- Annual Meetings of the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank 2008 in Washington DC

The meetings of the International Monetary Fund Committee and the Joint Annual
Meetings of the IMF/WB were held October 11-13, 2008 in Washington DC. 

Sweden holds the chairmanship in Nordic Baltic Constituency in the
International Monetary Fund from 2008 to 2009. The Governor of the Swedish
Central Bank, Stefan Ingves, made a statement in the International Monetary
Fund Committee on behalf of the Nordic Baltic Constituency. 

The Icelandic Minister of Finance, Arni M. Mathiesen gave the Annual Speech on
behalf of the Nordic Baltic Constituency. The constituency's statements are
available on the websites of the Central Bank and the International Monetary

Nordic Baltic IMFC Statement 2008 - see attachment

Nordic Baltic Annual Speech 2008 - see attachment


statement by the hon  arni m  mathiesen governor of the fund for iceland.pdf imfc statement for the nbc stefan ingves.pdf