Equities: Peab Industri AB to the observation segment (231/08)

Today, Wednesday, October 15th, 2008, Peab AB published a press release with information about that the company is going to have an extra general meeting where the shareholders shall decide upon a public offer to the shareholders in Peab Industri AB. The current rules of the OMX Nordic Exchange Stockholm AB state that a listed company will be placed on the observation segment if the company is subject to a public offer or if a bidder has disclosed its intention to raise such a bid in respect of the company or if there is any other circumstance that results in a substantial uncertainty regarding the company or the pricing of the listed securities. 
With reference to what is stated above the OMX Nordic Exchange Stockholm AB has decided that the shares in Peab Industri AB (ISIN code SE0002091496 and order book ID 42887) will be placed on the observation segment.

The shares will be transferred with effect from Thursday, October 16th 2008.

