Supervisory Council for LatRosTrans Ltd changed

According to the resolution adopted by the shareholders' meeting of the JSC
Ventspils nafta subsidiary LatRosTrans Ltd, changes are made in the Supervisory
Council for LatRosTrans Ltd, and the changes are registered in the Register of
Enterprises of the Republic of Latvia accordingly. The initiator of convening
the meeting was the owner of capital shares in LatRosTrans Ltd from the Russian
part JSC Transņefteprodukt due to changes in its administrative structure. 

Further Olga Pētersone, Vladimirs Solomatins, Andris Vilcmeiers, Jeffrey Martz
and Svens Zālītis will work at the Supervisory Council for LatRosTrans Ltd and
represent 66% of the capital of LatRosTrans Ltd from the part of JSC Ventspils
nafta. Whereas from the part of the Russian JSC Transņefteprodukt (34% of the
capital) - Mickhail Arustamov (also the First Vice President of the Russian JSC
Transneft), Michail Barkov (Vice President of JSC Transneft) and Nikolai
Djvgaliuk (Department Manager of JSC Transnefteprodukt) will work at the
Supervisory Council for LatRosTrans Ltd. 

A.Vilcmeiers is appointed as the Chairman of the Supervisory Council for
LatRosTrans Ltd. 
LatRosTrans Ltd is the owner and operator of crude oil and petroleum products
main pipeline in the territory of Latvia. 

JSC Ventspils nafta
For further information -
Gundega Vārpa;
tel.: +371 67229182;