUR 50 million per year. According
to the preliminary agreement the enterprise value of the operations to be       
acquired will be based on the future years' actual realised IFRS-based minimum  
cumulative EBITDA level of EUR 200 million for four years.                      

In the preliminary agreement the parties agreed on an earn-out component        
equalling 50% of the amount in excess of the EUR 200,000,000 cumulative EBITDA  
level for the four-year period starting 1 July 2008.                            

According to the preliminary agreement the purchase price was based on an       
enterprise value of EUR 200 million. Moreover, it was agreed that the           
consolidated balance sheet as of 30 June 2008 of the business to be acquired    
would form the basis for any balance sheet adjustment on the purchase price.    

The parties agreed on the preliminary agreement that Ruukki would pay EUR 108   
million, with additional net debt adjustment if any, to Kermas Limited in cash  
at the closing of the transaction. Moreover, an additional EUR 92 million of the
purchase price, with any net debt adjustment, was agreed in the preliminary     
agreement to be paid by issuing a convertible loan, the maturity of which is    
intended to be five (5) years from the subscription. According to the           
preliminary agreement the loan could be converted into new shares in Ruukki at  
EUR 2.30 per share. It was agreed that the conversion could occur after 1       
September 2010 and the right to convert would remain for at least two (2) years 
from such date. In case convertible bond was fully converted into Ruukki's      
shares, altogether 40,000,000 million new Ruukki's shares would be issued. Any  
additional earn-out payment was agreed to be paid in cash as a lump-sum after   
the four years' guarantee period.                                               

It was also agreed in the preliminary agreement that it is intended that Kermas 
Limited will offer all new opportunities in minerals and mining that it is      
working on now and in the future first to Ruukki.                               

It was noted in the preliminary agreement that the information on the           
acquisition targets and the operations received by Ruukki so far are still      
preliminary and limited, and thus subject to completion and further             
investigations and verifications in separate due diligence processes to be      
conducted by independent advisors and experts.                                  

The completion of the transaction was agreed to be conditional upon fulfilment  
of certain conditions, which include for example satisfactory due diligence     
reviews of the  operations to be acquired, Kermas Limited providing the EBITDA  
guarantee as described above, receipt of relevant governmental and regulatory   
approvals and approval of the transaction by the shareholders' meeting of       

Furthermore, it was noted that the closing of the transaction requires execution
of the transaction documents in form and substance satisfactory to both parties.

5. Kermas Limited - Group Introduction                                          

Kermas Limited, a company registered to British Virgin Islands, is a parent     
company in a group that is one of the biggest ferrochrome producers in the      
world. Significant part of its ferrochrome business is situated in South Africa.
Samancor Chrome is its most significant subsidiary company that is specialised  
in ferrochrome business and its annual production (HC FeCR) was approximately   
1.0 million tonnes on 2007 (source: CRU International Limited). In addition,    
Kermas Limited Group has other mineral business activities, including the       
companies that are subject of this proposed transaction, and other assets, for  
example real estate investments.                                                

Kermas Limited's subsidiary company RCS Trading Corp, a company registered to   
Bahama Islands and a different company than the target of the proposed          
transaction, RCS Limited, has disclosed that its portion of holdings in Ruukki  
has exceeded altogether 25 %. Thus, the proposed transaction would be made with 
a related party of the Company's significant shareholder and thus, on Ruukki's  
point of view it is question of a transaction made with a related party.        

Alwyn Smit, Jelena Manojlovic, Esa Hukkanen, Markku Kankaala and Tom Borman were
elected as the members of the Board of Directors in the Extraordinary General   
Meeting of the Company held on July 11th, 2008. Tom Borman resigned from the    
Board of Directors due to personal reasons on August 2nd, 2008. Board Members   
Smit and Manojlovic have been noted to be disqualified to take part in the      
discussion on this matter on behalf of Ruukki. Thomas Hoyer and Terence         
McConnachie, who were elected as members of the Board of Directors in the       
Extraordinary General Meeting of the Company held on October 7th, 2008, have    
been able to take part in the discussion on this matter.                        

6. The Target of the Transaction                                                

6.1. Due Diligence                                                              

Ruukki has used as a part of the preparation process of the transaction several 
external experts of which the most significant have been listed below:          

(i) financial and tax Due Diligence: Ernst & Young (Finland, Malta, Germany and 
(ii) Due Diligence on agreements and legal issues and preparation of the        
agreements: Attorneys-at-law Castrén & Snellman Oy (Finland), Salans LLP        
(Germany), MamoCTV (Malta), Özel&Özel (Turkey), Harney, Westwood & Riegels LLP  
(British Virgin Islands);                                                       
(iii) project coordination and fairness opinion: HSBC Bank plc;                 
(iv) market analyses on ferrochrome market: Heinz H. Pariser Alloy Metals &     
Steel Market Research and CRU International Limited.                            

In addition, as a part of the evaluation of the target of the transactions      
Kermas Limited has given for the use of the Company the reports of Istanbul     
Technical University and DAMA Engineering A.S. to evaluate the ore reserves in  
Turkey. German SMS DEMAG AG has performed the technical analysis on the EWW     

Ruukki will, after the possible execution of the transaction, perform necessary 
additional enquiries related to technical issues of mining and processing       
activities and to environmental effects as well as evaluate possibly more       
strictly the ore reserves in Turkey with different test drillings.              

The shareholders will have an opportunity to inspect the summaries of Financial 
and Tax Due Diligences related to the targets of the transaction and the        
summaries of key findings as well as summaries of Legal Due Diligences related  
to the targets of the transaction and the summaries of key findings before the  
general meeting.                                                                

6.2. Structure of the Transaction                                               

The proposed transaction is one entity at Ruukki's point of view even though the
target of the transaction includes several units and contractual arrangements.  
The business in question is chrome business that includes                       
- chrome ore mines and benefication plants (TMS);                               
- contractual possibility to exploit the furnace capacity of Kermas Limited's   
owned EWW, through which special products are being produced from the output of 
the mines for the customers; and                                                
- sales company (RCS) that has the selling activities and customer contacts.    

After the preliminary agreement June 4th, 2008, the parties have been           
negotiating on the structure of the transaction. Based on the inspections by the
experts, the Board of Directors of Ruukki has considered best to alter the      
structure of the transaction from what was agreed in the preliminary agreement  
so that the risks that are related to the target of the transaction are better  
in control.                                                                     

6.3. RCS                                                                        

The target of the transaction is all the shares of a Maltese company called RCS 
Limited (register number C43287). The company has been founded in the beginning 
of the year 2008 and its business has practically begun in March 2008. The      
business of the company is to perform trade on ferrochrome products and on      
products and materials related to that.                                         

The summaries of the Financial, Tax, Legal and Contractual Due Diligences       
concerning RCS will be available from October 14th on the company's website at  
the address                                                 

The key numbers of RCS related to period 3/2008-8/2008 have been presented later
under the headline “Historical Economic Information”.                           

6.4. TMS                                                                        

In addition to the shares of RCS Limited, the target of the transaction includes
also approximately 98.75 % of the shares of a Turkish company called Türk Maadin
Sirekti A.S. (register number 2996). The company runs mining and extractive     
business together with its two subsidiary companies. These Turkish companies are
Tasfiye Halinde Ören Madencilik Türk Anonim Ortakligi and Metal ve Maden Ltd.   

The summaries of the Financial, Tax, Legal and Contractual Due Diligences       
concerning TMS and its subsidiary companies will be available from October 14th 
on the company's website at the address                     

The key numbers of TMS related to period 1-8/2008 (not audited), 1-12/2007      
(audited) and 1-12/2006 (audited) have been presented later under the headline  
“Historical Economic Information”.                                              

6.5. RCS-TMS-EWW Business Entity                                                

The businesses of RCS and TMS Group and the long-term processing capacity of EWW
jointly comprise the business that Ruukki is interested in acquiring.           

RCS currently purchases chromite concentrate from TMS and from third party      
suppliers. RCS's ferrochrome production is carried out under toll manufacturing 
arrangement by German EWW, operating a ferrochrome smelting and production      
operations in Germany. In case the representations and warranties given         
concerning the target of the transaction are correct, the chrome ore reserves   
owned by TMS enable it to produce chromite concentrate to such extent that EWW's
annual production capacity can be consummated completely.                       

6.6. Description of the Target of the Transaction, Historical Economic          

Information related to profit and loss statements and balance sheets of the     
target companies has been presented below according to local accounting         
practice. The own reporting currency of each company has been converted to euro 
values according to the calculatory exchange rates specified below.             
6.6.1. RCS Limited (Malta)                                                      

|                                                 |                   EUR '000 |
| RCS Limited (Malta)                             |                            |
| established 2008, operations started 03/2008    |                   3-8/2008 |
| INCOME STATEMENT                                |                  unaudited |
|                                                 |                 (6 months) |
| EUR/USD (Bank of Finland, average 3-8/2008)     |                     1.5522 |
| Revenue                                         |                     62 311 |
| COGS                                            |                    -37 222 |
| Fixed expenses                                  |                       -488 |
| EBITDA                                          |                     24 600 |
| % of revenue                                    |                     39,5 % |
| Depreciation and amortisation                   |                          0 |
| EBIT                                            |                     24 600 |
| % of revenue                                    |                     39,5 % |
| Net finance expense                             |                       -340 |
| EBT                                             |                     24 261 |
| % of revenue                                    |                     38,9 % |
| Income taxes                                    |                     -8 491 |
| Net Income                                      |                     15 769 |
| % of revenue                                    |                     25,3 % |

|                                                 |                   EUR '000 |
| RCS Limited (Malta)                             |                31 Aug 2008 |
| BALANCE SHEET                                   |                  unaudited |
| EUR/USD (Bank of Finland, 31 Aug 2008)          |                     1.4735 |
| ASSETS                                          |                            |
| Tangible assets                                 |                          2 |
| Intangible assets                               |                          0 |
| Other non-current assets                        |                        211 |
| Non-current assets total                        |                        214 |
| Inventory                                       |                      8 829 |
| Accounts receivable                             |                      8 777 |
| Other current assets                            |                     15 917 |
| Current assets total                            |                     33 523 |
| Cash and cash equivalents                       |                      5 999 |
| Assets total                                    |                     39 736 |
|                                                 |                            |
| EQUITY AND LIABILITIES                          |                            |
| Share capital                                   |                          1 |
| Retained earnings                               |                     16 612 |
| Equity total                                    |                     16 613 |
| Appropriations                                  |                            |
| Long-term liabilities total                     |                          0 |
| Short-term interest-bearing liabilities         |                        104 |
| Accounts payable                                |                     13 934 |
| Other short-term liabilities                    |                      9 084 |
| Short-term liabilities total                    |                     23 122 |
| Equity and liabilities total                    |                     39 736 |

6.6.2. Türk Maadin Sirketi A.S. (Turkey)                                        

| Turk Maadin Sirketi A.S.         |     EUR '000 |             |              |
| (Turkey)                         |              |             |              |
| established 1918                 |     1-8/2008 |   1-12/2007 |    1-12/2006 |
| INCOME STATEMENT                 |    unaudited |     audited |      audited |
|                                  |   (8 months) | (12 months) |  (12 months) |
| EUR/TRY (Bank of Finland,        |       1.8772 |      1.7865 |       1.8089 |
| average 1-8/2008; 2007; 2006)    |              |             |              |
| Revenue                          |        5 783 |       7 009 |        5 413 |
| COGS                             |       -3 727 |      -6 227 |       -5 555 |
| Fixed expenses                   |       -1 144 |        -650 |         -216 |
| EBITDA                           |          913 |         133 |         -358 |
| % of revenue                     |       15,8 % |       1,9 % |       -6,6 % |
| Depreciation and amortisation    |          -60 |         -91 |         -122 |
| EBIT                             |          852 |          42 |         -479 |
| % of revenue                     |       14,7 % |       0,6 % |       -8,9 % |
| Net finance expense              |           -1 |          -2 |           -2 |
| EBT                              |          851 |          40 |         -481 |
| % of revenue                     |       14,7 % |       0,6 % |       -8,9 % |
| Income taxes                     |            0 |           0 |            0 |
| Net Income                       |          851 |          40 |         -481 |
| % of revenue                     |       14,7 % |       0,6 % |       -8,9 % |

| Turk Maadin Sirketi A.S.         | 31 Aug 2008  | 31 Dec 2007 | 31 Dec 2006  |
| (Turkey)                         |              |             |              |
| BALANCE SHEET                    | unaudited    |     audited |      audited |
| EUR/TRY (Bank of Finland 31 Aug  |       1.7415 |      1.7170 |       1.8640 |
| 2008; 31 Dec 2007, 31 Dec 2006)  |              |             |              |
| ASSETS                           |              |             |              |
| Tangible assets                  |        2 354 |       1 919 |        1 842 |
| Intangible assets                |            0 |           0 |            4 |
| Other non-current assets         |           37 |         190 |          168 |
| Non-current assets total         |        2 392 |       2 108 |        2 013 |
| Inventory                        |        1 543 |       1 435 |        1 719 |
| Accounts receivable              |          738 |         648 |          257 |
| Other current assets             |          982 |         841 |          276 |
| Current assets total             |        3 262 |       2 923 |        2 252 |
| Cash and cash equivalents        |          476 |         226 |          100 |
| Assets total                     |        6 131 |       5 257 |        4 365 |
|                                  |              |             |              |
| EQUITY AND LIABILITIES           |              |             |              |
|                                  |          117 |         118 |          109 |
| Share capital                    |        4 073 |       4 090 |        3 767 |
| Retained earnings                |       -1 630 |      -2 361 |       -1 959 |
| Equity total                     |        2 560 |       1 848 |        1 917 |
| Appropriations                   |        1 072 |       1 087 |          815 |
| Long-term liabilities total      |        1 072 |       1 087 |          815 |
| Short-term interest-bearing      |           95 |           0 |            0 |
| liabilities                      |              |             |              |
| Accounts payable                 |        1 034 |         899 |        1 208 |
| Other short-term liabilities     |        1 371 |       1 424 |          424 |
| Short-term liabilities total     |        2 499 |       2 323 |        1 632 |
| Equity and liabilities total     |        6 131 |       5 257 |        4 365 |

6.6.3. Elektrowerk Weisweiler GmbH (Germany)                                    

| Elektrowerk Weisweiler GmbH      | EUR '000     |             |              |
| (Germany)                        |              |             |              |
| EWW in its current legal form    | 1-8/2008     | 1-12/2007   | 1-12/2006    |
| from 2003 merger                 |              |             |              |
| INCOME STATEMENT                 | unaudited    |     audited |      audited |
|                                  |  (8 months)  | (12 months) |  (12 months) |
| Revenue                          |       56 142 |      52 943 |       55 643 |
| COGS                             |      -42 585 |     -34 880 |      -35 348 |
| Fixed expenses                   |      -11 223 |     -15 236 |      -15 769 |
| EBITDA                           |        2 334 |       2 827 |        4 526 |
| % of revenue                     |        4,2 % |       5,3 % |        8,1 % |
| Depreciation and amortisation    |          -89 |        -206 |         -206 |
| EBIT                             |        2 245 |       2 622 |        4 320 |
| % of revenue                     |        4,0 % |       5,0 % |        7,8 % |
| Net finance expense              |            4 |      -1 624 |         -174 |
| EBT                              |        2 249 |         998 |        4 146 |
| % of revenue                     |        4,0 % |       1,9 % |        7,5 % |
| Income taxes                     |         -760 |      -1 084 |       -1 378 |
| Net Income                       |        1 489 |         -86 |        2 768 |
| % of revenue                     |        2,7 % |      -0,2 % |        5,0 % |

| Elektrowerk Weisweiler GmbH      | 31 Aug 2008  | 31 Dec 2007 | 31 Dec 2006  |
| (Germany)                        |              |             |              |
| BALANCE SHEET                    | unaudited    | audited     | audited      |
| ASSETS                           |              |             |              |
| Tangible assets                  |        1 297 |       1 320 |        1 325 |
| Intangible assets                |            2 |           7 |            4 |
| Other non-current assets         |          601 |       1 201 |        2 755 |
| Non-current assets total         |        1 900 |       2 528 |        4 084 |
| Inventory                        |        1 995 |      15 474 |       17 964 |
| Accounts receivable              |       12 535 |       8 536 |        5 340 |
| Other current assets             |       11 573 |       1 436 |          311 |
| Current assets total             |       26 103 |      25 446 |       23 615 |
| Cash and cash equivalents        |          912 |         244 |          139 |
| Assets total                     |       28 915 |      28 218 |       27 837 |
|                                  |              |             |              |
| EQUITY AND LIABILITIES           |              |             |              |
|                                  |          100 |         100 |          100 |
| Share capital                    |          400 |         400 |          400 |
| Retained earnings                |        7 297 |       5 807 |        6 400 |
| Equity total                     |        7 797 |       6 307 |        6 900 |
| Appropriations                   |       10 659 |      10 659 |       10 205 |
| Long-term liabilities total      |       10 659 |      10 659 |       10 205 |
| Short-term interest-bearing      |              |             |              |
| liabilities                      |              |             |              |
| Accounts payable                 |        3 214 |       3 857 |        3 730 |
| Other short-term liabilities     |        6 638 |       6 124 |        4 033 |
| Short-term liabilities total     |          607 |       1 271 |        2 969 |
|                                  |       10 460 |      11 252 |       10 732 |
| Equity and liabilities total     |              |             |              |
| ASSETS                           |       28 915 |      28 218 |       27 837 |

6.7. Employees and Bilateral Sales                                              

The number of employees in different companies, on average on 2008:             

| RCS                                               | 5                        |
| TMS                                               | 328                      |
| EWW                                               | 115                      |

During the financial period 2007 approximately 77 % of TMS's revenue was        
consisted of sales to EWW and approximately 23 % from sales to third parties.   
EWW has acted as a toll manufacturer to RCS from March 2008 and after that the  
majority of EWW's revenue has consisted of sales to RCS.                        

7. Other Agreements                                                             

7.1. EWW Call Option                                                            

Kermas Limited will undertake up and until December 31st, 2013 not to transfer  
the shares of EWW to any third party, Ruukki has a call option to acquire all   
the shares of EWW from Kermas Limited during a period commencing January 1st,   
2014 and ending March 31st, 2014, and since April 1st, 2014 until March 31st,   
2018 Ruukki has a right of first refusal and right to match any offer in case   
Kermas would sell EWW shares.                                                   

7.2. TMS Put Option                                                             

Ruukki has a put option for two years after the purchase of TMS shares to sell  
back whenever it wishes the shares of TMS that Ruukki or some of its subsidiary 
owns. Upon exercise of the put option and as a consideration for the TMS shares,
Kermas Limited has to pay EUR 1.00. Ruukki and Kermas Limited will sign an      
agreement related to this in connection with closing of this transaction.       

In case Ruukki exercises the put option Ruukki will be set to position in which 
it would be in case that it had never owned the shares of TMS.                  

7.3. Toll manufacturing agreement                                               

As a part of the proposed transaction, RCS and EWW shall enter into a 10-year   
toll manufacturing agreement, based on the structure of the proposed            
acquisition, whereby EWW commits to manufacture low carbon ferrochrome as a toll
manufacturer from chrome ore provided by RCS and other raw materials needed.    

7.4. Management Agreements                                                      

Unlike Ruukki Kermas Limited has know-how and expertise related to mining       
industry and the Business and thus it and its affiliates and the key employees  
of RCS, TMS and EWW are committed to assist Ruukki to successfully take over the
Business and conduct the Business in the future.                                

7.5. Lock-up                                                                    

Kermas Limited undertakes for a period of five years commencing from the closing
of the proposed transaction to hold 15,000,000 shares of Ruukki.                

8. Option Rights of Kermas Limited                                              

A separate proposal by the Board of Directors has been given on the option      
rights to be granted to Kermas Limited.                                         

9. Purchase Consideration                                                       

9.1. Purchase Consideration                                                     

The fixed consideration payable for the Business shall be an amount equal to EUR
80,000,000 that shall be paid in cash.                                          

9.2. Additional Earn-Out Purchase Consideration                                 

Kermas Limited will receive, as an additional earn-out purchase consideration,  
half (50 %) of the combined net profit of RCS and TMS group during a five year  
period covering financial years 2009-2013. The additional earn-out purchase     
consideration shall be determined on the basis of the audited and approved      
annual accounts of RCS and TMS group from the combined net profit of RCS and TMS
group after taxes.                                                              

Kermas Limited will also for its 50 % share cover for any combined RCS and TMS  
group losses during the years 2009-2013                                         

10. Paying of the Purchase Consideration and the Additional Earn-Out Purchase   

In case the general meeting approves the proposed transaction, the purchase     
price shall be paid in connection with the closing of the transaction.          

Ruukki shall pay the additional earn-out purchase consideration annually within 
30 Business Days after the annual general meetings of RCS and TMS confirming the
annual accounts for each year. The additional earn-out purchase consideration   
shall be paid in the format of option rights that entitle to Ruukki's shares and
based on which Kermas Limited has a right to subscribe for the shares of Ruukki 
in amount of the possibly accrued additional earn-out purchase consideration.   

11. Financing of the Purchase Consideration                                     

Ruukki is able to finance and it has planned to fund the purchase consideration 
in cash to be paid from its cash reserves, but might possible later finance some
portion of it with debt. Also possible investments in the targets of the        
transaction may be financed from cash reserves.                                 

12. Estimations on the Target of the Transaction                                

Along with the disclosure of the preliminary agreement on June 4th, 2008, Ruukki
informed that in case the transaction is finalised, Ruukki will enter a new     
business area and new geographical locations, which can significantly alter the 
group's strategic, operational and financial risks and can have major impact on 
future financial performance of the group.                                      

The Board of Directors estimates that in case the proposed transaction would be 
implemented, it would augment the group revenue more than 50 % and the purchased
business entity would be very profitable in level of operating profit.          

12.1. Fairness Opinion                                                          

It was agreed on the preliminary agreement on June 4th, 2008 that as the        
transaction, if finalised, is to be done with a related party, the Board of     
Directors of Ruukki will obtain a fairness opinion of the purchase price from a 
recognized and independent investment bank.                                     

Ruukki chose HSBC Bank plc as the maker of the fairness opinion. HSBC Bank plc  
acted also as the project coordinator in the preparation of the transaction.    

Based on the enquiries it has made, HSBC Bank plc has provided a fairness       
opinion to the Board of Directors of Ruukki. The fairness opinion will be       
available from October 14th, 2008 on the Company's website ( 
along with all other documents prepared for the extraordinary general meeting of
Ruukki shareholders.                                                            

13. Risks and Uncertainties                                                     

Ruukki group does not have prior business know-how, experience or background    
information on minerals business or chrome ore and ferrochrome production or    
market. Transition to a new area of business and to new market and production   
areas may thus significantly alter and/or multiply the overall risk position and
it requires execution of new risk management actions after the implementation of
the transaction.                                                                

Temporal delays or a need to adapt the business activities or management to     
correspond the requirements for a listed company may occur related to the taking
the companies into possession and integrating them to Ruukki group and to its   

The prices of ferrochrome and chrome ore are determined according to supply and 
demand in world market. Especially changes in global stainless steel industry   
and on the other hand the general economic situation of China may have a        
significant effect to the sale volumes of ferrochrome, sale prices, purchase    
prices of inputs or to other similar matters and thus affect to the             
profitability of the purchased companies in future, even though EWW's production
is mainly very specialised and its market price development is not expected to  
correlate fully with the general market price changes. The recent changes in    
commodities' and metals' market prices have been significant and the volatility 
of prices shall continue in future. It is not typically possible to hedge       
against the price changes of ferrochrome straight with derivatives. Changes in  
exchange rates, development of inflation in different countries or possible     
limitations in international trade or their cancelling may affect the           
profitability of the purchased business significantly in Ruukki's group         
reporting point of view.                                                        

Due to limited information received concerning the chrome ore reserves of TMS,  
the exploitability of the reserves and environmental questions related to the   
mines, Ruukki shall perform after the implementation of the transaction Due     
Diligence inspections related to technical issues and environmental matters and 
to TMS's underground chrome ore reserves, whose expenses and outcomes are not   
clear at the time of purchase. These inspections, for example the test drillings
of the ground and the analyses of the drillings, may take several months. In    
case the results of these additional inspections would be adverse it may result 
to that Ruukki would use the agreed put option of the shares of TMS or that     
changes in asset values that are now evaluated by basis of appraisal may be     
possible. In addition larger environmental or reconstruction responsibilities   
than what is estimated may occur to Ruukki.                                     

The scope of the Due Diligence inspections that have been performed before the  
transaction may be imperfect due to the schedule and other limitations. Also the
conclusions or proposals for action may be imperfect when considered in         
retrospect. The received information may not necessarily be comparable for some 
parts. In addition it has to be taken into consideration that RCS has been      
founded as a company not before than on 2008 and thus it does not have          
historical information.                                                         

Mining and metal industry and the target of this proposed transaction is related
to system of different permissions, provisions and legislation that may cause   
unforeseeable additional costs or investment needs if it changes, or change the 
execution of the production and delivery.                                       

Human resources of the purchased business entity shall be transferred together  
with the purchased companies. If after the transaction somebody or some of the  
key persons of the targets of transactions would not continue at Ruukki's       
service Ruukki group may lose valuable knowhow. Recruting or training new       
professionally skilled personnel may require a long time. It may be difficult to
recruit persons that are specialized in the business. In addition the Board of  
Directors and the senior management require knowledge of the line of business   
and after the transaction more attention shall be paid in follow-up and         
surveillance of foreign subsidiaries.                                           

The transaction shall, if materialized, require use of own cash reserves from   
Ruukki, possibly also external financing and an issue of option rights to Kermas
Limited. The payment of the purchase price and possible tranches of additional  
purchase price will affect significantly to the balance sheet position of       
Ruukki. In the future the possible repatriation of profits which are            
materialized in different countries may affect significantly to the tax position
of the Ruukki group. Kermas Limited has given representations and warranties    
related to the target of the transaction. In case the target would not meet     
these representations and warranties or Kermas Limited would not otherwise be   
able to meet the liabilities based on the transaction agreements Ruukki would   
have a counterparty risk.                                                       

14. Risk Management                                                             

Ruukki has taken into account in the agreements and in the transaction's        
structure the risks related to the transaction in the negotiations of the       
transaction as follows:                                                         

Limited Scope of the Due Diligence on TMS                                       
2-year period to conduct due diligence, during which Ruukki will have a put     
option over TMS;                                                                
Put option will have a make-whole provision such that if the put is exercised,  
Ruukki's consolidated financial position will be restored as if it had never    
owned the TMS shares;                                                           
Unlimited indemnity on environmental and tax liabilities that originate from the
time before Closing; and                                                        
Warranty by Kermas Limited that the quantity and quality of chrome ore reserves 
at the Kavak site in Turkey are sufficient for production of ferrochrome by EWW.

Significance of EWW in the Value Chain                                          
Toll manufacturing agreement with a minimum term of 10 years;                   
After December 31st, 2013, Ruukki receives a right to buy the EWW shares for 3  
months. After expiry of the 3-month period, Ruukki will have a 5-year right of  
first refusal over EWW shares and a right to match, in the event Kermas Limited 
is approached with an offer for EWW                                             
Warranty by Kermas Limited that EWW will be able to provide RCS with the        
required quantity of ferrochrome; in addition 10 % additional capacity buffer   
built in such that EWW can produce more than the minimum quantity required      
(33,000 tons p.a.); and                                                         
Representation that EWW fulfils all operational preconditions for production    
under the frame agreement related to the transaction.                           

Kermas Limited Counterparty Risk                                                
Counterparty risk limited to the EUR 80,000,000 purchase price consideration and
any claims under indemnities;                                                   
Ruukki will receive the full benefit of trading results of RCS and TMS for 2008;
The 50:50 profit and loss sharing structure fully aligns Kermas Limited's       
interests with those of Ruukki and incentivises Kermas Limited to fulfil its    
obligations under the transaction agreements;                                   
Kermas Limited has an obligation to hold 15,000,000 shares in Ruukki, which will
be placed in an escrow account for 5 years;                                     
Kermas Limited warrants that it will retain enough substance within itself to   
fulfil its liabilities and obligations under the transaction documents; and     
Kermas Limited enters into a 3-year non-compete undertaking whereby it will     
neither enter into the ultra-low ferrochrome business nor compete with Ruukki   
via its existing chrome metal operations.                                       

Other Protections                                                               
Uncapped indemnity on all environmental liabilities, tax liabilities, as well as
tax liabilities arising from intra-group acquisitions and corporate             
restructuring, that pertain to the period prior to Closing;                     
No leakage provisions in relation to RCS and TMS since their respective         
effective dates of acquisition; and                                             
Investment requirements related to tailings of the TMS and exploitation of the  
ore reserves in excess of EUR 8,000,000 shall be fulfilled by Kermas Limited.   

15. Alternative Ways to Use Cash /Capital                                       

The Board of Directors of the Company has set a goal to increase and maximise   
the return on the Group's significant balance sheet potential as soon as        
possible. While contemplating their decision making the shareholders should pay 
attention to the fact that the Company has not, outside the chrome business, a  
serious and well enough prepared project or plan which would enable to utilize  
balance sheet profit potential within short term.                               

16. Ruukki - Group Structure after the Transaction                              

Ruukki has, as a part of Due Diligence review and other review and evaluation of
the target of the transaction, performed a preliminary evaluation of the        
purchase consideration and its allocation to the different assets of the target 
of the transaction to be acquired, as well the related accounting. Ruukki shall 
later more thoroughly analyze the determination and allocation of the purchase  
consideration. The Board of Directors of the Company has decided to present a   
preliminary estimation of the determination and allocation in context with the  
notice of the meeting.                                                          

Ruukki shall purchase a vertically integrated enterprise entity. The Purchase   
price is based on an entity which is formed by all businesses and agreements and
in which all the transaction documents form also one entity.                    

Purchase Price                                                                  

As the 2009-2013 net profits of targets of the transaction, RCS and TMS, shall  
affect the total purchase price, the purchase price is subject to estimation and
consist of the following tranches. All numbers below in EUR million.            

|                                                          | EUR million       |
| Fixed cash purchase price. which shall be paid at        | 80                |
| Closing                                                  |                   |
| Estimated transaction costs and taxes                    | 5.3               |
| Estimated additional earn-out purchase consideration     | 137.2             |
|                                                          |                   |
| Estimated total purchase price                           | 222.5             |

The above mentioned estimation on the amount of additional purchase price is    
based on business activity prognosis which is drafted based on outside market   
analysis (for example Heinz H. Pariser report) and may not become materialized  
as estimated. The different components of the purchase price are values which   
have been discounted to the present with an estimated, safe, long-term interest 
level of 4.50 % and are based on the presumed payment time of each tranche of   
purchase price. Since all earn-outs are paid by option rights issued by the     
Company, there shall be no cash flow effect from that.                          

RCS and TMS shall be consolidated with an immediate effect after the Closing to 
the Ruukki group as subsidiary companies based on direct majority of shares and 
votes. Based on preliminary analysis of the Company, also EWW shall be          
consolidated into the Ruukki Group even though the share of ownership is 0 % and
even though the exercise period of the EWW option start only on January 1st,    
2014, since based on IFRS SIC-12 principles and on comprehensive view of the    
target, the signs of control are estimated to be existing. The profit of EWW    
shall be fully recognised as a minority interest until and unless Ruukki        
executes the EWW option.                                                        

A draft of preliminary purchase price allocation below:                         

| BALANCE SHEET AT 31 AUGUST 2008 SITUATION:     |                |            |
| EUR million                   |    RCS-TMS-EWW | IFRS-adjustmen | Fair value |
|                               |                |             ts |            |
| ASSETS                        |                |                |            |
| Non-current assets            |                |                |            |
| Intangible assets             |                |                |            |
| Clientele                     |            0.0 |          126.6 |      126.6 |
| Brand                         |            0.0 |           16.0 |       16.0 |
| Other Intangible assets       |            0.0 |            0.0 |        0.0 |
| Tangible assets               |                |                |            |
| Land and buildings            |            2.2 |            4.3 |        6.5 |
| Machinery and equipment       |            0.4 |            0.0 |        0.4 |
| Other tangible assets         |            0.9 |            0.0 |        0.9 |
| Ore reserves                  |            0.0 |           22.4 |       22.4 |
| Long-term financial assets    |            0.9 |            0.0 |        0.9 |
| Deferred tax assets           |            0.0 |            2.0 |        2.0 |
| Current assets                |                |                |            |
| Inventory                     |           21.7 |            6.0 |       27.7 |
| Order book                    |            0.0 |            0.3 |        0.3 |
| Receivables                   |           50.1 |            0.0 |       50.1 |
| Cash and cash equivalents     |            6.9 |            0.0 |        6.9 |
| ASSETS TOTAL                  |           83.0 |          177.6 |      260.6 |
| LIABILITIES                   |                |                |            |
| Long-term liabilities         |            9.1 |            0.0 |        9.1 |
| Appropriations                |           14.7 |            9.9 |       24.6 |
| Deferred tax liabilities      |            0.0 |           54.0 |       54.0 |
| Short-term liabilities        |           23.0 |            0.0 |       23.0 |
| LIABILITIES TOTAL             |           46.8 |           63.9 |      110.7 |
| NET ASSETS                    |           36.2 |          113.7 |      149.9 |
| Goodwill                      |            0.0 |           73.0 |       73.0 |
| TOTAL                         |           36.2 |          186.7 |      222.9 |

| Cash flow effect on closing of the transaction            |      EUR million |
| Cash flows needed to finalise the transaction at closing  |            -84.6 |
| Acquired cash and cash equivalents, ownership share       |              6.5 |
| Net cash flow effect at closing                           |            -78.1 |

17. Reporting Structure                                                         

At the moment Ruukki group has the following business areas that are reported as
separate segments: house building, sawmill business, furniture business and     
investment projects.                                                            

In case the proposed transaction will be implemented, the chrome business will  
become a separate reporting segment. In that situation the business of the group
will in practice divide into two different business areas; in the first hand    
business based on wood products and on the other hand mineral business. These   
areas of business have not been estimated to have synergy benefits from each    

18. Possible Additional Diversifying in Chrome and Mineral Business             

As it is described before, the Board of Directors of Ruukki has made a strategic
decision to diversify into mineral business, at first into chrome business. The 
proposed transaction means execution of this strategic decision. It is possible 
that Ruukki diversifies furthermore its mineral business for example with       
acquisitions, by founding new companies, with organic diversifying, with        
cooperation agreements or by founding joint ventures. Specific decisions have   
not been made on these issues and the profitability of each project will be     
estimated case-specific. As a part of the transaction a Memorandum of           
Understanding was signed. According to the Memorandum of Understanding the      
parties shall aim to cooperate in development projects planned by Kermas Limited
to strengthen the position of Ruukki.                                           

19. Schedule and Time of Coming into Force                                      

The execution of the transaction shall commence immediately in case the         
Extraordinary General Meeting approves the proposed transaction and the         
execution shall happen as fast as possible.                                     

20. The proposal of the Board of Directors                                      

The Board of Directors of the Company proposes that the Extraordinary General   
Meeting would resolve to approve the transaction.                               

It is often noted in transactions that are same size and structure than the     
proposed transaction that a need to alter or specify the agreements. Due to this
the Board of Directors proposes that the Board of Directors would be authorised 
to alter or specify the agreements that are related to the transaction in case  
the changes in conditions or other matters require alterations and the          
alterations are estimated to be in advantage of the Company. The Board of       
Directors however has not right to alter the most essential elements of the     

21. Documentation Related to the Proposal by the Board of Directors             

This proposal by the Board of Directors is related to the invitation to         
Extraordinary General Meeting that has been disclosed with a stock exchange     
release on October 10, 2008, and in Helsingin Sanomat on October 11, 2008.      
According to the invitation, the Extraordinary General Meeting will be held on  
October 28, 2008. In addition to this transaction proposed in this proposal by  
the Board of Directors, other matters will be discussed and resolved in this    
meeting. The documentation that is for inspection of the shareholder related to 
this Extraordinary General Meeting is as follows:                               

21.1. The Documentation in the internet pages of the Company:                   

- Invitation to Extraordinary General Meeting                                   
- This proposal by the Board of Directors                                       
- The proposal by the Board of Directors for option rights related to the       
proposed transaction                                                            
- The terms and conditions of the option rights related to the proposed         
- The proposal by the Board of Directors for option rights that will be given to
- The terms and conditions of the option rights that will be given to CEO       
- The proposal by the Board of Directors for acquiring own shares               
- Financial Statements and Audit Statement of Ruukki per 31.12.2007             
- AGM dividend resolution on 31 March 2008                                      
- Interim Reports Q1 and Q2/2008                                                
- Board of Directors description of significant developments after 30 June 2008 
- Fairness Opinion                                                              
- Instructions how to attend EGM                                                
- Proxy forms                                                                   
- List of material available at Ruukki's head office in Espoo                   
- Financial Statements of TMS and EWW per 31.12.2007 (prepared according to the 
accounting and audit practices of each country)                                 
- Interim Accounts of RCS, TMS and EWW per 31.8.2008 (prepared according to the 
accounting and audit practices of each country)                                 
- Purchase price allocation draft based on IFRS accounting standards.           

21.2. The Documentation at Ruukki's premises in Addition to Documentation       
Mentioned in 21.1.:                                                             

- Master Purchase Agreement related to RCS, TMS and EWW;                        
- Summary of Toll Manufacturing Agreement between RCS and EWW                   
- Summary related to Call Option Agreement concerning EWW;                      
- Summary of the Agreements made with Kermas group (Memorandum of               
- Summary of Financial and Tax Due Diligences and list of the most significant  
- Summary of Legal Due Diligence of the targets of the transaction and list of  
the most significant findings.                                                  

21.3. The Documentation at the Extraordinary General Meeting in Addition to     
Documentation Mentioned in 21.1. and 21.2.:                                     

- Heinz H. Pariser market report                                                
- CRU International Limited Market report                                       
- DAMA Engineering A.S. report on Turkish ore reserves                          
- SMS DEMAG AG report on EWW furnace                                            
- Istanbul Technical University report on Turkish tailings                      
- Benny Ngwenya report on EWW                                                   

ESPOO ON OCTOBER 10, 2008                                                       

RUUKKI GROUP PLC                                                                

BOARD OF DIRECTORS                                                              

Ruukki Group Plc's shares are listed on OMX Nordic Exchange Helsinki in which   
the shares of the Company are traded in the mid cap segment, in the industrials 

For additional information, please contact:                                     

Alwyn Smit                                                                      
Chairman of the Board and CEO                                                   
Ruukki Group Plc                                                                
Telephone +358 50 442 1663 / +41 7960 19094                                                                                          

This stock exchange release is based on a translation into English of a document
written in Finnish. In case of any discrepancies, inconsistencies or            
inaccuracies, the Finnish version of the release shall prevail.