Can a Woman Find Sanctuary in A River to Hide By -- New Book Tells a Heartwarming Story With a Suspenseful Twist

SCOTTSDALE, Ariz., Oct. 13, 2008 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- When a young woman becomes a target of a purse snatching, she is helpless when her attacker seizes her wallet. She thinks it is just a one-time unfortunate event but days later, a familiar figure shows up near her office, perhaps stalking her. Panicked, she thinks to herself, "Where could I hide?" Can she find sanctuary in A River to Hide By? Find out in this intriguing novel by author Mary Frances Richards.

A young woman secretary, Brittany Ross, steps down from her bus and walks across a park toward her home. Suddenly, a dark-haired man comes up behind her and throws her to the ground. As help approaches, he seizes her wallet and runs. Several days later, Brittany finds a man who looks very much like her attacker near her office. Panicked and thinking he was stalking her, she leaves town looking for a place to hide. She finds a place she can use, a houseboat moored on the Mississippi River near Dubuque.

An engaging mix of adventure and romance with a dash of suspense, A River to Hide By gives readers a glimpse of the paranoia of having a stalker and the emotional stress that one experiences through this frightening ordeal. A definite page-turner, this intriguing tale will appeal to the romantic and adventurous at heart. At the end of all the trauma, you will find a sanctuary where new beginnings are possible, a place you can call home.

About the Author

Mary Frances Richards has published two books of poetry, a number of short stories and articles in small magazines, and has written a column for seven years for the alternative press. Here she tries her hand at an adventure romance with a touch of romance. She lived in Dubuque, Iowa at the time of the novel and was a member of their little theatre group which has a role in the story.

              A River to Hide By * by Mary Frances Richards
                     Publication Date: April 24, 2001
         Trade Paperback; $17.84; 147 pages; 978-0-738860-71-8

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